Kiskla Grayson-Matteo
More obedient than usual, Kiskla tightened responsively to Marcello's change of command. The wind whipped against them, no longer the premiere ally, but not unusually, Marcello had it under control. She felt the rush calm with his conduction, before they dropped softly and safely to the ground once more.
Ocean hued eyes looked beyond his cradle and where they had come from. The lorquals and Shanh were struggling still-- but consumed with their own dilemmas. The chickens had safely crossed the road.
"I've been waiting for you to sweep me off my feet." The blonde commented finally, wrinkling her nose in good humour. That was a neat trick indeed, especially for one who had picked up on The Force so late in his lifetime (comparatively speaking). Shows that hard work could indeed pay off. It wasn't for want to get moving again that made her step back, but instead the sound of curious murmurings.
Her attention snapped to a quartet of furry spectators-- armed with crude melee weaponry. Their brown and grey bodies were clambering over the ridge to the Jedi's left. My my, this was an exciting planet. Instinctively, Kiskla tensed and begun her silent assessment of the situation -- tapping into her empathetic resources (limited though they were). The newcomers were not filled with aggression as the spears would imply, but rather awestruck wonder. The Ansonian-descendants had their eyes trained on the pair, constantly murmuring amongst themselves. They must be a hunting party, Kiskla assumed based on their composure and assets-- likely for lorquals considering they were woefully underprepared for shanh.
The closer they drew (within a handful of moments), the clearer their utterances became. No longer in an undertone did they speak, and Kiskla could determine what it was they were saying --- though it's meaning held little value. She also noticed the Gwurran's were solely focused on one of them, not the pair together. Simply ogling at [member="Marcello Matteo"] while they whispered pidgin Ansion -- but the constant title of 'Miywondl' graced their traditional tongues.
Ocean hued eyes looked beyond his cradle and where they had come from. The lorquals and Shanh were struggling still-- but consumed with their own dilemmas. The chickens had safely crossed the road.
"I've been waiting for you to sweep me off my feet." The blonde commented finally, wrinkling her nose in good humour. That was a neat trick indeed, especially for one who had picked up on The Force so late in his lifetime (comparatively speaking). Shows that hard work could indeed pay off. It wasn't for want to get moving again that made her step back, but instead the sound of curious murmurings.
Her attention snapped to a quartet of furry spectators-- armed with crude melee weaponry. Their brown and grey bodies were clambering over the ridge to the Jedi's left. My my, this was an exciting planet. Instinctively, Kiskla tensed and begun her silent assessment of the situation -- tapping into her empathetic resources (limited though they were). The newcomers were not filled with aggression as the spears would imply, but rather awestruck wonder. The Ansonian-descendants had their eyes trained on the pair, constantly murmuring amongst themselves. They must be a hunting party, Kiskla assumed based on their composure and assets-- likely for lorquals considering they were woefully underprepared for shanh.
The closer they drew (within a handful of moments), the clearer their utterances became. No longer in an undertone did they speak, and Kiskla could determine what it was they were saying --- though it's meaning held little value. She also noticed the Gwurran's were solely focused on one of them, not the pair together. Simply ogling at [member="Marcello Matteo"] while they whispered pidgin Ansion -- but the constant title of 'Miywondl' graced their traditional tongues.