I've seen enough anime to give this as a title...
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 5, 2014 #1,902 Title advice Giver (I'm using one of yours Cross)
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 5, 2014 #1,908 Title advice giver (Look I'm using a title you gave me)
Cross Ikon The Red Admiral Oct 6, 2014 #1,909 Using my title (I saw it, of course... What did you want me to say about it?)
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 6, 2014 #1,910 The clueless (I must state the obvious, I must also repeat posts cause I couldn't see them)
Slot 19 Character S Oct 6, 2014 #1,916 You poor naive little fool. I love all versions of foreplay.... A desperate human male who can't control his hormones
You poor naive little fool. I love all versions of foreplay.... A desperate human male who can't control his hormones
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 6, 2014 #1,918 He who will get the backing of Nopetopus if it doesn't involves death
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 6, 2014 #1,920 The Twi'lek who kills those who did nothing (There not lekku... it is not stated they're lekku on their Wookieepieda page)
The Twi'lek who kills those who did nothing (There not lekku... it is not stated they're lekku on their Wookieepieda page)