Celestial Guardians
"To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others." - Siddhartha Gautama
Strength: In assuming the role of Celestial Guardians, this Major Faction becomes a beacon of peace and stability in the galaxy. Through their dedication to diplomacy and defense, they earn the admiration and support of minor factions, who contribute resources and manpower to bolster the Major Faction's defenses. Each successful Faction thread or defensive alliance forged grants them additional defensive structures or technologies, enhancing their defensive capabilities and fortifying their territories against Invasions. Additionally, successful Codex submissions or humanitarian missions may result in diplomatic recognition and the acquisition of new hexes through peaceful annexation.
Weakness: However, their unwavering dedication to peacekeeping may inadvertently limit their capacity for aggressive expansion. By prioritizing defensive alliances and diplomatic engagements over offensive actions, they risk falling behind more assertive factions in the race for territorial dominance. Additionally, their commitment to non-aggression may be perceived as weakness by opportunistic adversaries, inviting exploitation and aggression from factions seeking to gain strategic advantages. Triggering an Invasion or Skirmish may result in loss of hexes as factions perceive their reluctance to engage in conflict as a sign of weakness.
Celestial Guardians
Strength: This Major Faction excels in diplomacy and defense, gaining support from Minor Factions to bolster their defenses and expand their territories peacefully. Successful diplomatic endeavors and defensive alliances may result in the acquisition of new hexes.
Weakness: Their dedication to peacekeeping may make them vulnerable to aggressive factions, risking loss of territories if they're perceived as weak. Triggering conflicts may result in the loss of hexes and tarnish their reputation.
"To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others." - Siddhartha Gautama
Strength: In assuming the role of Celestial Guardians, this Major Faction becomes a beacon of peace and stability in the galaxy. Through their dedication to diplomacy and defense, they earn the admiration and support of minor factions, who contribute resources and manpower to bolster the Major Faction's defenses. Each successful Faction thread or defensive alliance forged grants them additional defensive structures or technologies, enhancing their defensive capabilities and fortifying their territories against Invasions. Additionally, successful Codex submissions or humanitarian missions may result in diplomatic recognition and the acquisition of new hexes through peaceful annexation.
Weakness: However, their unwavering dedication to peacekeeping may inadvertently limit their capacity for aggressive expansion. By prioritizing defensive alliances and diplomatic engagements over offensive actions, they risk falling behind more assertive factions in the race for territorial dominance. Additionally, their commitment to non-aggression may be perceived as weakness by opportunistic adversaries, inviting exploitation and aggression from factions seeking to gain strategic advantages. Triggering an Invasion or Skirmish may result in loss of hexes as factions perceive their reluctance to engage in conflict as a sign of weakness.
Celestial Guardians
Strength: This Major Faction excels in diplomacy and defense, gaining support from Minor Factions to bolster their defenses and expand their territories peacefully. Successful diplomatic endeavors and defensive alliances may result in the acquisition of new hexes.
Weakness: Their dedication to peacekeeping may make them vulnerable to aggressive factions, risking loss of territories if they're perceived as weak. Triggering conflicts may result in the loss of hexes and tarnish their reputation.