@[member="Ashin Varanin"]
As I with you, Ashin. The Red Coterie sounds interesting and, with Devereux Industries and its -secret- medical research facilities, he would have considerable resources to contribute. That is, if he thought the Gulag Virus was still a big enough threat to consider sharing his covert resources with others, Jedi or Sith alike. He would be likely to assess the practicality of joining such a society without giving much weight to his personal bias towards the Sith.
Quietus, you're quite right, although I have toyed with the idea of taking him Jedi in the past. He wants to delve into all elements/interpretations of the Force in increasing his understanding of its use, leaving no stone unturned. There's only so much enlightenment you can get from ransacking the Great Jedi Library/(ies). On top of that, while he employs the Dark Side, he is not evil nor overly wrought with emotion.
Yes, let's make magic.
I'm wonderful, Disciple, and yourself? Still bringing the bad I see.
As do I hope, Darron.
Thanks for all the welcomes, everyone.