Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Going Nuclear at the Hospital


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
As some of you know, I've still been dealing with my broken elbow from Jan 2017. The movement is still restricted on it, it's still bruised and still sensitive to pressure, weight and touch. The bones are healed, the MRI test showed that the muscles are okay, just a tad smaller due to me not using it as much.

After seeing a surgeon last week, he's booked me in for bone scans tomorrow at the hospital to try to figure out what the damage is. That consists of getting nuclear isotopes injected into my elbow (ouch!), followed by two sets of gamma ray scans during the day. I'll be radioactive for a while and get to carry a little card around with me in case I set off any alarms.

Knowing others that have had similar tests, I'll not be able to be around my daughter for at least 24 hours, will not be able to use a smartphone, laptop or anything like that for that time period at least, until most of the nuclear material is out of my system.

So...I can't check up on you guys, can't help out the CSA and can't post in the tournaments that my alt [member="Loreena Arenais"] has signed up for until the weekend, probably.

Hopefully everything goes okay and that in a week or two I'll find out what the next steps are in getting my arm better.

I'll catch up as much as I can tonight, and might get a post or rwo in tomorrow morning before I go to the hospital, but then I'll be offline until Friday evening or Saturday. If it's longer than that, I'll have [member="Yasha Mantis"] (such a sweetheart! <3 ) update everyone for me.

Now let's see if I turn into the She-Hulk or get mutant powers afrer this :) Maybe I'll even discover the Force? Who knows? :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Darth Carnifex"]

Thanks! And that was all part of my plan...To get into your head with a song loop!

Mission accomplished :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Darth Carnifex"]

Me? A fiend? No no have me mistaken for [member="Veiere Arenais"] :p

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

Thanks :) Other than this darn elbow, I am in great health. I just hope that it can be fixed, whether it means surgery or not.

Connor Harrison

[member="Lady Kay"] Rest well. Recover. Take it easy. This is a big thing for you, and we'll be here when you return when you're fit and well. careful. You remember the factually documented incident when some poor bloke was exposed to gamma radiation.



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
I'm back. And radioactive for another 6 days. Get to carry a flashy card with me in case I set off alarms. I'm restricted on a few things, but at least I can hop online :)

I'll find out my results in a week or two. We'll see what the issue is, whether or not I need surgery, or go through more tests if nothing comes up.

Fun times :p

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