Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Going Major

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Okay, so I know there was some mumblings about it not long ago. I know I haven a certain opinion on it, and others possibly might as well. Basically, I just wanted to give everyone a way to voice their opinions. And, since I'm putting up the thread, I'll obviously go first.

I, personally, would like to see the Silver Jedi remain as a minor faction. Reason being, I want this faction to remain free and fun. I have only been around the board since the end of the summer of '13, but one thing seems constant. Like a lot of boards, this one seems to have a lot of OOC drama, and it all seems to link back to being a major faction, and bleed out into the RPs. In my tenure, I've seen at least four regime changes for the Republic. In my eyes, that's simply crazy. We've gotten off to an amazing start, and I don't want to do anything that could bring us back even a step. Staying minor means not having to deal with the map or the influence clouds. That also means avoiding all the OOC mess that seems to plague other factions. That said, we would still be able to participate in galactic events, flashpoints, and aiding allies. I want us all to have fun, and not have to worry about board politics in the process. And that's my two cents/rant.


Oh, and please lets not flame anyone for voicing their opinion. That why it's called such, as we're all allowed to have one.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Remaining as minor does two thing

One most who left did so because of the constant dominions/invasions this is a part of major factions that is for growth. It is almost required because if you don't expand you could lose the status if you miss check in or are invaded.

Two being minor just means ships can't be over 1km and that isn't really important we have freedom to move around the galaxy and do as we please. I recommend staying minor and working to do what the idea of the order was.
I can understand where you are all coming from, but then again we miss out on so much more by staying minor, and really how long can we last as a minor faction. We've set up all these dev threads for what, we put Voss on the map just for this reason. We've been preparing for all this from the moment this faction was created and I thought many of you knew this, so I have no idea why this is coming up now. (Not in a nasty way guys :p)

The map is useful for other things as well. I know for me, the first thing I did when I first joined was to check out the galaxy map and took a look at each faction on there. This would help get our name out even more and probably increase our numbers allowing for a better roleplay experience.

We can't do much with our numbers, as I'm sure you are all able to see who the active ones are and such, and I'm pretty sure we're all going to soon get sick of roleplaying with the same people in the faction time after time so with more people around.

Invasions and Dominions are all what star wars is about. Battles and duels, space warfare, this is star wars. I find it really fun and exciting to wake up and find that the invasion that I took part in only the night before has jumped to having an extra five pages with all this great story to read. We can say we've had enough of all this because we have already experienced it, but let us not deprive others who have yet to enjoy the fun of an invasion or roleplaying, which in my opinion does bring many members of a faction together, if they don't let the OOC drama get to them.

Might add a bit more later, but this is the jist of it.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
And that, my good friend, are all positive reasons to go major. :D

Honestly, I want us to be different form the other factions. I felt, that by putting the problems to cause so many headaches, we can find ways around them and not be bogged down by the revolving drama. No matter what, everyone will still be here. I just believe that by putting all the issues to the forefront, we can possibly eliminate any chances of having internal issues driven by outside forces.
Hmm yeah my opinion kind of goes both ways, there cons and pros to both. Though i am leaning more towards going Major, I mean theres going to be just a tad bit of OOC drama but theres nothing we can do concerning others peoples actions. As i've said before i feel like we have some of the most mature, fun, and best writers about, and i think we'll do quite fine going major.

Though i'm glad we have this thread created because this is a good way for everyone to get together and share opinions so we all have a say.
Many of what has already been said have my own feelings on this. However I am wanting us to stay minor. I like minor factions better because it makes the people who are active have a closer IC and OOC relationships. It also allows slower posting which I like so I can bust out the multi thousand word posts that I would LOVE to do. The major factions cause a lot of drama behid the scenes. I even thought about having a thread where Carrick gets captured and then has to escape so he can inform you guys of the rising sith threat. But one of the people who I was going to rp with, has a personal vendetta against the Republic and all Jedi in general because of the hidden drama. And I want our faction to keep as much of that out. Josh quit the pubs because of all the hidden drama and the politics that were in there. And frankly I agree with him. I don't like the politics that come with the hopes of being a major faction. Hence my rant right now. I just want some nice threads with people who want the same. Wig as little politicos as possible.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
[member="Xander Carrick"]
whole what you've said is true, it can be avoided. I don't believe we have anyone in our faction that has pissed anyone off like that. I too want to avoid what you mentioned, but realistically, being major will open doors for us to group RP with larger factions easier.

Basically, neither idea is perfect. But if we can avoid having such a thick veil between the OOC leadership and IC members, I don't see us experiencing what the Republic went through.

That said, after really thinking about it, the pubs falling or at least losing territory would make things highly interesting. Just imagine it. It's kind of something I'd want to see. And if that happens, someone has to step up to protect the galaxy. OP/SJO alliance? That sounds fun.

But that's just me....
First of all, I am sorry for he incorrect spelling and grammar in My last post. I am using my phone and auto correct is not liking me right now.

Second, I agree, no plan is always fool proof. And tha there are many different ways about going over this. What I would like to say before my phone dies on me is that if we do go major, I will support it, as well I we stay minor. But I we do go major, I would like to ask that we act more respectfully by having mrs discussions and talk more to one another. I have posted like four different threads on here about dead that I have, and all I get is maybe one or two posts. If we go major I would like us to comunicate more often that way we don't leave people hanging waiting for an answer to what could be a really cool idea. As a major faction we need good communication skills. We need people who are willing to stand up for the faction and get people involved. I hate seeing a major faction do nothing and sit there looking nice but not worth a damn.
Hello everyone.

As most of you know I have limited time over the next few days, if you did not you do now... :p anyway, I will be posting in here when I have some time to sit and think about my thoughts on the matter.. and why I think we should go major.. :)

From what I have read so far, everyone makes very strong points and they are all valid for both options. There is no rush with this, and it is important to all of us so please continue the talks and stuff and when I can I will post my $20 worth...

I have read all that has been Talked about am thinking there is pros and con's to both sides of this coin. Here what I'm wondering as even if we stay minor or go major. As the stand on some of our believe I believe so we can be different and stay that way we drift like a consintution yea I know so NU like then have it to where problems come up we could a mind it maybe by this way get all clan and ranks also groups involved that way when more come into our fold its clear what this group is and isn't and all that jazz.
Aika Kawakami said:
And if that happens, someone has to step up to protect the galaxy. OP/SJO alliance?
I actually like this idea. Which made me think then...

Perhaps we hold off going major and allow the Dark side factions squabble with the Republic. And we can wait a durable amount of time in which case we wait until we deem it suitable for our emergence as a major faction, say if the Republic ever falls or seems like they need our assistance?

We can pop up with all our development items and equipment and assist? I think we should still go major, but then maybe hold off for a bit, say a few months and allow our numbers to build and such?

What do you all say? We can be the back-up if the Republic ever fall?
I tried to express my thoughts but couldn't effectively. So I'm going to dot point it.
*Go Major, but don't dominion many planets. Max 2-4.
*Focus RP on these planets.
*Major without domineering would allow ourselves to become a more important figure within the galaxy as a whole whilst maintaing our current core beliefs of staying a small order.
*This still isn't conveying my opinions effectively.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Rasu Gan said:
I actually like this idea. Which made me think then...

Perhaps we hold off going major and allow the Dark side factions squabble with the Republic. And we can wait a durable amount of time in which case we wait until we deem it suitable for our emergence as a major faction, say if the Republic ever falls or seems like they need our assistance?

We can pop up with all our development items and equipment and assist? I think we should still go major, but then maybe hold off for a bit, say a few months and allow our numbers to build and such?

What do you all say? We can be the back-up if the Republic ever fall?
This is a good idea to wait and focus on things
Rasu Gan said:
I actually like this idea. Which made me think then... Perhaps we hold off going major and allow the Dark side factions squabble with the Republic. And we can wait a durable amount of time in which case we wait until we deem it suitable for our emergence as a major faction, say if the Republic ever falls or seems like they need our assistance? We can pop up with all our development items and equipment and assist? I think we should still go major, but then maybe hold off for a bit, say a few months and allow our numbers to build and such? What do you all say? We can be the back-up if the Republic ever fall?
I will forever love you forever more.

Connor Harrison

I echo the above - sounds a good plan in general.

I think we have a brilliant number of RPers and characters to build on and really make the OSJ a flourishing, reputable and respected Faction on both sides of good and evil that we encounter.
There is no need to rush going major. It would be wisest to continue building our foundation strong for we are still a very young faction; getting all our ducks in order as we are not quite there yet…. before doing so for the reasons stated above.
^that has been on of my points in chat... There are still structure thing not in place which need to be before we go major. Focus on getting those done then we can talk about going major.

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