HEY!...don't yell at me, Mr Matador..
[member="Chance Bonaventure"] in post #1627 was the official restarterer..er er. whenhe posted a
You Matador posted next with a NO. Now universally, a 'NO' is by no count a number, so I am assuming you weren't counting but were protesting for the restart of the battle, [member="Tathra Khaeus"]
I then backed you as you did win the game an all.
But Noooo..Mr Sith there that's [member="Orex Mauda"] by the way, posted a
I then posted, explaining with lots of words something which had nothing to do with the count. I was reminding Mr Sith to post in our story.
Then that's when it all went to poodoville. [member="Darth Morbus"] came in and posted a
So what was a girl to do when she says 'No' and the boys just keep teasing?..??
A girl has to stand up for herself..no? You sure didn't do anything but blame me... But it wasn't my fault..
It wasn't my fault..