Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Goodbye, Chaos


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Well, it has been an absolute pleasure to count myself among you. My time here has been nothing short of absolutely amazing, and it breaks my heart to have to say this,
But I have to leave.
And chances are, I'm not coming back.

If you really want to talk to me, my Skype is thepandaofyourdreams. If you're curious, you can talk to me there.

I hate goodbyes, but I'm afraid that I will have to say it this time.
Goodbye, Chaos.

Connor Harrison

[member="Nyx"] The talent and passionate people that this place seems to be bleeding out is such a shame and so sad to see.
I hope everything is ok and your situation resolves itself - real shame we never got to write as your character looked awesome.

Take care and I hope one day you may find yourself able to return.

I liked this so I could unlike it afterwards. :<

I will keep Nox on my list of apprentices, and if/when you find time I'll be here.

I hope everything works out for you, and wish you best of luck with your endeavours (yes, I know this is the third[?] time I say it, but feth it).

This is probably like the third time I've said this, but whateva. We're going to miss you. If you ever come back, we'll be waiting for you. I'll probably be eating chicken.

Going away present:



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Thank you all for the sendoff.
This has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I hope to come back one day.
Now, I need to stop crying after reading all this.

Sad to see you go! :(

It's especially disheartening that we never got to write together, but RL's, of course, more important! So I wish you the best of luck in life, take care, and if you ever come back, know that we'll welcome you back with open hands!


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