Mia knew she was lying, but what she didn't know was why. She paused in her ascent towards the bridge. Floating inside the life shift. Now was not the time to pry, but she needed Elise to be focused, completely on their success. "I know a lot about absorbed memories, we will talk about it, but not today and certainly not now. Set your emotions aside, Eli'ika, we have a job to do." Her voice was gentle but firm. If Elise was off kilter then their overwatch was useless. An inattentive overwatch meant people died and that was something they could not afford.
Mia's comms crackled, something coming on another line. Mia's heart gave a pang of pain. She'd installed the old lines, partially out of habit, but partially because if her old friends we alive, if they wanted to reach her then they could rely on the old ways. Her heart sank when she didn't recognise the voice.
She kicked off again, floating up towards the bridge.
"Su cuy'gar stranger, i'm already on route to the bridge. Forgive me for not taking your word at face value, we are not a trusting sort, but we are open to conversation." she found the pried open doors and slid within, activating the magnetic in her boots, she connected with the floor with a deep metallic thud. Drawing her blaster and bringing it level with the strangers chest. A precaution, not a threat
It was a wreck, they'd be lucky to get anything working to limp this thing to a dockyard for repairs. Maybe luck was on their side, she settled her gaze on the stranger. She opened her comms back up so Elise could listen.
"Well, you weren't lying about the state of tis place, so you're doing well so far. How did you wind up stranded on and old Mandalorian battlecruiser?"
Elise Ahana-Gwyneira
Clarron Vall
Mia's comms crackled, something coming on another line. Mia's heart gave a pang of pain. She'd installed the old lines, partially out of habit, but partially because if her old friends we alive, if they wanted to reach her then they could rely on the old ways. Her heart sank when she didn't recognise the voice.
"If you're the owners of this floating graveyard" he began, the transmission carrying his distorted, monstrous voice "then you know I'm here already. I'm marooned and don't have any interest in stealing your salvage. I've got no interest in anything of yours, only in leaving in one piece. Whoever hears this first, I'm at the bridge, or what used to be one. Don't bother with it, it's destroyed and there isn't anything worth taking. Only me. If you're willing to do a stranger a good turn, I'd owe you a favor. A favor from me is very useful, believe you me. I don't hand them out lightly."
She kicked off again, floating up towards the bridge.
"Su cuy'gar stranger, i'm already on route to the bridge. Forgive me for not taking your word at face value, we are not a trusting sort, but we are open to conversation." she found the pried open doors and slid within, activating the magnetic in her boots, she connected with the floor with a deep metallic thud. Drawing her blaster and bringing it level with the strangers chest. A precaution, not a threat
It was a wreck, they'd be lucky to get anything working to limp this thing to a dockyard for repairs. Maybe luck was on their side, she settled her gaze on the stranger. She opened her comms back up so Elise could listen.
"Well, you weren't lying about the state of tis place, so you're doing well so far. How did you wind up stranded on and old Mandalorian battlecruiser?"