Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio May 7, 2019 #863 189 Hmm... why for Palpatine's sake have you been siding with the guys [member="Tathra Khaeus"] ?..?? :huh:
189 Hmm... why for Palpatine's sake have you been siding with the guys [member="Tathra Khaeus"] ?..?? :huh:
Tathra Khaeus THE UNDEFEATED Character Bio May 7, 2019 #864 [member="Marina DeVoe"] Because I am one? 190.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio May 7, 2019 #865 189 Ok..but why do you dislike other guys? If you hate both guys and girls... sigh...I don't understand.
189 Ok..but why do you dislike other guys? If you hate both guys and girls... sigh...I don't understand.
Mauda Well-Known Member May 7, 2019 #869 189 None of your hive know how to cook? .. Less intelligent than I thought
Silent One Member Character Bio May 7, 2019 #870 188 yes they do, so in that way we do know how to cook. Just have no needed to try.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio May 7, 2019 #875 188 What? You say something, [member="Tathra Khaeus"] ?..?? :huh:
Tathra Khaeus THE UNDEFEATED Character Bio May 7, 2019 #877 [member="Marina DeVoe"] I swear, you're like an overly attached girlfriend and we barely know each other. Plus you're probably a man. lol. 189
[member="Marina DeVoe"] I swear, you're like an overly attached girlfriend and we barely know each other. Plus you're probably a man. lol. 189
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio May 7, 2019 #878 188 Woman's intuition... We know when you're talking about us. -_-
Mauda Well-Known Member May 8, 2019 #880 188 Marina is unbearably female. I doubt there's a man behind it