Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gladiator (tug-of-war +500 -500)

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Oh, I don't know about that. Many here think I'm a chatter box. Word could easily get out. :p

And what's wrong with Gungans? They braved the Federalists droids and helped put Palpatine's plan ...into...affect.
Ok Ok, so Gungans aren't as smart as me. But they are brave and loyal nevertheless. -_-

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

I've been mulling it over and just can't seem to get down to a proper intro thread as to where and how we cross paths. :(
Your charrie has her own ship, so booking a flight with Marina is out. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member

Well if you come across my ship in the Outer Rim, you'll find Evie locked up in a cell :)

You could try hailing. Would probably cut your life expectancy down to the time it takes the hidden guns to emerge from the hull.


Well-Known Member

Ah ye I suppose. Having most of your content comprised of material lacking quality isn't exactly very admirable.

Suppose she's gonna have to offset that by churning out Stephen King-Quality posts.

Get busy Marina.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
179're just as cute as a button, Matador. True, true you only accumulated like 4...maybe 9 tops yourself. But why is it that peeps only look at posts count and not what that writer posts in RP threads?
One only has to look at my profile page and scroll down to the threads listed. And that is not to mention what my alts write.

But as stated before, I spam here to only wait on replies from other writers. What is one to do with some spare time at work?..Work? Oh for goodness sake, no! :p


Well-Known Member

And I return to break the chain. But I have yet to break the chain that really matters

The Jedi, Darius. Awfully assumptious figure. Warning you poor women that I'll kill you.

I won't kill you.

Only him.


Well-Known Member

Ohh you'll need to change your whole wardrobe if you catch yourself between myself and that Already-At-A-Major-Disadvantage-Jedi.

Lightsabers might cauterise wounds, but I'll make sure your pretty ship gets a new colour ;)

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Such reckless hate...
Have you ever known warmth? And please don't say warm blood....I mean it as serenity. One does not need to collapse from within to seek that all elusive power, you know.
Your master lacked much knowledge.


Well-Known Member

The one Master I did have taught me Stability and Thought. Since he disappeared, it's been up or downhill, subject to your view of what makes Power.

I once went to Dorin and visited the grandmaster of the Baran Do. Very peaceful place, would have accepted a hug there. But what I confronted there served only to strengthen my "Reckless Hate".

You'll see when I get to you ;)

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