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Faction Going Away to College | Sith Academy



The Royal Academy of Jutrand
902 ABY
As the school year approached, the Royal Academy and the Conservatoir Ministry worked tirelessly to sort millions of applications from minor to major nobility across the Empire. Sith who had spent years in the wars of the old Empires, to Sith who had only risen to great prominence on one of the thousand worlds the Sith had conquered in the last decades. Each of them hoped to enroll their spawn, their apprentices, their adopted family into the school for fame and influence.​
To even enter the school was considered a great honor, but to raise one's self to the top ranks within it was to be something more grand. Even a minor lord whose child rose to the top Cohort would be considered as influential as any Assembly member in the span of a year. It was by far the easiest, safest way for a Sith to expand their reputation.​
That was, if they were accepted. Then, and only then, would they begin to reap the rewards of their choice. After that, the onus and danger was on the student. The school had grown a reputation in the decades since the Eternalists had taken over Jutrand as a violent place, where students went missing with a hundred reasons as to why. Ran off together with a peer in a romantic tangle, killed another student and ran from the consequences, while some just went missing - all of them were never seen again.​
For all the security the facility had, it had become prominently common for this to occur, but who could imagine anything else in the top school of the Sith? Only the smartest, strongest, most cutthroat and ruthless young members of their Order would ever be allowed in - and once they were, to be placed in competition against one another for the fate of their entire lives going forward, they would do absolutely anything to see them end up on the top of the pile.​
Ignoring the attention and influence Sith of the Empire used to adjust the scales. To make an alliance with a youth in the school was to gain as much influence as anyone else - especially if they joined your bloc after their graduation.​
Now, however, the Sith gathered in the Academy courtyard, awaiting the Provost to begin their speech. There were over a thousand spots set out, each filled with a prospective Student standing at full parade rest for their chance to begin. Some could be seen to twitch and flutter in anxious anticipation, some were as still as ice - but the tension in the air was thick. Some glared and took second glances at the others - each sizing up the competition.​
The sponsors and the rest were given seats in the stands outside the entry hall - watching the thousands stand at attention in preparation for what was to come. Sponsors and Parents, Sith Lords of various repute trying to identify among them who was the greatest, and who would fall flat on their face even before they were allowed into the examinations.​
Today would be the first round of tests for the Exam that allowed them to enter the Academy. It was simple, compared to what would come, but they would move through a series of exams that would test their Force Sensitivity, their physical prowess, mental acumen, and personality traits - a full psychological breakdown of who they were, and what made them tick. No average student would be allowed in - without extreme backing from the most profound members of the Order.​
After that, the true test would begin - 3 exams that would cut the chaff from the wheat, and the wheat from the gold hidden in their midst. Out of millions, only 128 would be accepted - an acceptance rate of less than 0.00001%. Those here now had made it past the first phase - now they would see if they could make it through the second.​
For the students, they had but moments to speak to those around them before they would be pulled away from the watchful gaze of their Sponsors for the first time, and the true test of their future’s would begin.​


Tag | Open​
Soldane stood in his uniform, or what little of it they had given him. He knew what someone who graduated top of their class looked like - he watched the previous year's highest Cohort stand at attention near the Provost's stand, waiting for the speech to begin. Great black doors stood behind them, awaiting the students entry, and Soldane could feel nothing but a looming dread.​
With legs spread shoulder length apart, his hair carefully tied into a bun at the back of his head, and hands placed firmly at his lower back, he awaited what was to come. Lunaria, luckily, had been put next to him - likely thanks to Srina Talon Srina Talon 's involvement. It was a small comfort at least, but his eyes continued to stray around the crowds to find anyone who would be an overt threat in the first weeks of their placement.​
Any one of them could serve as their killer, if they got the influence to do it. Anyone could prove an ally, an enemy, or something altogether more circumstantial. It was that unknown that he feared. He had his spats with other kids, but this would be something on a level he had never faced before. A terrifying push to the precipice of what it meant to be a Sith.​
His hands felt clammy at the thought, and a bead of sweat formed on his brow in the sun of Jutrand.​



It was time.

Firrerreo stood amongst the man, his golden eyes staring up at podium where the Provost would appear. He was among those who didn't spare a glance to his peers, appearing to be more than confident in his own abilities. The type that didn't need to gauge his fellows because he, simply, was above them. This was a mask of course. Fluttering around in the shadows was the boy's familiar. His eyes as he scanned through the crowds for those who were most likely to be his threats. His allies.

His rivals.

A twitch of a smile formed as he realized just how little here would actually be a threat. The nameless masses, here because of a show of capability and the hopes and dreams of their parents for influence and power. The rich and famous. Firrerreo had no such things. No such wealth or even parents. Just skill and knowledge. He didn't have family to hold him back, was ultimately how he viewed it.

This was the perfect time for him to finally show just how powerful he would become.

For a moment the Familiar's gaze zeroed in on one particular stand out. The presence of the Force stood out more with them than those around them. That was one marked to be remembered.

Soldane Talon Soldane Talon
Tagging: Soldane Talon Soldane Talon | Firrerreo Firrerreo

The first thing she noticed as she took her place in the ranks of potential students was that the uniform, or at least what little of it they'd been issued, was at least comfortable, Meili had half expected it to be made out of the roughest, most itchy cloth that they could lay their hands on. It's what she would have done after all. Though, if they had to fight, to prove their capability, she was glad that the academy hadn't chosen to go down that path. She'd fought in less than comfortable clothing before, and while it was doable it wasn't an experience she was overly keen on repeating.

The second things she noticed was just how many people had turned out for this ceremony, so see the fresh class of students battle for their places in the rankings. To see who would be the lucky few who actually manage to secure a place in the class and who would flame out before their careers had even begun. Every student who had made it this far had a weight or responsibility and expectation that they carried with them, from the most unknown to the media darlings. There had been sacrifices and dreams pinned on each of them, she could see that realisation on some of their eyes, and in the eyes watching them. That made it harder for them, that responsibility would make them desperate to succeed.

It would make their eventual loss that much harder. She didn't intend to loose to any of them.

There were a few among the waiting class who looked like they were warriors, had been trained in combat, it was visible in the way they stood, the way they held themselves and observed those around them. But there were far far too few of them. Just as she had in ever competition, every tournament she'd entered Mei didn't look around the field to size everyone up. She picked the one or two she could see as challengers and then let them examine the field, playing off their reactions.

No matter what the staff threw at them, it was just a fight, no different from any other tournament, and her trainers back home, both martial and in the force, had prepared her to handle whatever the academy's staff could throw at her.
This was it.

This was everything she had worked towards, everything her father had sacrificed brought her here to this moment. Discipline kept her feet planted firmly despite the desperate want to pace, to give her agitation somewhere to go instead of making her skin itch. She was one in millions, failure was not an option. One way or another, she would get through what exams they were given. Her gaze lifted, not to scan the students, but to scan the crowds that gathered. Her father would be among the masses, watching her every move.

She snapped her gaze away and closed her eyes taking a breath and flexing the fingers that rested at the small of her back. the other students that surrounded her could be her enemies, or her allies. Time would tell which. Her gaze swept around, looking for those who might pose a physical threat, for what else could she assess so early on. Whatever choice she made today, would be the springboard to launch her career path through the academy.

Soldane Talon Soldane Talon Firrerreo Firrerreo Meili Feng Meili Feng


Veradun Sharr stood silent and still amongst the ranks with the others, standing at parade rest which was familiar to the thirteen year old boy, wearing what little of the uniform he had been given beforehand. He didn’t shift on his feet or twitch his hands, even to move stray black hairs out of his face; the only movement were his icy eyes that flickered from individual to individual, studying each briefly. Any of these could become an ally or a rival, an honorable friend or a bitter enemy.

All manner of Sith acolytes from all walks of life, families, and prestige had been brought here. Out of the many hopefuls, only a select few would make it through the doors of the Sith Academy. The process to weed out the unworthy or undeserving was harsh - but it had to be. Only the strongest, the fiercest, the most cunning, the most wise and intelligent, the most manipulative would make it through to the other side. Though young, the boy was tempered by wisdom and was rather insightful for his age. He knew, in his heart, that to become a Sith like his sister Revna, was going to require a lot from him, maybe more than what he had to give or prove he had.

But he was going to give it his utmost and his best. He wanted to bring honor to his family, his loved ones. If they believed he could become a Sith…then far be it from him to disappoint them.



Black veil drawn across His face, the Dark Lord of the Kainate watched from on high. His exquisite regality had been subdued for the evening, replaced by somber raiment more akin to funeral dress than what was considered appropriate for the advent of a new academic year. No guard attended Him, for He feared nothing; He was the master of fear -- His and others. Rather, a motley assembly of priests and bureaucrats trailed in the wake of His shadow, idly whispering amongst themselves or lost in the solemn reverence of hushed prayer.

Crossing the sky-bridge, the Dark Lord entered the upper levels of the main assembly hall. Ascending a few scant steps, He found Himself on a balcony overlooking the central courtyard. Below, hundreds upon hundreds of prospective applicants and their sponsors mingled about as they waited for the official commencement. Placing one hand on the balustrade for balance, the Dark Lord peered down to scan the crowd with falcon-like sight.

He spotted them easily.

Soldane and Lunaria, His most prized pupils; yet the most secret. For four long years He had seen to their instruction, imparting on them great wisdom, forbearance, and strength. They had met every expectation He'd conjured, even surpassed them. When they came of an age deemed sufficient to join the ranks of the Jutrand Academy, He and the Empress Talon conspired to enter both of them through the means of a proxy sponsor. Neither could be afforded to sponsor either publicly, their identities had to be kept strictly confidential.

The Worm must never find them.

Darth Carnifex looked upon the twins from afar, wondering if they could sense His silent gaze. While He'd personally not sponsored any new applicants, He had dispatched many of His servants to do so in His stead. Dozens of Kainate hopefuls were amongst the crowd, ones designed to stand in the twin's path. They were obstacles of a myriad kind, to test them both to the limits. If these children were to inherit the Empire, they must not be coddled; they must be thrown into the crucible.

And to emerge stronger.

If they died? As cruel as it would be to Srina Talon, the Dark Lord never just had one iron in the fire. There would be others, He would ensure it. By His hand, the future of the Empire would be secured.

Despite all the emphasis placed on the opportunities to rise through the ranks, Marcus was mainly here to get an education. His family's place in the hierarchy did not concern him—his father may have been the adopted son of an emperor, but said emperor had gone on to have other children. A son of the body tended to outrank a chosen son where it counted, and anyway, he didn't want that kind of attention.

The competition he would be forced into loomed over him. Marcus was more craven than he was willing to admit, and the idea of competing with his peers for survival was deeply unappealing. But with his mother imprisoned in Azrael Asylum and his father lost in the Netherworld, his options were limited.

He stood alongside the other students, wearing the same uniform, his height and head of red hair setting him apart. Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr had agreed to sponsor him, though he was one of several Acolytes House Marr was backing. Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron was a more mysterious supporter, but having two sponsors right away was a good sign. It would also likely make him a bigger target for those looking to move through the ranks.

Marcus had one other ace in the hole. He already had a master, Silas Fogg, who would be teaching alchemy. Marcus' favorite subject.

This year would be interesting, that was for sure.

Objective: Learn with fellow Sith youths
Location: The Royal Academy of Jutrand
Equipment: Tags: OPEN


Thelnic legs actually shook after standing for so long. After traveling around the other edge of the Outer Rim for a short time, investigating the Sith Holy Worlds, Thelnic was finally back in the Empire proper. He had not spent a whole lot of time among the Sith to be truthful. His home was in the territory of the Galactic Alliance. He grew up avoiding the tiresome stories of the glorious Jedi. When his Force Sensitivity was discovered he knew that he must leave. He was not going to become one of those Jedi. He was no watchman to keep the galaxy on a narrow, boring rail. Thelnic wished to be pushing things to the extreme. Science, the Force in both things he was a Sith to his core. He just had been delayed in realizing this.

As he stood waiting to be addressed by the leaders of the academy he was surprised to learn that each of the potential students had been sponsored by a Sith within the Empire. The identity of Thelnic’s sponsor was a mystery to him. It was simultaneously worrisome and prideful to know that a Sith he probably did not know had put his name forward to enter this prestigious place of learning. If this was purely an academic endeavor Thelnic would be entering this with his head held high and supreme confidence. He could hold his own with any of his peers in academics. This would be his first true test with the Force. While he knew he had a strong connection to the Force, he knew that he would be tested to put that connection to use. That was something he had not attempted with conviction yet.

Thelnic looked around at his fellow applicants.He wondered which of them were the most powerful. Who came from the highest bloodlines. In his studies he learned it probably didn’t matter. But at the same time there seemed to be quite a few Zambranos at the top of the Empire’s pecking list. He shook his head and turned his attention back to the leaders. The parents of the applicants wouldn’t matter. Thelnic had potential. He had value to the Empire. The decision makers would see this. He would be one of the few to be allowed into the academy. From there his life within the Sith would truly begin.
"So many people..."

Jarek thought to himself. The young Echani stood back straight, and arms crossed. His white-silver hair slicked backed, as he normally wore it. His swirling silver eyes picking people among the masses. The air felt thick, and heavy, but Jarek was focused. The massive crowd was almost overwhelming, suffocating, that Jarek felt a twist in his chest. "Fear..." Jarek thought, "Of course I have fear, there is nothing to go back to". There was no family, no friends, nothing. It was either become a Sith, or die.

jarek, however, remembers when anger took over the fear. When rage and hate gave him the strength he needed. He remembers the power he felt. "Her....Her...HER!" His thoughts became louder. Revenge, he will have it one day. She is a near singular focus of his hate, but he knew it needed to focus on the now, or he will surely die.

"Fear... I day, I WILL be fear.."

This is it, the time has finally come to begin his journey. How he ended up deep within the Sith Empire, on Jutrand, is a blur. He was not going to waste this opportunity.

TAG: Soldane Talon Soldane Talon | Firrerreo Firrerreo | Meili Feng Meili Feng | Irina Jesart Irina Jesart | Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Marcus Dinn Marcus Dinn | Thelnic Vath Thelnic Vath | Jarek Voss Jarek Voss | Kai'lyn Kai'lyn

Today was important. There was no denying the fact the young Lechner would feel the weight of living up to his family name. It came with an oath and loyalty which the boy had been born into. They were fiercely devoted to Srina Talon Srina Talon . He understood it was because of the generosity and favor she showed toward his father, and the stories of how she had involved herself in the direct affairs of his family were worthy of the commitment they offered. Gerwald’s life debt had passed to his children, and yet the wolf’s reputation felt heavier for the moment.

Vibrant eyes, the color of fire and destruction, scanned the crowds. His father and mother would be observing somewhere. Even if he could not see them, he felt them, always. The stone which he wore around his neck had been imbued with their essence, it allowed him to remain connected, a trait which seemed to be the consequence of Gerwald’s to be Naedira’s anchor to the land of the living.

He could not tell anyone what he was, not yet. His last name alone would make anyone who knew his father assume there was a wolf inside the boy. Aerik was unsure, and what frightened him the most was that his father was not sure. A Sith was meant to control their fear, but until his first change, what he was remained a dreadful and dark mystery. His siblings felt it as well. Yet, with each passing day, and with every passing full moon, their dark demons stirred. Soon, they would want to be free.

Aerik could only hope that moment would not come during his testing.

He would make it beyond this moment, of that there was no doubt. Even though his first shift had not occurred, there was too much evidence that his kind were more than human. The sandy haired teen was strong, both physically and with the dark side of the force. Fire did nothing to his skin, a trait which had been learned by accident. These were signs that would be put on display throughout the entrance process. The most telling sign, however, was his bright colored eyes. They shone like fire, and radiated like the sun. They were unnatural, and there were times he had sworn the hue danced about his irises as though they were an open flame.

He stood with his brother. Cole had dark hair, near the color of soot. His features made him seem darker. Was it coincidence they had been placed together, or was it by design? Directly in front of him stood two Echani, a boy and a girl. Maybe they were Arkanian, the boy had yet to learn how to distinguish the difference between the two races. What was recognizable was the way in which the dark side radiated from them.

They were powerful.

Perhaps it had been another coincidence, but it seemed as though they had been placed there. There were others pulling the strings, using them as pieces in a game none of the prospective students were aware was being played. None of that mattered if they did not make it into the academy, or through the academy.

128 students would be selected this year, and that was a much smaller number than those displayed under the warm sun. Yet it was not the heat which made the boy feel uneasy. Rather it was the sense that he was being watched.

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The girl had already survived the brutal curriculum to become a priestess, she was one of the better girls, however, she never had a chance to meet the Dark Lady herself even now as she was selected and deployed on her first assignment. This young spy never had a true identity, only Tsis'Raki, it was all she ever known. Who one Tsis'Raki would be depended on the mission as they often played the long game.

For this assignment, she was planted among the sith youth. This girl was now Nevheda, the first name that was ever bestowed upon her, soon to be a student in the Sith Academy of Jutrand. The dark haired Vahla was with another Tsis'Raki playing the role as her sponsor. Blend in, play along. Nevheda approached another among the sea of youth, someone around the same stature.

Hand extended towards a very obviously Arkanian teen, Thelnic Vath Thelnic Vath , she introduced herself. "I'm Nevheda. Never to early to find allies now. Know anyone else here?"
It was perhaps unfortunate, but the great game continued even now. Malum had thought naively it might be possible to spare these children the tribulations and powerplays which their superiors played, it may have once, yet, not this year. Far too many eyes were on this year's cohort, and for the most part, Malum could not exactly tell why.

...Well that was not entirely true.

The Golden Year they called it, and it was not difficult to see why.

The Jutrand Academy was known for a pedigree beyond doubt... yet somehow they had outdone themselves, standing assembled were perhaps some of the most prestigious names which could be found within the Empire.

And if the names could not be found, one needed only to look at the name sponsoring some child and they would no doubt find it.

Something was happening.

You could smell it in the air.

And either everyone else knew apart from him... unlikely for the Lord of the Tsis'Kaar.

Or they all smelled it too, and like carrion had begun to circle.

With some guilt, it was why he had thrown in his own hat into the ring in some sense. Having sponsored Marcus Dinn Marcus Dinn and Irina Jesart Irina Jesart , while knowing to keep a close eye on Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr , benefactee of his... ally.

There were also Marrs that had applied, cousins that he would need to keep an eye out for.

Though then of course there was the question of how exactly he was to do that.

Well, it did him no good to only have children deployed on the field.

The Provost was only too happy to take on his offer to teach, for Malum it still left him wondering if it was the prestige of having one of the Dark Council instruct in the Academy, or like in most places, finding good teachers of the more... high arts, proved a difficulty. He did not exactly wish to consider the latter idea though.

Far too depressing.

Climbing the steps of the balcony, there was also one other reason he was here today, not simply to watch the prospective applicants, or listen to the provost's speech.

Finally reaching the pinnacle of the heights, he found the one he was looking for... how much time had it been since Kaine had been seen on Jutrand? Mask upon his face, gazing carefully towards those behind the Twice-Failed Emperor, his makeshift court while he was far from home, Malum took position next to him, gazing down.

Had Kaine sponsored some Zambrano down there?

Nepotism, or did the child show some promise for the once Dark Lord of the Sith to send them here?

"Greetings, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , I had not expected to see you here." Another mystery to be solved within this schoolyear he imagined, what was next, would Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean himself arrive to sponsor someone?
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The assembly was impressive, far beyond any gathering the Acolyte - Udren, now, he had to remember - had experienced. The sentients throughout the area, observing, seemed more numerous than the students positioned to earn entry to the academy. There were some powerful individuals, the Force belied that fact, as ripples and shivers passed over the Acol -- Udren...

His own presence in the Force was held back, diminished - he wanted it to be.

Dressed in the academy uniform, Udren held his place in the throng of hopefuls. He was not the only Echani present, nor even Arkanian, which caused the youth to consider what his fellow students-to-be knew of Echani teachings. There might be a possibility of communication through combat. The notion gave a tingle at the nape of Udren's neck, though he also understood that he wasn't here to make friendships or relationships, beyond those that could potentially assist his cause.




Peripheral vision indicated some that looked about, whispers were heard also, though for his part Udren remained silent and still; he had trained his whole life for this, to join the Jutrand Academy, and to climb the ladder of power and influence, and he would not allow idle curiosity win over self control. It was not a difficult stance to take, given the numerous scars across the youth's face, with each one being a reminder of how to behave or respond or think. Harsh training, isolation, these had been Udren's life; and unlike others that stood around or near him, Udren was nobody, with no family or prestige.

He was an Acolyte.

A weapon.

One that could finally meet the grindstone and sharpen to a killing edge.



[Tags in Spoiler]

The end of a staff dug deeply into the crimson dirt, helping root a figure spinning and driving a foot into the face of a demonic creature. The beast's shoulders and neck buckled under the Force embued kick. It tried to snap its jaws around the leg's ankle but was denied as the fighter twisted at its core and slammed another kick into the side of its face. Bones cracked, and the beast fell. A sigh escaped as death consumed the creature, destined to wait a century before returning to the realm.

A heavy dark smoke consumed the monster's body, and the fighter collapsed at its side. "UGH," the girl gasped for air, her lungs crying for precious air, and her body threatened to give up. Another groan of pain escaped as she rolled onto her stomach, her body supported by her elbows. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Viers screamed as whatever was left in her stomach splattered against the dusty terrain.

She rolled away and laid on her back. Viers had been stuck in the Netherworld for a couple of days. It was a constant fight for her life; for some reason, her essence screamed for the monstrosities that inhabited this realm to find her. The girl grew tired of the fighting; it was a first, but she wanted a warm bed and probably a bath.

Viers laid there for another few moments, after catching her breath she sat up and sighed. She could feel her ration pack empty, only having crumbs she decided to save from the last bar. How long had she been here? It was only a few hours? Coming to her feet, she dusted off the red sand that stained her tunic and slops. She could feel the soles of her boots wearing thin, but she would have to keep going. Her staff became a third leg as she leaned on it for support. The constant fighting had finally caught up to her, and her body was starting to deteriorate; she needed to rest, and she needed to find food.

Just as she thought she was safe, a loud, ear-piercing roar shook her realm. Viers looked behind her, and a herd of demonic beasts began to stampede. The Force coursed through her, pushing her body well past its limit; she moved, gaining ground from the beasts. Where she had been fighting was considered a dead zone, where she struggled to connect with the world of the living. If she could, she would have already left this forsaken place. Viers ran, beads of sweat drenched her brow; in the back of her mind, she began to come to terms with her death.

It was okay; she lived a pretty decent life. She had few friends, unrequited love, and her dad was a street musician. At least she got to meet him and hear her mother's stories. The only thing that hurt the young monk was that she felt her life was unfulfilled. She hadn't accomplished anything, nor had she done anything beyond fighting demons and other creatures. Hot tears stained her cheeks, the dirt on her face only making them more apparent. Did the Corellian fear death?

Her legs became heavy, and the sound of the monsters behind her grew louder. Viers wondered how long it hurt to be ripped apart. Would they take their time? Would she be able to feel them pull muscle from bone?

Would anyone miss her?

Just as everything felt over, a warmth flickered at the end of her stave. She could feel the swell of the Force through the kyber-laced tattoos. Without hesitation, the girl slung the stave onto her back and brought her hands together before her. Fist to palm, the fist twisted into the palm and pulled them apart; as she did so, the air filled with static. The space before her began to shimmer, and a tear in the realms of existence began to form. The broader her arms were, the more the seam opened. She couldn't go too far, or the creatures behind her would have time to follow. Viers quickly turned and focused all her energy on one blast of the Force.

It was enough to stagger the beasts, and she fell backward into the portal. As she felt, her fist and palm met again, and her fist twisted, locking the gate behind her.

Everything around her was black. Viers regretted her haste decision to open the portal. There was no intention behind her technique, which meant time and space would have to roulette where she would land. It could be anywhere; she could land somewhere safe or go into a magma pit on Mustafar. Her body felt weightless as she plummeted into nothingness. All she could do was pray, hoping that the Force would take pity on her and land her somewhere death wasn't imminent.

Suddenly, her back hit something hard. Viers groaned as the wind was knocked out of her. She could do nothing besides lay there and wallow in the struggle. "Get up." A stern male's voice called out to her. Viers didn't recognize it, but she sat up as quickly as possible. He was dressed mainly as a guard if she had guessed it. Looking around, it seemed she did find her way back to where she came from, but not exactly. "Huh?" Viers let her jaw hang loose as she stared at the guard. His command didn't register with the teenager's mind, and he wouldn't accept this. "I said get up. You're late, and you're not supposed to be here." He grabbed the girl by her arm, hoisting her to her feet.

"You're filthy; why would your Sponsor let you arrive like this?" The man's face showed his disgust, and his words only amplified it. Viers frowned as she dusted herself off without any success. Her once white robes were now stained crimson, her blood and dirt from the Nether. "Sorry." she grumbled and let the man drag her to wherever she was 'supposed' to be. The stave she carried dragged against the hard floor, bouncing occasionally as they moved toward the grounds where the other students were. The guard began to scold her more and explain what was happening; he questioned why she had ended up where she did. None pierced the teenager's mind; her brain was smooth, and her thoughts were lost. All she could think about was how she would get food and then figure out where she arrived.

"There, stand with the others." The guard pushed her hard, and she nearly stumbled. Thankfully, she was about to catch herself with the Uneti staff. "Well then," she grumbled quietly as she found an empty space between people her age. None of their faces were familiar, and honestly, most were vicious-looking. Viers cringed slightly, wondering if she found herself in a military school or, worse, some sort of competition to the death.

Unfortunately, the latter seemed more likely. Viers groaned and slammed her fist into her forehead several times, "Stupid, stupid, stupid." She knew she should have taken at least a moment to think of somewhere nice to fall.

All she did was leave one hell for another.

Location: The Royal Academy of Jutrand
Attire: U-01 Standard Academy UniformChoker CollarSpirit Anchor - Concealed │ Amulet of Many - Concealed │ FAE/M-02 Energized Gauntlet Vibroblade - Concealed
Tag: Open

A pair of icy-hued eyes stared unblinking into the void. A frosty gaze set within pale, heart-shaped features were set in a firm expression, manifesting the occasional spasm or tic in the process. The waiting was the worst part, giving Vestara’s hyperactive mind all too much space to fall into one fear after another.

But perhaps, she need not remain idle.

Standing next to Vestara was the towering, muscular figure of a male student ( Marcus Dinn Marcus Dinn ) with a shock of red hair and hawkish features. Even if only by virtue of his stature, he seemed to stand out among the assembled students in the assembly. Others, like Kai'lyn Kai'lyn , were notable for their dispositions. The amethyst-hued Togrtua’s gaze almost seemed mischievous, manifesting an impish curiosity that Vestara envied. Then, there were those with sharp, calculating expressions, doubtlessly intent upon analyzing their competition.

Whispering a prayer under her breath, Vestara briefly closed her eyes as she consciously willed the tension out from her body. While her fear still remained, it was now focused into awareness, which she quickly seized upon while taking stock of those within her vicinity. Many of the students would become her rivals. Some hopefully, her allies. But ultimately, all would be her competition. However, the Hapan was under no impression that she would find her name occupying the highest rank. While she had a basic degree of combat proficiency owing to prenatal flash-instruction, her affinities in the Force had never been geared towards combat. Thus, she would need allies to even hope to ascend up to the two Cohorts, and perhaps a little luck. In that regard, the prominence of her sponsor was both a boon and an obligation. Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron would see to her material needs at the Academy. The rest—not bringing shame to him in turn and graduating within the top two Cohorts—was up to her.

But first, she needed to pass the entrance exams and gain admission into the Academy.
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The academy had moved, no longer on Bastion. Quinn sighed softly as she reminisced about her school days. Some of her wished she had paid more attention to her studies; instead, she was busy with her social life and building allies. Those allies were few and far between, but she could depend on them. One of those allies, she had hoped, would be arriving to examine the group of students for the academy. Looking at the several faces of the sponsors, she recognized a handful. The Princess would have to make rounds sooner or later. She chose later in this instance though, as her attention was interrupted for a brief moment by a small familiar that curled their shadowed body around her ankles. The feline purred and curled its tail around her leg, waiting and watching with its master.

Quinn glanced away from the small creature and folded her arms gently as she watched each of the students. Their faces were hardened, prepared for whatever the professors planned to throw at them. It was cute, she mused. Quinn continued to look at the young faces. It made her smile seeing fellow Echani; in her mind, they were the superior protégé of the Sith. Still, having the planet in the influential sphere of the Alliance meant that fewer and fewer Echani were coming to the Empire. Even her status as Princess tended to come under fire with her allegiance to the Empire.

It was hard to go against the Empire. Her godmother, who practically raised her, was one of their leaders. She trusted her uncle, but being near him made her uneasy. Quinn feared the source of that feeling to the point she refused to question her godmother. Her eyes stopped upon the crown of a young boy. Carefully, her brow raised as she examined his features and then looked at the little girl near the boy. Quinn couldn't help but allow her lips to curl into a sly smile. Despite their efforts to hide, the girl bore a striking resemblance to her mother. It seemed to be a trait Quinn shared with her cousin. They both were unmistakably their mother's daughters; of course, only a fellow Echani would be able to see the mirrored features.

Her cousins were here, but she hadn't seen their names on the small roster the sponsors received. Clever, a thing Quinn should have probably done when she was at the academy. It wouldn't have lasted long; the girl enjoyed the attention she received for being who she was and where she came from. Shrugging, Quinn continued to look at the children and wondered if any of them would prove themselves worthwhile for her sponsorship. Her family was well known within the old guard of the Sith, but their power waned with Ashin and Spencer's retirement.

Quinn was aware of her status, but she dreamed of one day making something of herself. Standing tall, on status created by her own volition instead of the name her parents created.

Looking down at her wrist, she wondered how long Alina would be or if the woman would arrive. Like Quinn, Alina also had a family name that bore weight. At least whoever would garner either woman's sponsorship would be expected to go far.


Tag: Soldane Talon Soldane Talon | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Viers Connory Viers Connory | [OPEN]
Artemis Dreadmoor
Wearing: School Uniform

The Academy was every bit as imposing as she thought it might be. The assembly was a sea of faces so vast that Lunaria found herself struggling to keep track of them all. It should have been easy. She remembered her lessons and knew, very well, that there was no excuse for it other than the sensation of bodies pressed too close together. They were standing so close that there was friction between her aura and their own. She held her chin higher—Her eyes facing forward.

She could not hide behind Soldane today despite the urge to do so.

Both Linaria and Soldane came from a very isolated place. A world where the only friend they had outside of each other, was time, and the consequences of skipping through it. Haru was a constant for them and Luna found herself missing the shade of such a comfortable shadow. They had been introduced to others over the years and even had a few fond acquaintances…But a group this large?

It was smothering.

The ceremony was part of the experience, she knew, but the diminutive sithling would much rather get to the part she was good at. Not baking in the sun like an egg. She had never felt so many eyes on her person at the same time and part of her wanted to lash out just to make them look the other way. She was not some animal, some rare bird, to be observed from behind bars. They were children of two incredibly formidable Sith and she yearned for the opportunity to prove that their blood wasn't a fluke. That their heritage, their studies, their dedication had meaning.

She could feel them.


Her hands tightened into small fists behind her back. Were it not for the slightly more feminine features she possessed, truly, she was identical to her brother. The same expression. The same ivory hair tucked back into a braided bun with the same mercurial eyes. They had been trained for this moment and many more just like it—She would not let down, or embarrass, her family. Even if their Father had no idea who they were or even that they'd foot on Jutrand…

Lunaria would not be a disappointment.

<<We will win, brother.>>

Her determination erased the uncertainty she felt about dealing with such a large crowd. While Sol evaluated their opponents, she saw through his eyes, and made silent notes about what she discerned from a distance. Adding to their collectively shared knowledge base without words or any inclination that she was doing so. This one favors their right, that one, looks horrified. This one might wet themselves…That one looks competent. The list, went on.

She only paused when a late teenager ( Viers Connory Viers Connory ) was shoved in line beside her. The action jostled her into her brother but Luna caught herself with reflexes that were uncannily upsetting. Mercurial eyes watched for a second while the girl hit herself in the forehead over and over. Didn't she know they were being observed beneath a microscope?


The singular word was little more than a whisper but her competition wouldn't have any trouble hearing it. Lunaria straightened and adjusted her collar. She could offer that, a kind word.

But no one would catch her slipping.



Alina couldn't help herself. She'd just arrived, standing beside Quinn as she peered down through the crowd of hopefuls. This was certainly a different rally than the one she had entered in her first days in the Sith. A fight to the death, slaughtering and killing one another while also trying to make deals and alliances in the battle royal it was. It was truly a different time, wasn't it? But, no, her laughter?

She spotted her. Viers Connory Viers Connory , of all people, in the crowd. In one of the outfits no less! How she ended up here was so very curious to her. She bit her lip to stop the giggling, glancing briefly to Quinn before idly pointing out towards the once hunter.

"I'm sponsoring that one. I am -very- curious just to see how far she'll go."

Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

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