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Golbah City [ CIS Location Thread ]

"I accept your proposition." Kentarch replied quickly. "You should understand however that I am not Just a rogue Sith Lord. My actions have branded me a heretic and no longer will my former brothers in the Sith Assassins turn the other cheek to my alleged crimes." He would leave out the part where he destroyed an ancient Sith Temple on Kraysis II to deny it from being claimed by the Sith Empire.

"But I have several conditions. These Sith Exiles... These Executors. They will not brand themselves gods or demons and make people worship them. They will not take the thrones of systems under pretensions claims of blood and birthright. They will proves themselves strong, they will seek the knowledge left behind by others and pass it on to those worthy to call themselves Sith." Kentarch's voice was emotionless as it was omninious. "And finally they will swear no loyalty to The Dark Lord of Sith, Kaine, or to The Sith Empire."

Darth Kentarch's did not break from [member="Darth Metus"], his demands were a tall order. However Kentarch had the conviction to lead these Executors.
"It'll be fine, they can handle themselves. My orders were clear and simple, and if anything goes wrong Zed will notify us immediately. Just chill, this a vacation!" Stepping off the shuttle was a duo of women. The one that spoke wore a sleeveless top, leaving a tattoo on her upper arm visible. "This trip is for relaxing, Zo. I didn't even bring my gauntlets." The one she was talking to sported short, bright blue hair, her scrawny build in full contrast to the other's athletic build. "There is always at least one of us there to look after the Eye, to keep the guys in line. It's not that I distrust Zed, but you get me, right?" Their names were Jaya and Zoey and they were the co-founders of a street crew called the Eye of the Street on Tamanen, Bavva. "There's a reason I got ourselves a personal shuttle for this. If there is any emergency we can go back at a moment's notice. Just relax, please. Do it for me." A shrug and a conceding sigh was all Zoey answered with. They both knew what she meant by it, no more words were necessary.

Geonosis was a planet that interested Jaya greatly. As someone bordeline obessed with tech and tinkering with it she was sure she would feel right at home. At first the woman was looking to travel her on her own but Zoey would take absolutely no days off unless forced to, and Jaya was the only one who could. As such she would always make sure her friend didn't overwork herself and make her take time off every once in a while. "It's been too long since we've done something fun together. I mean, cantina nights are fun and all but that's all we've been doing outside of work for the last number of months." Zoey nodded at the words. "True. It's been a busy time for the Eye, we've rarely had any time for basically anything. Oh, someone needs to check in at the hotel. Our bags are being brought there as we speak but they want the payment up front. I also need to give Zed some more instructions, so I suppose I'll head off to my room in advance and make sure your things are delivered to yours. You can do whatever you like in the meantime." That time was going to be spent by looking for cantinas. "Alright. See you later today then, Zo." The blue-haired girl waved. "Don't get in trouble, Cupcake!"

With that Jaya was on her own for a while, and decided that after the trip she could go for a bite to eat. After walking around the port for a little while she passed by a cantina and decided to see if they served anything nice and perhaps even get to talk to some people. If she was lucky she could even find a brawl or two.

[member="Umedara Zaar"]
As the words formed and fell from the lips of the Sith Lord, additional arrivals made their presence known within the Office. The first was a woman who, upon approach, offered a half-bow to the Vicelord himself. Whilst he yet spoke, Darth Metus returned the gesture, granting a polite nod in response. When he finished speaking, his sulfuric gaze met the eyes of [member="Lady Psyona"] before he answered. "You presume correctly. Welcome to Golbah City." He trusted that the woman had heard his offer regarding the Executors, given when she had walked in.

Next to arrive was a young man...followed by a literal Nexu. At the sight of the beast, the Sith Lord stiffened ever so slightly. It was a small miracle that, during an operation years ago, he had learned to influence the minds of beasts. However, he would give the boy the benefit of the doubt and would assume that the nexu was tame. If it was not...he would either break it or eliminate it. "You...aren't interrupting anything." began Darth Metus, forcing the fact that the boy was young to the forefront of his mind. He exercised a rare degree of patience in this regard. "I bid you welcome to Golbah City. I trust you'll keep your pet...tame...whilst we proceed."

With that said, Darth Metus turned his attention back to [member="Darth Kentarch"], as the man had begun to respond. He listened, intently, as his fellow Sith expressed his vision for the Executors. In earnest, Darth Metus could get behind all of these points. Elevation by merit. Judgment by Strength. These were principles worthy of their Sith Exiles. "Every Sith within this room...and every Sith to come after will abide as thus. Strength will determine one's place in the world. Knowledge is to be shared, not hoarded. And to the Rule of Law within these Systems, to the Executors we found today, and to your Vicelord. Agree to this, and the Confederacy is your home and haven, evermore."

These words were not just spoken to Kentarch directly, but to the remainder of those present in the room. To [member="Akabane Jarvik"], to [member="Cairyn Midore"], and to [member="Lady Psyona"].
Making his way from the port Galaar he paused for a moment to take it all in. A bustling metropolis that was growing and rising as if to mirror the very government it embodied in saying, "I am here, I have arrived, I will not bow." The sentiment brought a small smile to his face. The light filtered through a few banks of clouds yet was still strong enough for the man to feel the burn in the inherent power of the sun. He knew of this world though he had never visited it before. A planet of harsh climate, danger, and wrought with history.

"I think I may enjoy it here."

Looking Westward he felt the draw in the force. Almost a Nexus of raw, unbridled power. But to the north he could feel something even more powerful. A final glance to the west and what surely was a form of training ground for the plethora of force users he sensed before moving north. It was to the north he felt the overwhelming presences that did not flaunt their power. They merely we're that power. It was the difference between a blaster set on stun and a turbolaser. And the man found himself wanting to see these turbolasers.

Through the city he moved gathering many looks. But what he sensed was he was not the strangest nor one who would bring the greatest fear to their hearts and minds. It brought a sudden urge to show them just who he was. But the moment passed and the madness quelled. It wouldn't do to start his arrival in such a way.

Chuckling he made it to the spire that rose into the heavens. Looking up and up he chuckled as he thought of Icarus who flew to heights he was not prepared for only to fall to his Doom. There was a moral there. Many assumed it was do not reach for that which is beyond your grasp. He , however, preferred to look at the moral as always be prepared for the fall.

Entering the building his glowing eyes took in the normalcy. People scurrying to and fro. Construction droids working on part of the lobby. Receptionists helping people at the welcome desk. Of course all of didn't distract him from turning to face several guards stationed throughout the first floor. Their apparel matched the generic surroundings but that was all. A twitch of his lips and slight curling of his fingers as he observed the stances of the guards. Warriors all and as he reached out with the force he felt echoes from each as being force users. Now a grin stretched across his face.

"The turbolift will take you to the top floor for the meeting", one of the guards spoke with a small nod of acknowledgement. Two fingers lightly brushed his brow in a salute as the man entered the lift and let the doors shut. As it traveled up it gave a panoramic view of the city quickly coming into being. A fortress and city walled off from the harsh terrain. It was easy to see that Golbah was created with thought of establishing a stronghold and they were well on their way to succeeding.

The lift doors opened and he stepped off catching the scent of power radiating from just down the hall. Shaking his head slightly side to side he moved along feeling the soft carpet give beneath his hard boots silently. Sliding to the doorway he paused and leaned against it as he listened to the force powerhouses within the room speaking to one another. Folding his arms across his chest his glowing eyes took in each of the members within the room while he tasted the aura of power.

Hearing [member="Darth Metus"] speak of sharing and loyalty, to Sith, was contradictory and intriguing in equal amounts. Hearing [member="Darth Kentarch"] speak of not swearing allegiance to the Dark Lord was even more so. Narrowing his glowing eyes he listened with curiosity.

[member="Akabane Jarvik"]
[member="Cairyn Midore"]
[member="Lady Psyona"]


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Port Galaar
The Confederacy of Independent Systems has been broadcasting the Holonet with multiple messages appealing to everyone ranging from soldiers to smugglers about a possible recruitment. News had reached Ar'ekk Daesharacor, an independent Jedi without an order to defend or ideals to enforce. Currently residing in Sanctuary, an old safe-world for the Republic Alliance, the young Jedi saw the opportunity to seek new challenges in his life that would allow him to sustain a stable income of credits and a place to call home. He played the Holonet recording a bunch of times to memorize the location mentioned in which he was supposed to head for a possible recruitment drive.

Having in his property the legendary and ancient Ebon Hawk, Ar'ekk made all the preparations needed to depart for the homeworld of the CIS. Shortly after being cleared for departure by the Sanctuary spacestation, the freighter made the jump into hyperspace and successfully arrived to its destinity.

"Please state your cargo and destination." One of the voices could be heard from the ship's intercommunicator, indicating the Ebon Hawk to identify itself which pretty much meant it was a scanning process to be allowed to land within the planet. Ar'ekk provided all the details through the freighter's computer interface, providing the required information through data-transmission.

"You're free to land on Port Galaar, landing pad 1388."

The Ebon Hawk made its way in-world, arriving to Port Galaar's landing areas. The freighter made a slow descent towards the landing pad assigned to the freighter. They were already there, Ar'ekk and his small crew working inside.

"Stay on the ship. I will not take long." the apprentice said to his Rodian and astromech companions inside the freighter. The boarding ramp was lowered to allow the young Jedi's descent, with smoke coming off from both sides as the air pressure of the freighter was released. He walked towards what seemed one road that lead to multiple cantinas and socializing areas of Golbah City but without drifting away from the Ebon Hawk. He stood there in awe staring at how great the Geonosian metropolis looked like.
The arrival of priceless artifacts shouldn't have surprised Natasha. After all, the Geonosian Knights made their home here, and as such, sometimes they would have to bring things from the eons past through customs. Sometimes, smugglers would try and sneak them onboard. Despite the prevalence of the Sith as a whole, there was still a black market for their artifacts. However, today something different happened. The priceless artifact happened to have an IFF tag.

As the Ebon Hawk landed, the young woman smiled. Who would fly that thing these days? It couldn't be in the best shape, and unless you changed almost all the internals, it couldn't be that reliable. She had to meet this guy.

As [member="Ar'ekk"] headed for a cantina, she tailed him, making sure to keep enough distance to make it hard to notice. Then again, he seemed like a Force user. Of course.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Having spent countless of moments in the dirtiest cantinas throughout the Galaxy, the young Jedi found himself in what seemed the most scum-ridden place he could find. The not so obnoxious background music and the decent chatter going made the place a great spot to spend your time drinking until your kidney can't take it any longer.

Ar'ekk felt a presence behind him as he walked inside but paid it no mind as Golbah City seemed a harmless place, he hoped anyways. A bartender greeted him with a brief nod and asked him what he would like to drink.

"I'll have whatever you're serving the rest of the patrons." he said to the bartender, expecting a not-very-soft beverage. And he was right, because in the moment he drank from that glass he felt instantly dizzy. Not after all, a Jedi isn't accustomed to drinking that much or at all.

There was something in the air or perhaps the Force was trying to tell him something.

What could it be?

[member="Natasha Darkstar"]
As she watched from across the street, Natasha frowned as the Ebon Hawk's owner slipped into probably the shadiest bar she'd seen. It was probably built for the few laborers here, and carried over to the spacers that came through Port Galaar. She'd need to keep eyes on places like this, where the newcomers and lowlifes of the city inevitably drained. Such places were bound to have interesting people in them, and when someone let loose about something coming, it was often in places like this, where the drunkard would spill their guts over a few too many pints. Things like that, she needed to hear.

Even so, she waited a few minutes before entering, letting the man get comfortable before she approached. You never knew who'd be there, after all. She could be walking into a barfight. Quietly, she slipped across the street, heading into the room.

The first thing that hit her was the music. It cut through her sanity like a knife, the sounds so far different than what she was used to. Music wasn't supposed to be that chaotic, nor was it supposed to be that loud. Maybe the latter was due to the live band, but she didn't like the music. Something else to get used to.

Chatter was the name of the game here, and she could hear a lot. The microphone she wore would pick up snipits, voice prints, and more for review. With no one listening in at the moment, she would have to wait for any analysis of the background. Still, as she approached the bar, she couldn't help but listen in to a conversation here or there.

Sitting down a stool away from her quarry, the woman gave a soft smile to the bartender. She'd seen him before, but not in this context. "Hey, little miss. Didn't you just get a job in the Diplomatic Service?" The question was direct, but there was something else there. An underlying test.

"Yeah, I did. Not a bad gig, overall. Just some entry-level desk work, but it pays." She smiled, trying to reinforce the cover. If he was what she thought, she may be in luck. Otherwise, it was idle chatter. Something she needed practice in anyways. The bartender nodded, and gave her a small drink 'on the house' With a frown, she glanced at the Jedi at the counter. He was a Force user. Great.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
The music became obnoxious by the minute he got in there, with the live band playing like it was their last day alive in the galaxy and the patrons chatting in the background were even louder as the pints kicked into their systems as they drank like sailors on shore leave. He tried to remain hidden by the bar and not drawing too much attention to himself although it was inevitable as the Ebon Hawk was still a recognizable ship for a handful of people even for being a thousand years old, someone probably already saw him walking out of the spaceport and leaving the freighter behind.

A young lady sat next to the young Jedi and asked for a drink just like him, engaging in conversation with the annoying bartender. They seemed to engage in some sort of friendly or at least courteous conversation but he paid no mind to what they said, attempting to not sneak himself into their personal interests. The look on the woman's face was pretty self explaining, a big frown developing on her face which lead Ar'ekk to believe she was not too fond of his presence. Instead of showing a face that demonstrated urgency he instead developed a wide side smirk as the quick-witty thinker he was and nodded her off, looking back ahead as he sipped from his glass.

[member="Natasha Darkstar"]
Yellowed eyes tracked Metus' eyes as he spoke. A small nod gave a response to his welcome, and she turned her attention to the other man in the room. She knew him. Had he been with the Dominion? No, she would have known of anyone that powerful. So where did she know him from? Had he been with Darth Mepherium? Maybe, but that still didn't seem right. For someone so focused on her mind and memory, she couldn't remember a simple face. Hmm. Something to work on.

As Cairyn walked in, followed by Grif, she frowned. The child was no end of trouble to her, and she doubted that would end anytime soon. He seemed to show up wherever she went, and there was no end to his interference. She'd grown to accept that recently, but she'd hoped, at least once, that he wouldn't show. It seemed the Force would play a cruel joke today. Even so, she would take that in stride. "I assure you, he won't be a problem. And neither will the Nexu." With that, she shot the child a glare. Hopefully, it would shut him up.

As for the idea that the Sith Lord proposed, she'd heard this all before. "Sith are hard to control. They'll grasp for power, and respect nothing else. Loyalty doesn't mesh well with the idea of 'Power is its own end.'"

[member="Darth Metus"] [member="Akabane Jarvik"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Cairyn Midore"]
Cairyn stared up at the Sith Lord who addressed him with a blank expression. What did he mean by keeping his pet tame? Since when had Griz been anything more than an absolute joy to be around? The boy couldn't fathom for the life of him why anyone would feel remotely concerned about his pet, not when she was so lovely as she was. Still, this man was perhaps one of the first to actually greet Cairyn with some sort of respect he so rightly deserved, so as far as he was concerned, this man was good in his books.

His head snapped to face Grace as she spoke, him meeting her glare with a wide smile. "Oh geez, Chase, I didn't even see you there!" He said loudly, intentionally ignoring the first part of her comment. "And wowza, I didn't know you cared so much for Griz! Yeah, mister, she's a very good girl, I swear. If someone gets bit by her, I'm pretty sure they probably deserved it." He plopped down on the floor, sitting criss-cross as he pet his pet. Griz, however, growled at the little crowd they had. "See? Completely harmless, within reason."

[member="Lady Psyona"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Akabane Jarvik"] | [member="Darth Kentarch"]
He was ignoring her. That was good. He didn't know she was here to keep tabs on him. It wasn't like she had been given an assignment, but a Force User coming to town on the Ebon Hawk, espically one not in the records? This was something she had to be watching. Praying that the background noise wouldn't muddle the interview, she took a small drink. Kriff, that was strong. Not that she was used to drinks at this point. Strask had never allowed them, saying the clouded the mind. But he'd also encouraged getting others drunk. Sometimes she wondered how much of a balance she should be maintained between the two. Something she'd have to learn over the years.

Turning to the man next to her, she spoke, her voice level and calm, almost sounding disinterested. "Not too often you see a Force User out here. Especially one who's not a member of the local Knights." She smiled, the calm demeanor there for the world. "So what brings you to our little city?"



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
His attention diverted towards the woman who seemed to have taken an interest on his personal affairs. Ar'ekk was never one of those who kept quiet at the very first attempt of being annoyed by individuals, specially in bars. He continued to show a smug grin towards her, finding the whole situation amusing.

"Don't take any offense but I don't share personal affairs with people I don't know." he said in a friendly tone. His demeanor tended to drastically swing depending on who he was talking to, a negative trait of his. The young man always seemed to get himself into a dilemma but eventually getting off from it by smooth-talking his way.

"But I must say, it's a very nice city. And the drinks? Even more." he clashed his glass with hers, cheering their mood up with the hope of diverting the conversation away from himself.

However, he suspected something. What it could be?

It was unknown to that point.

[member="Natasha Darkstar"]
"Then it is settled." Kentarch stated quickly. "The freedom and independence granted by the CIS for these Sith Exiles as a safe haven, myself included, will earn our loyalty. We will deliver the justice of the CIS as a mark of our loyalty."

The terms had been set. But the task of keeping his fellow Sith in line would not be an easy one. Already [member="Lady Psyona"] questioned this loyalty to the CIS. Which Kentarch found interesting, yo say the least. "If the Sith of the galaxy can swear loyalty to Empires and Dark Lords, then swearing loyalty to a government that represents their interests should acceptable, no one said they had to share their personal power. And no one expects to control them like an Akk Dog on a leash. We will help the CIS interests and they will help our own." He stated to Psyona.

As he finished speaking he sensed [member="Muad Dib"] skulking just outside. "You have nothing to hide here. Come join us." He turned away from [member="Darth Metus"] and Psyona to the Sith Just outside the doorway.
Quietly he listened. Which for him was an improvement over his more normal tendencies of creating havoc. Eyes flickered between the lad and woman, an obvious tension and perhaps entertaining story laying beneath the facade of niceties. Suppressing a smirk he shifted slightly once more focusing on one of the other Sith radiating power and addressing concerns.

Out of the group of Sith gathered he had heard mention of two of them. Former Mandalorian Verd and whispers of Darth Kentarch. But he had never had the pleasure to encounter either before this point in time. But he supposed that meeting the powers that be was the first step.

As Kentarch spoke of not hiding and coming forward to join the group Muad grinned lightly and moved into the room, officially joining the group engaged in their conversation. Raising two fingers of his right hand to his brow he gave a half bow in the flowery mannerisms of the Adumari court. Straightening he hooked his thumbs into the bes'briik belt at his waist.

"Muad Dib, at your service."

[member="Darth Kentarch"] @Ar'ekk [member="Natasha Darkstar"] [member="Cairyn Midore"] [member="Lady Psyona"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Jaya Tandris"]
Lirra, Centre of Operations​

It was time.

The door opened silently, admitting one of his General's inside. "Sir, we have been monitoring the HoloNet, and we have found it!" The hulking figure before the officer nodded once. "Sir, you could go back!". The room filled with steam, as the person behind the desk stood up. His voice was booming, and oddly robotic. "Leave me."

As soon as the young officer had left his office, Werah slumped back onto his seat. After all this time...Werah was unsure. He clicked the hatch on his visor, then removing the entire helmet. Taking a deep breath from his antiox mask, he made his decision. It was time.

Steam and other gases spewed from his life support system, as he strode out of his office. For so long now, he had stayed away from the galactic stage, living here on Lirra in peace. He had seen the fall and rise of empires, the death of loved ones, and the horrors of war. His scars were not just on the surface. But that was the past now, and his only choice was to move on. He had spoken with the command of the CIS, and everything was ready. He just needed to take this final step.

The Command Centre overlooked the entire city here on Lirra now, the place that he now considered home. Nonetheless, it was time to go. A small shuttle took him into space, where he entered a Void Station. The place brought back memories - not all of them good ones. Waving his hand to clear his mind, he ascended to the central hub. "My people! The time has come! I am returning to the galaxy. You may follow if you wish."

The journey was long, but Werah had wanted the time to reflect, and prepare. Werah had always been cautious, and the events of his past had rewarded him for such. Now was not the time for recklessness. He gestured at the screen, activating the necessary protocols...

The shuttle landed quietly, with only a few people in this city knowing who was aboard. The massive armour was covered by a thick black cloak, and hunched over, he almost fitted in with some of the other port-goers. He made his way to the nearby tower, where he was apparently awaited. He hesitated at the doorway, thinking back over all that had once happened. That was the past. This was the present. It was time.

He stepped inside.
Port Galaar

A figure dressed in simple grey robes disembarked with the rest of the passengers, there was nothing to note save he carried a simple duffel bag and the fact that there were three lightsabers strapped to his waist. Strange really, no one could really remember any details about the person who shared their journey with.

Few would recall seeing him at the ships bar, mostly keeping to himself or playing with heavy scarred icon shaped like a coin. If they bothered to remember, he seemed the silent type, prefering to hear thier stories and occassionally buying a round of drinks.

If anyone bothered to check the ships log they would find the entry indicating his arrival had been deleted with the Captain's code. Not that the captain would recall deleting the log, nor would reveal he received a hefty sum of credits for that simple clerical error. No, someone went though a log of effort just to make sure that this journey was kept discrete.

Daxton paused as he took a deep breath of Confederate air, sweet air of home mixed with the right amount of day old sweat, vaporized space exhaust and a dash of urban pollution. Yes, as the familar sights and smells greeted him like an old lover, it was good to be back.

The first order of business was to get some alcohol in him, time enough for pleasantries and socializing later, once he has had a few good pints in him. Lookimg for the most disreputable looking cantina in the spaceport, the Sith looked to see what he could find.

Darth Atrox

852 ABY

For months, the Zabrak had been scouring the galaxy for this place, peering into every dark cantina for clues as to the state of the galaxy, and gathering information on the CIS and preparing himself for this moment. The public transport ship which carried him from the core to Geonosis and subsequently to Port Galaar. Everything had proceeded as he had foreseen, and slowly the cogs of his plan began to mesh and grind together. Mala Kulan was eerily calm and his very presence seemed to make the transport draw cold and appear to dim the lights ever so slightly.

Without haste, he stepped from the transport after the main throng of civilians and entered the spaceport briskly, and was finally apprehended just as he was about to purchase a snack from a snackbar. Before the droid had even began its pitiful utterance, he turned and faced it, a confused look plastered across his dastardly face.

"Halt." came a whirring from deep within the B1 droid stood before Darth Atrox, its blaster pointed directly toward the Sith Lord's head and the remainder of its squadron shifting uneasily, their cogs clanking and clicking as their metallic joints moved. The Zabrak stopped, as ordered and observed the group for a few moments, awaiting a follow up to the droid's command. Its optical sensors flitted down toward the lightsabers hanging from his waist and the commanders tone instantly switched. "You're under arrest for illegal entry into Confederacy space, hand over your wea-." before the droid could complete its monotonous speech, the Sith Lord's crimson blade had began to sing, and severed the droid in two in a shower of sparks.

Darth Atrox became a blur as he slayed the rest of the droids, moving at breakneck speed and his blade danced and crooned in delight, sending the terrified civilians fleeing from the scene yelling for help, screaming "Jedi! Jedi!" much to Atrox's amusement. Casually, he extinguished his blade and continued his stroll into the city.

[member="Srina Talon"]
Location: Port Galaar/Plaza

Srina wove through the dusty, sand-strewn streets of Golbah City, traveling light, with a rough spun muslin scarf covering moon-kissed hair. As an apprentice to the Vicelord she often frequented the capital to assess the state of the people. She, and many of the other Dark Acolytes were his long arm of the law, and operated with impunity, in order to uphold the basic rights that they promised to all of the citizens within their member worlds. Many of the vendors and local authorities knew her face by this point and most seemed happy to with the constant care that the Confederacy provided.

Poverty was a problem on most planets, in every system, but public welfare on Geonosis was steadily combating the state of the underprivileged. It made her feel as if her choice in leaving her homeworld of Eshan served a true purpose. Belonging to something greater than herself that made a difference in the lives of so many people…People that had been enslaved or worse…Made the distance bearable.

“Have you still noticed stock coming up missing?”, she questioned one of the main importers of fresh fruits and vegetables, primrose lips falling into a thin, flat line. Crime was everywhere. They couldn’t eliminate all of it out of the very nature of free well…But they could do their best to circumvent it. “I believe it to be taken care of…But we just wanted to be sure.”

“Not since the last time you came. Did you find the culprits?”, the green-skinned Twi’lek questioned, hoisting two large sacks of produce over either shoulder.

Srina only smiled, the expression soft, and yet cold as winter air. It seemed out of place in the sweltering heat of Geonosis. They had indeed found the group responsible, and they had been dealt with accordingly, but there were always other threats to contend with. She breathed to respond, but before she could, the sounds of screaming broke out in the plaza. The pale-skinned woman barely reacted, merely moving away from the merchant, and toward the chaos rather than away from it.

Among the remains of Confederate battle droids stood a man she did not know. Zabrak, for certain, and most definitely the source of the sudden panic. Younglings spend away, toward their parents, screaming about a Jedi. Srina assumed it was a misnomer based on his obvious weapon of choice. The force-sensitive woman could feel his alignment, just a she could feel any Sith Lord, and she frowned briefly.

What point did this serve? What did this darksider hope to accomplish in the heart of Confederate territory? Why had the droid apprehended him? People came and went all the time. The CIS promised freedom. They did not require transit papers to start new lives.

“Enough of this.”, Srina spoke softly, though her voice would be heard above the chaos, and through the crowd. There was something about her quiet confidence that bespoke a reason for her calm demeanor. Most would balk at the sight of a muscular Zabrak that was a good head and a half taller than she was. The Echani did not. Would, not.

Storm-cloud eyes watched the horned man for a long moment. She stepped forward a vision of white and pale blue—Lightsaber hidden beneath her cloak. She made no motion to raise it. Not yet.

“If you were looking for attention—you’ve found it. What is your business on Geonosis? ”

[member="Darth Atrox"]

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