Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Give The Person Above You Something

I watch in amuzement as the two get shit-face drunk. *evil grin*

"Another botle, ladies?"

Meantime, I drink a glass of pineaple juice since alkohol makes me go crazy in no time XD I realy cant hold my likuor

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Hmm... Lord, still haven't learned my limit. Last time I drank, I woke up next to- :p

Say, I can't remember if I welcomed you in an intro thread...if you had an intro tread.
Anywho...Let me send you a Welcome to Chaos, just to be safe. :)

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
er...thanks, but not meaning to sound unappreciative; I will eject it into open space. Sorry. :(

Have you ever had like any plain girl fun? know...a real friend where you don't have to sleep with one eye open and a hand on your light saber, kind of friend? :huh:
Aww poor bear! Your mean!

Sure I did. Depends on yor definition of girl fun :D . Plain dont cut it for me. My kind of girl-fun inkludes a play-mate, alot of exertions, sweating, moaning, and a few drops of blood, here and there. Oh, and a leather vhip. Wana join me? ;) A light-sided conter-point wuld be a nice touch.

Sleeping vith 1 eye open and a hand on a weapon is alvays a wise policy in this galaxy. Remember vhat hapened to your home-world? I bet alot of Alderanians sleped very soundly that last night, only to never agen wake up. If they wer more awake and prepared, and had a litle more fore-sight... wel, lets just say things culd have turnd-out diferently.

Aniway... how about a riding Tuk'ata? I promise its domestikated!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Well, I guess that's where we differ.
I don't see any honor or glory attacking a peaceful system. It's just wasteful and it still didn't deter us true Alderaani from continuing to seek peace in this galaxy. I mean..with Palpatine obliterating our ancestral home nearly a Milleania past, and the countless attempts from the sith and imperials through the centuries and present to snuff us out; We persevere nevertheless. One could also see our spirit and determination being stronger than any sith beliefs. We Alderaani remain standing.

I wish you could see that the true strengths in most Alderaani is not might, but undaunted aspiration for true peace in this galaxy. The sith can't seem to snuff out this beacon of hope which exists within our people, no matter how many times they strike at us, [member="Natalija"] .
Oh dont get me vrong. Tarkin vas a pathetic, skinny litle coward, hiding behynd a big ball of death. Vhat I ment is, if you guys hav been more pro-aktive and less re-aktive, he wuld never had a chance to use that over-sized water melon of his. Seriusly, you suport the rebels for years, then dont expekt that 1 day, the empire wuld come to bite you in the ass? It vas blindingly obvius you wuld be the perfekt example for the empire to set. Vith all those ships and weapons you suplyed the rebels vith, you shuld at least had some left over for sistem defence? Or maby used all that wealth to build a beter planetary shield? But no... you never even thoght you culd posibly come under attack. And Leia's over-konfidence didnt help. That kind of komplacency is lethal.

Yes you remain standing, you at least learned from that mistake. But at vhat cost? In war, pacifists are alvays the first to get hurt. Historical fact.

We Sith are more pragmatic. We understand the natural order of things in the galaxy. Peace thru superior might/fire-power. If your tough enogh, nobodys going to dare mess vith you, since they know the konsekvences.

So, how do you like the Tuk'ata? :)

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