Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Google Redirect Malware Strikes Again

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We got hit by it again, as those of you unfortunate to be redirected witnessed. Several security precautions have been taken and we've beefed up a lot since the last time it happened.

Please alert us ASAP if you've been redirected, but do not link to the page you've been redirected to. It is vulgar and not PG-13.

TLDR: I think I may have it fixed and found the culprit.


Disney's Princess
Oh good. Something was going on. I got kicked off the site like 4 times today. Probably maintenance on the back end. Thanks for the announcement Tef! :D
Once again slicers have attacked the Holonet's core infrastructure on Coruscant. The second of such events in recent memory. The Imperial Security Bureau released a statement to the public just minutes ago.

ISB: We've already tracked down the perpetrators to Alderaan. Grand Moff Tarkin has assured us they have already been dealt with swiftly and quietly.

Hey, I've always been posting in these threads on this issue, so I wanted to take an opportunity to express my thanks. There are a lot of people who work behind the scenes here to make things move smoothly, and I'm really grateful to all of them!
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