Ultimatum had not heard of this world before, and his attempts to learn more were frustrated by the lack of information available on the HoloNet. It was a tropical world, which was a good thing for the men with him. Not necessarily that helpful for the droid, whose body was not the most effective in high humidity environments. Ultimatum had survived in such worlds before however, and he was not concerned about this time being any different. A world of insectiods, another first for the droid. These he had studied as well, with more success. He knew now that their government, and just about all other facets of life, was run by the youngest stage in their growth, while later stages became more animalistic.
The droid had come at the offer of allowing ICLE to set up and maintain a police force on the world. It was an opportunity that Ultimatum did not intend to pass up. There had been one stipulation, however, that Ultimatum and a small team would need to prove their validity in actually bringing in a criminal. They had been given information on a particularly gruesome criminal, who also happened to be an immigrant. The robot had been warned that this was a Clawdite, one of the shapeshifting species. It would offer a bit of difficulty, but nothing that Ultimatum hadn't been prepared for. There had been mention of a bounty hunter working alongside them, which had Ultimatum somewhat concerned. His previous professional work with bounty hunters had not been particularly positive, and Ultimatum hoped that this one would be less of a random element in this job.
With half a dozen ICLE officers, each armed with a less-than-lethal rifle and body armor that proclaimed their status as ICLE Police, in tow, Ultimatum had made his way through the rather idyllic city. Perhaps some species would consider the Ruurians ugly. Indeed, their appearance did not comply with the factors of beauty that most organics held, but Ultimatum found them intriguing nonetheless. They were industrious and learned, as evidenced by the world they maintained alongside the impressive facilities. The droid noted a lack of other offworlders, though perhaps they were constrained for other sectors, or there just were not that many immigrants or visitors. Either way, the lower number should increase the possibility of success. He noticed a reasonably tall being in thick armor. Ultimatum guessed that this might be the bounty hunter they would be working with. The droid stepped up towards him, and the police followed.