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Approved NPC Gorgannoth the Butcher-King's Rage

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  • Intent: ​To flesh out an important NPC to be used in future content involving the Sith Empire and House Zambrano.
  • ​Image Credit: Click
  • Role: ​Gorgannoth leads the Turia Siqsa as its Pit King and he faithfully serves as one of the savage Generals under direct command of his masters [member="Darth Carnifex"] and Darth Prazutis.
  • Links:
  • Age: Adult
  • Force Sensitivity: ​Yes
  • Species: Turia Siqsa
  • Appearance: ​Gorgannoth is a hulking monstrosity to behold standing at massive six meters in height, far above the average for his own species. He is a walking mass of hide, muscle, bone, and plating with a pair of large leathery wings. Every inch of Gorgannoth's body is covered in the scars of war each one a fresh trophy from a recently victorious battle and another victim to fall to his rage. Gorgannoth is a living embodiment of everything foul in the dark side of the force.

    Nowhere is his rage more evident than in his face from the many rows of sharp teeth to the large tusks that protrude, his face is an edifice of absolute brutality and utter savagery. The creatures very eyes are orbs of flickering green fire that is like into the very fiery pits of hell itself made manifest in physical form, a raging fire that burns in the back of his mouth and trails from the top of his head down his spine the creatures entire body radiates heat like a raging furnace.
  • Name: ​Gorgannoth the Destructor; the Butcher-King's Rage
  • Loyalties: House Zambrano | Sith Empire
  • Wealth: ​Material wealth is not a concern of Gorgannoth whatsoever, his entire focus being on war. Anything he needs he's provided with or he simply takes himself.
  • Notable Possessions:
    ​War Glaive - A massive serrated war glaive made for the King of the Turia Siqsa. It is made of Phrik.

[*]Skills: All of Gorgannoth's natural talents are geared towards war and the leading of others into war.
[*]Personality: Gorgannoth is one of the cruelest, most barbaric butchers to ever serve House Zambrano. In his core he is ultimately a simple creature with no overriding ambition to change his station in life beyond what he currently has achieved. Through his creation at the hands of the Zambrano family he has been cursed with an immeasurable, unending thirst for blood. The bloodthirst of the savage graug was but a compulsion when compared to the utter addiction that bloodletting was for Gorgannoth. It was rare and terrifying for this creature to go even without a single day without spilling blood. If he did not receive a sacrifice of slaves after one day he would begin to kill the beasts of war from the dark hordes, if he didn't receive a tribute of blood on the third day he would turn on the weakest of the litter and the cannon fodder slaughtering them with great satisfaction.

Unlike other predators he prefers the kill and the spilling of blood over the chase, the messier the kill the better. The only desire burning within his heart is to wage unending war against all forces of the light and all enemies of House Zambrano, who he feels an absolute loyalty towards. The beasts ruthlessness, intelligence, and vile cunning have turned him into a terribly efficient weapon of war for his dark masters and was always found at the very forefront of any invasion forces, usually the very first to make landfall.

In battle Gorgannoth wades into the most concentrated area of foes targeting the deadliest fighters and cutting them down to add yet more trophies to his collection. The only time he ever felt anything akin to happiness was in battle when blood ran like rivers and the entrails of his enemies were piled all around him. He was a malevolent being that was supremely arrogant, completely sadistic, and utterly devoid of any compassion or sympathy in any form. A common nickname for Gorgannoth rose as the Butcher-King's Rage because when this monster shows up on the field all life dies in his wake, entire cities burn and not a single soul survives his rage.
  • Weapon of Choice: Gorgannoth wields a massive twin bladed, serrated glaive made out of phrik. ​​
  • Combat Function: ​In battle he is a walking death machine leading his savage forces from the forefront of the fray. He wades into the fiercest, most heavily concentrated sections of battle surging forth to trample the enemy lines and slaughter countless dozens with every swing of his war glaive. Gorgannoth enjoys all of the abilities of his race but also suffers their weaknesses as well. One particular weakness he feels even more out of his brethren is he stands head and shoulders larger than the average Turia Siqsa and on the field this makes him a massive target even when among his fellow Turia Siqsa. Out of all his brethren the insatiable bloodlust of Gorgannoth can act as a significant weakness as he never leaves the battlefield willingly and will pursue a dangerous opponent at expense to his own health and to those around him when thrown into a rage.

Every savage horde needs a leader.

The Dark Lord and the Shadow Hand both worked together in the creation of a monstrosity that would lead the newly crafted Turia Siqsa, and many dark hordes to come. They wielded sorcery of the blackest accord taking one of these newly crafted specimens and chaging him, warping him beyond recognition into a beast that stood head and shoulders above all the rest of his kind.

This was an abomination that would burn with the infamous black rage of House Zambrano, and think with the vile cunning, intelligence, and absolute ruthlessness the family was known for. The end result of their experimentation was the entity named Gorgannoth. They personally involved themselves in the training of this beast watching it dominate and destroy everything that was placed in front of it. A set of edicts were burned into the beasts mind through the words of his dark masters 'Spare nothing, leave nothing but death and destruction in your wake'.

When he was finally set loose the results were horrifying. Gorgannoth quickly rose to prominence and renown among both the savage hordes of Belkadan and the Sith Forces earning him monikers such as the Destructor and the Butcher King's Rage. The arrival of Gorgannoth meant that the eyes of the highest authority were on said world, and that there was an obstacle that the Dark Lord wanted gone completely.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Darth Prazutis said:
Loyalties: House Zambrano | Sith Empire
Link the relevant factions / submissions, please.

Darth Prazutis said:
Weapon of Choice: Gorgannoth wields a massive twin bladed, serrated glaive. It's been touched so that it's resistant to the effects of lightsabers.
Please expand how the weapon has been "touched" to resist the effects of lightsabers. Was it through Cortosis or any other similar material? If it's a restricted material (or a regular one), make sure to link it them properly.

Darth Prazutis said:
Combat Function: ​ In battle he is a walking death machine leading his savage forces from the forefront of the fray. He wades into the fiercest, most heavily concentrated sections of battle surging forth to trample the enemy lines and slaughter countless dozens with every swing of his war glaive.
Include a few weaknesses for your NPC. The combat function section must include an equal amount of strengths and weaknesses.

[member="Darth Prazutis"]
[member="Arekk"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"]

Darth Prazutis said:
  • Notable Possessions:
    ​War Glaive - A massive serrated war glaive made for the King of the Turia Siqsa. It is made of Phrik.

[*]Weapon of Choice: Gorgannoth wields a massive twin bladed, serrated glaive. It's been touched so that it's resistant to the effects of lightsabers. ​​

The former mentions its made out of phrik (which is a RM, but considering the Factory regulations allow unique productions of RMs in the Tech section without dev, this is acceptable), while the language of the latter suggests it is resistant through other means. I assume alchemy or something?

Either way- it can be either made out of phrik or be alchemized, please ensure the language is consistent across the submission.

I also need you to either spoiler your image or make it smaller according to new Codex rules.
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