"5, Pull up my rear, Lock S-Foils in attack position. We pursue, if any TIEs get on our rear, we go at each other head-on, knock out the pursuer. Can't get any locks in the Nebula, switching missiles to L.O.S."
Jarck trimmed the A-wing stabilizers to their loosest setting without being almost completely uncontrollable. This was a risky move at times, but it would allow him almost absolute control over the A-Wing in combat, giving one hell of a leg up on the TIE Fighters. He started on an attack run, getting a bead on one of the TIEs and pursuing him until he could get a clear shot. These cloaked ties were going to be damn hard to destroy without strong tactics and careful use of maneuvering. Luckily he was just the A-wing pilot for the job.
A loud beeping sound rang out through the cockpit. "Dammit, I've got a lock on me. How are these guys locking through the cloud? 5, pull behind me, wait until he launches and fire on that position."
"Red Five Engaging."
As the Missile fired towards the A-wing, the X-wing engaged the TIE, the cloak being dropped by the incoming fire and the A-wing pull a tight, high-g turn to engage the former pursuer, the turn causing the missiles to fly off into the nebula.
"That kind of flying's going to get you killed one day, hotshot. Don't class D yourself on this one."
"This kind of flying is what you're going to have to get used to if you ever want to fly an RZ.
Red Ten to Hereafter CAG (Commander, Air Group), anything we can do about these cloaks?"
Jarck trimmed the A-wing stabilizers to their loosest setting without being almost completely uncontrollable. This was a risky move at times, but it would allow him almost absolute control over the A-Wing in combat, giving one hell of a leg up on the TIE Fighters. He started on an attack run, getting a bead on one of the TIEs and pursuing him until he could get a clear shot. These cloaked ties were going to be damn hard to destroy without strong tactics and careful use of maneuvering. Luckily he was just the A-wing pilot for the job.
A loud beeping sound rang out through the cockpit. "Dammit, I've got a lock on me. How are these guys locking through the cloud? 5, pull behind me, wait until he launches and fire on that position."
"Red Five Engaging."
As the Missile fired towards the A-wing, the X-wing engaged the TIE, the cloak being dropped by the incoming fire and the A-wing pull a tight, high-g turn to engage the former pursuer, the turn causing the missiles to fly off into the nebula.
"That kind of flying's going to get you killed one day, hotshot. Don't class D yourself on this one."
"This kind of flying is what you're going to have to get used to if you ever want to fly an RZ.
Red Ten to Hereafter CAG (Commander, Air Group), anything we can do about these cloaks?"