Oh dont get me vrong. Tarkin vas a pathetic, skinny litle coward, hiding behynd a big ball of death. Vhat I ment is, if you guys hav been more pro-aktive and less re-aktive, he wuld never had a chance to use that over-sized water melon of his. Seriusly, you suport the rebels for years, then dont expekt that 1 day, the empire wuld come to bite you in the ass? It vas blindingly obvius you wuld be the perfekt example for the empire to set. Vith all those ships and weapons you suplyed the rebels vith, you shuld at least had some left over for sistem defence? Or maby used all that wealth to build a beter planetary shield? But no... you never even thoght you culd posibly come under attack. And Leia's over-konfidence didnt help. That kind of komplacency is lethal.
Yes you remain standing, you at least learned from that mistake. But at vhat cost? In war, pacifists are alvays the first to get hurt. Historical fact.
We Sith are more pragmatic. We understand the natural order of things in the galaxy. Peace thru superior might/fire-power. If your tough enogh, nobodys going to dare mess vith you, since they know the konsekvences.
So, how do you like the Tuk'ata?