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Approved NPC Gnost Karr

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  • Intent: To provide Kian Karr with an NPC padawan to train. This will provide interesting storyline and further develop the character.
  • Images: This image from this source.
  • Role: Kian Karr's padawan and relative.
  • Links: Kian Karr
  • Age: 12 years old
  • Force Sensitivity: Apprentice/Padawan
  • Species: Kel Dor
  • Appearance: Gnost Karr is an adolescent Kel Dor. He is approximately 4'10" and 85lbs in weight. Gnost, as a Kel Dor, is required to wear an antiox mask and goggles when off Dorin to protect from oxygen rich atmospheres. Gnost is relatively slightly built and his skin is an orange brown color.
  • Name: Gnost Karr
  • Loyalties: Republic Remnant
  • Wealth: Gnost, like many in the Karr family, come from very modest means, focusing more on the path of scholars and force-users than tradesman and merchants.
  • Notable Possessions: A lightsaber that Master Kian Karr helped him assemble when he was taken on as a padawan. Some standard stuff (e.g., clothing), and lots and lots of books!
  • Skills: He is, for the most part, your average Jedi Padawan as far as skill sets go. He is relatively calm and collected, a Kel Dor trait and one ingrained in him from his relatively short time with the Baran Do.
  • Personality: Gnost Karr is a very inquisitive Jedi Padawan and one that is eager to learn as much as possible on a large array of areas. He has a fascination with his older cousin, Kian Karr, and views him through the eyes of adolescent hero worship. While many Jedi Padawans may be eager to get their hands on a lightsaber or start hurling things around with the force, Gnost was most excited about getting his hands on the libraries of the Jedi. An academic at heart, even for one so young, Gnost spends much of his free time compiling as much information on any topic of interest. Kian, seeing the potential here, has guided Gnost down a path of delving into the history of the Sith, seeing this as a good way to keep the Shadows informed.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber (image by this artist) and knowledge!
  • Combat Function: As a Jedi Padawan, Gnost Karr would not be of much help in combat against other force users, unless they were of lower rank. Gnost, still new to his training, is adept at defending himself against your common thug or petty criminal, but against a trained soldier, would likely struggle. Also, at such a young age (12 years old) he lacks the physical strength to go toe-to-toe with stronger fighters and would utilize more hit and run tactics if fighting on his own. However, Gnost's small stature and lack of strength is partly made up for by his speed and evasiveness. Working with Kian, Gnost is able to strike and evade while Kian does most of the heavy fighting.
Gnost Karr was born to a modest family on Dorin. The son of Kian Karr's half-sister, Gnost spent much of his childhood hearing tales of his mysterious Jedi uncle. Gnost showed an affinity to the force at an early age and was taken in by the Baran Do sages to begin his training in the ways of the force. This sufficed for his early training, but Gnost, worshipping Kian like a hero, was dead set on getting off Dorin and joining the Jedi Order. When Kian Karr vanished and the Republic fell, Gnost dreams seemed to be crushed but then, years later, word reached Dorin of Kian's return and Gnost was given permission to leave Dorin and join the Jedi Master in the new Republic Remnant.

Gnost looks very typical of most of his species, with his extrasensory organs, his antiox mask, and his goggles whenever off world. He had orange-brown skin and, like his uncle Kian, silver eyes (said to be a sign of force sensitivity among Kel Dor). Gnost was very inquisitive by nature and he spent much of his free time in the Baran Do archives researching as much as possible. Since making his way to the Jedi, Gnost has continued his force training and begun lightsaber training, but still spends much of his spare time perusing the Jedi Archives. Kian, seeing the potential for knowledgeable gain, guided Gnost towards putting his archivist skills to good use and focusing on understanding the Sith.
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