Savior From Hell
Sasha Stellacend | Karok | Ilentos Kalosi | Adean Castor | @Everyone Else
Sasha. A name. The Echani's name was Sasha. Kal made sure to note that. Following each of Sasha's questions with a nod, Kal-El smiled in agreement.
"Exactly!" Kal raised two thumbs up before explaining further, "You got it right first try, Sasha! Although, I would prefer we could find a third team to work with. It would definitely increase our odds, but beggars can't be choosers, right?"
Thick Huttese broke through the conversation. Raising a lone eyebrow, Kal cast a sidelong look at the new arrival. The Gen'Dai Kal had hoped to rally to their cause certainly had an attitude. Nothing Kal could not handle, at least for this portion of the trials. Shrugging his shoulder and arms, Kal simply grinned before waving for Sasha Stellacend to make a move towards Ilentos Kalosi and Adean Castor .
"Sasha, why don't you go talk with our new friends? I'll take care of convincing this guy."
Before speaking in Huttese back to the Gen'Dai Karok . There was barely a change in tone or demeanor as Kal kept his movements relaxed and that same small smirk on the edge of his lips at the ready.
"(Aw c'mon, squidface. Is that any way to treat your new teammates?)," Kal-El shook his head for a moment, "(Especially since there doesn't seem to be anyone else running to join you or help you out. I sure hope that has nothing to do with breaking a poor applicant's leg or your 'sparkling' personality.)"
A sigh escaped Kal before he raised both hands up for there to be a moment of pause. People like Karok have either large tempers or large egos (or even both), but the difference was minuscule. But even the most temperamental Sith had to see reason that worked towards their self-interest.
"(Listen, we don't got to like each other, but we're not your enemy,)" the truth of the matter began to lay itself out, "(You can run in there alone or scare a couple applicants to working for you, but here's how those two plans will work out. Either you'll be overwhelmed by the tests or the sheer numbers--or perhaps the talent on display--of other applicants competing, or your teammates will backstab you sooner or later.)"
Kal gently gestured towards all the other applicants surrounding the conversing pair.
"(Considering the creativity present here, I don't think they'll need to literally stab you to remove you from the equation, fast healing or not.)"
Kal's eyes locked onto the Gen'Dai's, meeting the larger applicant's gaze. There was a simple determination and blunt honesty there. Kal figured that is what would be needed to convince the Gen'Dai.
"(Now, I can't speak for the rest, but I want you on our team. I was about to approach you first until you lumbered over here. Honest.)" Kal shrugged his shoulders in nonchalance while pursing his lips for a moment.
"(Soooo, you can either play nice for one trial, just one, and work together with us in the name of mutual self-interest--something I think we can all get behind--and increase our odds of making it through here together, or we can get nowhere with each other and continue exchanging our earlier pleasantries.)"
Kal raised his hand for a simple handshake.
"(Here. I'll start. I'm Kal-El, but Kal works too. What's your name, warrior?)"