Ariel only lofted her brow once at the mention of her mother. "She was the taskmaster when she got to it certainly, fairly certain we were chastised for anything and everything that might bring dishonor our family name." Something about avoiding their mother's own mistakes in life. Casually, Ariel shrugged and allowed an easy sigh to escape her lips. When Natasi hadn't said anything right away the younger cousin leaned forward to catch the faraway gaze the older held in her eyes.
She let the silence fall between them and when Natasi did speak, she returned, "before I do get to those plans."
"Just, one more thing before you take off for wherever it is you're going," Ariel patted herself down and withdrew a small coin made of beskar. On it was the sigil of the Kurze Clan. "If, if you're in trouble and whatever help you're about to hire isn't adequate enough. Please use this." She opened her cousin's hand and placed the coin in the palm of it. "This is made not only of pure beskar but will send out a signal to the nearest Kurze-friendly clan."
"I will explain that to you, the Kurze-thing, when you get back," remarked Ariel as she then closed her cousin's palm. "Now, about those expansion plans..."
She quietly unhooked her arm from her cousins and walked back to the holoprojector. "Majel activate full holographic projection."
"Right away, Ariel." Obliged Majel the Artificial Intelligence that had a portable program within the holoprojector. The holographic map grew in size and encompassed most of the table.
"Majel highlight, First Imperial Reclamation Campaign Cresh-Delta-Forty-Nine."
Ariel began to manipulate the map with her hands, "so this is only one of my many plans, but this is where we are now, and where we're expecting to be within the next few months."
"And with Shepard back as Director of Intelligence, I will expect to have information regarding sections Indigo, Juniper, and Lima, which are here, here, and here. These two will bring us up against the Eternal Empire, this one is further south but continues our expansion within the Outer Rim. My goal is to have the Judges of the Outer Rim help us police these systems, they won't work for us and I don't expect them to, but I know this is their backyard and I want to get as much help as possible."
"Now presuming the deals with both the New Imperial Order and the Confederacy go off without a hitch, we can continue on expansion path Delta-Four-Seven, which moves us here and here, see sections, Romeo and Sierra."
"Majel display alternative expansion plan Cresh-Delta-Fifty-Two."
The display rotated and moved, then once more Ariel manipulated, "now this expansion path assumes the worst when we expand north, and again for that - we would want to make sure all of the moving parts of our nation are on the same page."
Ariel would go on to explain several different expansion plans and various outcomes as she had been able to calculate and predict based on the known information regarding the behaviors from the various groups in the area and how they were expected or predicted rather react. Then again, the simulations could lie completely and none of it would happen as planned. Still, Ariel wanted to be sure they could respond no matter what happened and that is what she wanted to ensure. "I know, I know, it's a lot but I assure you that no matter how we proceed. We will reclaim our territory."