Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hype's worn Kum'rrk fighter roared through deep space. There was nothing here, absolutely nothing. The charts had been wrong. Hype slammed his fist onto his console in frustration. He wished he could wring the neck of that dealer. But, sitting here on the outer edges of the known galaxy, there wasn't much chance of fulfilling that particular wish. His limbs shuddered involuntarily, and Hype barley managed to keep himself from coughing. The blood came anyway. A corner of the cockpit was now slick with it. He drew in a shaky breath, and tried to find out where in hell he was exactly.
He had come here hoping for medical treatment, now he found none. His life was failing. His eyesight now seemed to be growing dim on its edges. Hype shook the thoughts away. Thinking about it wouldn't help him get anywhere at all.
His computer pinged. Curious. A system that wasn't on the charts. Nothing necessarily new, not in these parts. Still, may as well check it out. He started to hope maybe the coordinates given to him were only slightly off. No harm in checking it out. Right?
A hyperjump would be dangerous. It was a very short route, but it could be dangerous. It was uncharted. It would only take day at sublight speed. So that's what Hype did. He put the ship in autopilot. The engines were likely the only noise. The space vast and empty around him, like a void. Only a few bright stars could be seen, the rest were too far away, too dim. Hype sat in utter silence, even the engines barely made a sound at its cruising speed.
The ship abruptly rattled.
Hype quickly scanned his sensors. Nothing. The ship rattled again. He peered out the window. Nothing. Then something. A purplish-greenish aurora swirled about the ship. Bright sparks of lightning flashed. His sensors identified it as some kind of solar storm. The ship began rattling more violently. Alarms went off. Hype turned them off. He hated alarms. Autopilot switched off. Hype took control. He fought hard to keep the ship on course. Pressure increased on the ship, and the cabin. Then lowered, making his ears pop, then raised again. Steam hissed out of pipes. Then he was out just as quickly as he had arrived.
Everything quieted again. Once again, Hype could not see the storm, nor did the sensors pick it up.
Breathing heavily, Hype took in his surroundings. Before him lay a blue giant. The chances of civilization here were low. The planet count startled him. There were 16 planets. He did a long range radar scan of the planets. Every single one had signs of advanced civilization on them. Hype breathed in sharply. A new system, and very technologically advanced. What were the chances, he mused, of them having ships?
Set course for the nearest planet, which was apparently currently the 14th planet. Hype kept checking his sensors as he approached. Nothing was showing up. No ships. No people. The space here felt so.....dead. His ship pinged. He jerked his head back up to the view-port. Just in time to avoid a huge piece of metal. And another, and another. Then Hype realized, these were ships. What was left of them anyway. These ships dwarfed Hype's own. And even though there was many a capital ship that would definitely dwarf a Kum'rrk fighter, these ones were definitely beyond that. Up to hundreds of kilometers in length. What had destroyed them must have been as equally terrifying. Hype broke through the ring of debris, and came upon the planet. It had a thick cloud cover that nothing could penetrate. He took a deep ragged breath, and went in.
He set the ship on autopilot. It would find a place to land. It did. Hype exited the ship, fully armed. But the obscured view out the view-port, did not prepare Hype for a total wasteland. Everything he could see, for kilometers, was bare. But not completely smooth. Huge craters and small ones spread across the ground. Remnants of buildings were barely holding themselves up. There seemed to have been a city here, a very large one at that. But it was all obliterated. Something to do with those ship in space. Hype absent-minded, looked up, to find he could indeed see many of the rotting hulks. He decided to examine his surroundings.
The earth was soft, like sand. But although sand often had life in it, this sand did not. Everything was incredibly dry. A breeze kicked up, stirring up grit across the barren landscape. Much of the ground was also scorched black. Hype walked for about a kilometer north. The one sun beat down like a flamethrower. His armor helped keep him cool, but even with that, sweat trickled down his face. He caught a flash on the horizon.
Unable to see it clearly, he zoomed in on it with his HUD. It was a tower. A tower that was completely intact in the midst of ruin. It shined in the light like some kind of dull metal. t probably went up a couple hundred meters. A good viewpoint. Hype signaled his ship to come to him. No point in walking to the ship if it could come to you. The ship glided smoothly just meters above the surface, and settled down near his position. Hype went on board, and sent it to a spot near the tower. Let's see what this is all about.
The trip was shorter than it seemed, though the tower did indeed prove to be about 250 meters in height. Hype exited the ship. There were no windows, just one door. With no opening mechanism. The tower was smooth and gray, there were no windows. Hype rapped the tower with his fist. It was made of some kind of metal or rock. Something powerful enough to withstand some extreme firepower from the looks of the rest of the landscape. Hype walked around the tower. Not a flaw. He suddenly got the feeling he was being watched. he scanned the area with his infrared sensors, built into his HUD. Nothing, at least that could be seen that way. Everything was so blasted hot. He studied his surroundings, zooming in. Still nothing. Hype walked back to the door. There had to be a way in. He doubted explosives would work. He studied the door closely. There.... The door had crack on the edge on the right, like something had shoved on it from the outside. Hype again looked around him. Still nothing. He shoved his finger into the crack, and pulled. His strength was not what it used to be. The door budged, then gave way. It slid smoothly away to the upper left corner. The room was dark, very dark. Hype activated his flashlight built onto his helmet. Skeletons, lots of them. And very damn alien.
The gloom was foreboding. The wind made a hollow sound inside the tower. It creaked quietly, metal joints rubbing against metal joints. Hype drew a pistol, though he doubted he need it. There was no lift, just a flight of stairs leading up. Looking behind him, he started up. He turned his attention to the next floor. More skeletons, and lots of cylinders too. They reminded him of lightsabers, but they were quite different. Black, almost rectangular. He picked one up. Seemed like a lightsaber. No switch though. He shook it. It suddenly activated. One would have had to have nerves of steel to not jump at that, as it was, Hype was startled, but not enough to do something stupid.
It was unlike any saber he had seen. It was reminiscent of a darksaber, but it had no light. One could only see the blade because of he light behind it. It was a slab of nothingness. It made no noise. Hype shook it again. It flickered out. Testing it one one more time to make sure it worked, he clipped it to his belt. The next two floors were the same. And the next one, and the next. The tower had been crowded as a last resort survival effort it seemed. But they all died. Hype wondered if he ones who did this were still alive. They undoubtedly were.
He was out of breath. What he was coming came in ragged. Fortunately he didn't cough. But he was at the top. The scenario spread out before him,he could see for nearly hundreds of kilometers in all directions. Mountains were in the far south, the remnants of a forest in the far north. The landscape was just as empty as before. The wind blew, and dust rose from the earth on the horizon. Hype decided to leave. But something made him hesitate. He looked to the west. The wind died down, but a steady stream of sand was still billowing in a column, and was coming closer. A hundred to one it was the inhabitants, and a thousand to one they were hostile, and likely the destroyers of this planet. Hype turned and began rushing down the stairs. It was time to get out of here.
He made a great deal of racket coming down. Followed by coughing and wheezing. He nearly fell when he burst out the door of the tower. The tower suddenly rumbled. Hype paused in astonishment, and turned around. The tower shook and trembled. His sides dented, and cracked before his eyes. Then it lurched up into the air, and exploded. Hype's visor filtered out the extreme light that was the core of the explosion. The smoking heap smashed back to the ground several meters away. Then he noticed the plumes of dust. He zoomed in, finding them to be human-like people, running 90 kilometers an hour.
Hype ran for his ship, activating the warm-up sequences before he was even aboard. The ship took off as soon as he had set foot in the cockpit. The ship shot away for the atmosphere. His radar started pinging. He checked it. Fighters were coming in. About 100 of them. Damn.
The chamber was pitch black and cold. The sounds of water echoed from somewhere. But Naida Sha'aht did not hear, nor did he feel. He was immersed in the Khansa, the Force. He felt many things. War, grief, but even some love, happiness, and hope. And then very clearly, distress.An unknown entity had wandered into Krithban space. Naida himself was nowhere near the location. Not even in the same system. Rather on a small planet with a bunch of exiles. He would like to see this newcomer. But he must then survive. Naida projected himself through time and space to he newcomers ship. A very odd design. Nonetheless, Naida blanketed it with a Force protection. And none to late. The Krithban fighters had intercepted, and had brought their massive arsenal to bear. Nonetheless, the newcomer would survive.
The fighters moved quickly, which was surprising, specially taking into consideration that they were huge and heavy. They intercepted him in no time. The equivalent of hundreds of laser cannons showered on his ship. Surprisingly, the shields didn't even flicker. Hype kept evasive. Spinning, dodging, and even having to perform loops to keep clear. His computer beeped. Missile lock. About 50 missiles inbound. Hype punched the thrusters to all they got, which was quite fast, but not fast enough. The torpedoes came in thick and fast. They slammed into various rear locations of Hype's ship. The ship trembled, and Hype barely kept his seat. To Hype's confusion, not only was he intact, but so was the entire vessel, and shields. Nonetheless, he wasn't going to trust his luck for long. His computer plotted the first hyper-route out. And he took it, leaving the fighters behind.
Naida smiled as he could feel the confusion of the Krithban pilots as they tried to comprehend why they couldn't destroy this fighter. They would figure it out quickly enough, and counter it. Naida used the Force to make the ships navcomputer plot a course to his location. The ship jumped. Naida opened his eyes. There were no pupils, just blackness, but a blackness full of life. Naida rose from his meditative position, and walked through the darkness, the Force guiding him. The outside air was warm, it was midday. Naida was high upon the slopes of a mountain. Before him lay a vast jungle. In one way, very much like his home planet of forests and mountains, only his home planet had snow. This planet was very different in respect to overall climate. Naida disliked it, but one couldn't be choosy when hunted.
Hype came out of hyperspace to a planet. A small one, in a small system. His sensors told of signs of life. His ship began gliding towards the planet of its own accord. Hype manipulated the controls and attempted to pull from their course. The ship refused to respond. The planet's inhabitants must have some kind of slave device used to guide ships in. But he preferred to do his own piloting. He ran through the ships computers. Nothing. There was no outer attachment. What the hell is going on here, he muttered to himself. The ship took itself right down to the planet. The ship landed near a small village built into the base of a mountain. It certainly didn't look technologically advanced.
Naida strode down the mountainside. The Force channel that had been created by the Elders would bring the ship in without fuss. He paused and looked down the at the small village, nestled between two arms of the mountain, and a small stream. Naida started down the steep cliff-side. It soon became almost a sheer drop. Naida paused and looked up as an alien fighter roared past him, and settled in the landing field not far from the village. Naida looked dow. Still about a hundred meters to go. He jumped. The air whipped around as he plunged. The ground rushed at him. Naida delved into the Force, which slowed down time. He revolved into an upright position. Then he struck the grounds. He crouched low,absorbing the impact with help from the Force. Dust rose from this feet. And swirled about him. He came back to real time. He strode through the village, and out towards the landing field. A few fellow Nuundarii were watching the ship with a little more than mild curiosity.
Hype watched out the viewport as these strange people collected to look at him. They seemed human enough, but their eye colors were in the extreme black and blue, even gold. Many of the males did not have pupils. He lifted his helmet and spat blood into the usual corner. Coughed, then shoved the helmet back on. He made sure everything was set to go. All of his armor systems, which were loaded more than usual, blaster pistols, jetpack. He was as ready as he would ever be. He activated the ramp. It came down with a muffled thud into the soft earth. He was tense, very tense. His trigger finger twitched of its own accord. Either he would die now, die in a few hours, or die in the next month, not much chances beyond that anyway. He walked down the ramp, and walked towards the collection of people. The ramp shut behind him, and he stopped a few meters away. One with pupil-less black eyes, and a determined stride approached him. He had black hair that hung to his shoulders, and a black combat suit and boots. He had one of black lightsabers strapped to his belt.
Naida walked close to this stranger. He seemed very mechanical. He wondered if he had any flesh at all. "Welcome stranger", he studied the strangers T-visor. "You have a mighty strange eye." This character was very curious. A little under average height for Nuundarii, and every movement was like the whir of finely tuned machinery. A robot perhaps. He could tell they were countless weapons built into his shell, he must be a robot or android.
Hype stared at the alien in confusion for a moment. First off, strange eye? He couldn't even see Hype's eyes, and second off, he spoke near perfect basic. Then it struck him. Eye, T-visor. They didn't know what the hell armor was. Hype snickered. Hype reached up and pulled of the helmet. "Yeah sure", he replied. Imagine, a race that didn't know what armor was. That's a first. This may give him some advantage. Despite the fact that this alien may be a Force wielder. Just because they carried these lightsaber like contraptions didn't mean they used the Force.
Naida raised his eyebrows. It was some king of contraption that went over the head. So the metal skin must come off too. The person standing before him was indeed not unlike the Shavar'ria. Then Naida noticed the Black sword attached to this newcomer's belt. "Where did you get the weapon?" he queried. How this newcomer got a sacred saber, should prove interesting. Very interesting indeed. The last time strangers had wandered into Khatslan, they came to kill and destroy. The Nuundarii taught them a grave lesson in blood.
"I found it", Hype replied cautiously, "In a tower on a planet, before I came here. It was full of the dead, and their weapons." Hype hoped fervently that taking something from the dead in such a matter was not a crime. This could be very bad if it was.
Naida lowered his eyes in sadness. The remains of the Nuundarii is what this stranger found. So many dead, so many lost.... Naida closed his eyes and took control of his emotions. "I am Naida Sha'aht, current leader of the Shavar'ria of the Nuundarii. Welcome to our small abode in exile." Naida had a great deal of questions. First off, how to get transportation off this planet. It would only be a matter of time before the Krithban found them.
Hype narrowed his eyes. "I'm Hype Darkwater, Mandalorian warrior." He replaced his helmet. He preferred to have his emotions, few that they were, to be unseen. "You use the Force?" he asked. He also wondered what this person wanted of him, this, Nuundarii, for undoubtedly he was the one who had some how brought Hype's ship in.

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