Conditioner King
Robb Killian Character Character Bio Jun 18, 2014 #1,270 A Bothon spy who didn't die for this information.
Carden Lorps Audacity Character Bio Jun 18, 2014 #1,277 Smart spy Why do fools fall in love? Why do birds sing so ...
Darth Imperatus Character Character Bio Jun 18, 2014 #1,278 Bounty hunting Bad-- *Melkaroth barges in and knocks me away from the keyboard* ANNOYING, SELF CENTERED BRAT!! GAH! Kids these days!... [member="Carden Lorps"]
Bounty hunting Bad-- *Melkaroth barges in and knocks me away from the keyboard* ANNOYING, SELF CENTERED BRAT!! GAH! Kids these days!... [member="Carden Lorps"]