Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Grand Theft Astro: Pau City Blockade Runner (The Family)

As they rocketed towards their destination, Aurelius opened up the box Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree had indicated, being careful to not press the button. Man, listening to this thing purr, feeling the power beneath him, he could really get used to this. But of course, the bike wasn't his, and they'd have to part ways soon. He'd have to see about getting a bike like this after they were done here.
'Course she won't fight, he thought. Really is babysitting duty now. Of course he was only thinking that, and instead he simply nodded and gave her a simple "Understood." Aurelius opened the comm-line to Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud . "Dinner's in the oven, 'bout three minutes 'fore it's out." Sure, talking in code sounded a bit silly, but if their comms were somehow being monitored he'd rather play it safe. He knew slicer types and they weren't typically ones who enjoyed small talk while they worked (especially this one, she didn't talk much at all), and so instead he just crossed his arms, observing the area carefully, his hands ready to draw both pistols at a moment's notice.

I believe the Utapau City Council called ahead. We're expected?"
The Gatekeeper Droid blinked its metal eye at her then swiveled to regard the trio of men behind her.

Gabriel Lynch , Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti , and Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a all looked the part; disgruntled, unhappy to be in a desert, and ready to get the job at hand over with.

The Droid then swiveled back toward "Gwendoline", poking its metal stalk six inches closer. "You have clearance?" It growled, then pulled back as-if it were about to retreat completely from the conversation. "No. I believe we're expected." She responded, trying her best to remain patient. "May we speak with the Master of the House?"

"No! Huhuhuhu!" And then it disappeared completely; the tiny flap protecting its port slammed shut with an air of finality. The exchange was over so quickly, Ivory stood there for a heartbeat, unsure what to do. Her hands fell to her sides and she turned toward the group of men behind her. The expression on her face was of unconcealed frustration. Suddenly, a voice crackled over the intercom set into the wall beside her:

"Hello? Hello! This is the Master of the House. I apologize, my security system sometimes has a mind of its' own! Are you there?"

Ivory threw a glance toward the intercom, then back toward her team. She stepped closer, adjusting her expression - recovering immediately. "Yes, we're still here. Gwendoline Allos, Kallukai Survey Team. I'm afraid there was a bit of a misunderstanding this morning, regarding my Survey Team. I'm the Project Lead, I was hoping to speak with someone to allay any suspicions. We have clearance from the Pau City Government." Her tone was sweet; convincingly level, like a woman used to diplomacy. She could play the part perfectly.

"Yes, yes! Of course! My apologies. My name is Jautos Maurin. Allow me to open the door for you. Ahead is a hyperlift; your team is welcome. I'll be waiting for you personally." The intercom went dead and there was a muffled thunk as the door's magnetic locks disengaged and it began to rise into the ceiling. Ivory turned toward her trio and offered them a subtle grin. It looked like they were in.

The "hyperlift" was basically a cage. It didn't move as fast as a Hyperlift on a Capital Ship; descending at a steady pace, but not enough to make the ride only seconds long. Ivory entered first and had her team stand behind her - when the doors opened at the bottom, she'd be standing at the front, ready to greet this Jautos Maurin for the first time. She exchanged glances with the trio - a glance which said "Here we go." She steeled herself for what was likely to be an interesting exchange. The rock walls on the other side of the metal grating were bare & rough-hewn. The only sound in the shaft was the mechanical whirring of the Lift. The air smelled earthy and wet - as-if there were moisture in the stone walls or somewhere nearby. Ivory was thankful the elevator shaft was well-lit; it helped to manage claustrophobia. On the ride down, Ivory received the message from Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor indicating they were on-track. Ivory sent him a confirmation. Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree would have Communications disabled shortly... and then, it would be up to them.

The lift settled at the bottom and the doors opened wide, revealing a wide hallway. The walls and ceiling appeared to be made of alabaster-white rock - in stark contrast to a black obsidian floor which seemed to absorb light. The hallway was well-lit and bright, but at the end, sunlight was visible - it appeared the lift opened out into the floor of the sinkhole. Nearby, the sound of gently-falling water rose musically to the ear - a fountain near the lift seemed to be running, offering a soothing change to the harsh desert environment above. Directly in front of the group, there stood a single man alone.

Jautos Maurin was immediately recognizable. The picture they'd been shown during The Family's initial briefing had been accurate. He was tall, just over two meters in height, with salt & pepper hair and beard, alert eyes, and an air of elegance and power. The man was clearly a master of his domain.

As soon as the lift doors opened and the team began to step out, Maurin approached, a smile blossoming widely on his lips; everything about the man was perfectly groomed, tailored, and designed to present the appearance of total control. He was dressed in a black suit with a white undershirt, and his shoes were polished to a mirror finish.

"Welcome! Miss Allos and Company, I presume?" Maurin approached, and "Gwendoline" met him part-way, offering her hand with a charming smile of her own. "Yes, sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." The two shook, face-to-face and eye-to-eye. Maurin grinned pleasantly.

"You can call me Jay. Your eyes are... exquisite. I've never seen a color like that." Ivory couldn't help but give a genuine laugh in response - she hadn't expected the compliment. She couldn't help but like him. It was a shame they'd have to rob him blind.

"Yes, well... Thank you." She stepped to the side, indicating with a wave of her hand toward the three men who'd arrived with her. "Allow me to introduce my team of Expert: Amon Gretti, Lynn Talvern, and Michael Salerno." She introduced Diocletian, Gabriel, and Tony in-order, using the cover-names The Family had provided for them. If Maurin was at least a half-way decent Intel Operative, he'd have somebody monitoring the conversation and running backgrounds on all four of them.

Maurin grinned, approaching each of the men in turn and offering his hand. "Gwendoline" watched from behind, the expression on her face almost unreadable... but Gabriel, who'd worked with her long enough, would recognize the wheels in her head at work. She was already calculating angles.

When he'd finished greeting the three men, Maurin turned back toward the woman, rubbing his hands together. "I would like to personally apologize for the... misunderstanding this morning. As I said before, my Security System sometimes has a mind of its' own. Please, gentlemen," He said, turning toward the three workers, "I hope we can let such a small mistake slip by unnoticed."

Her team could respond or choose to remain silent.

"Well, Jay... My team has a reason for our visit, outside of clearing up what transpired this morning. We've been hired by the Pauan Government to perform some Scientific Tests throughout the area." Gwendoline said, clasping her hands in-front of her and taking on a business-like air. "If you'd allow my team to conduct our tests, we'll be on our way."

"Of course, of course! A series of geological tests, is that correct?" Maurin asked.

"Yes, that's correct. It won't take very long... an hour or two, at most. Kallu'kai prides itself on efficiency."

Jautos grinned, a sparkle in his eye. "In that case... Follow me, please. Ms. Allos, if you would?" He offered his arm.

Gabriel caught a glimpse as Ivory shot him a look. She smiled, putting on a perfect mask as she reached out, taking Maurin's arm and allowing herself to be escorted.

The look told Gabriel everything he needed to know: "One way or another, make this arsehole forget we were ever here."

As a group, Maurin would lead them deeper into the Complex.
Objective: Begin phase 2
Location: Utapau, Utapau System
Equipment: Ship Armour Scimitar Railgun Carbine Rifle Thermal Detonators BARC Speeder, Weaponized Breaching Oxidizer Foam, Surveyor equipment.
Tag: I Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Royce | Gabriel Lynch | Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree


Droids are stupid, stupid jobsworths in a metal casing, but this one was less stupid than the B1 Battle Droids, which is saying little. But that was not what annoyed him, what annoyed him was the heat, sand and the delay. He remained silent he would often say something snarky or offhand about how the mission will be delayed. As of right now, he kept his thoughts to himself.

He is many things, but he wasn't stupid. He wouldn't be the age he was if he was stupid. He'd be dead and forgotten. Then, the droid simply slammed the door in Ivory's face, theoretically as the door never opened, she was frustrated by it, it seemed they wasted their time and they need to find a different route of getting in.

But the guy they were here to take the ship from spoke through the staticy comlink in apology. After the coms frizzed out the door opened. A very well dressed individual stepped out. Diocletian was not fashion conscious or had an idea of what fashion entails, but the mirror-polished shoes were distracting, the polish was way over the top. Still, he kept it to himself as he followed into the interior, it was exactly what a wealthy person's place would look like, full of stuff that is impractical but pretty.

As the introductions were underway, the Ubese, shook Maurin's hand, even if he didn't wish to, he never shook hands with his clients, call it Ubesian snobbery but that's his way of working, but this was not where he was setting terms, as long as he is in employment with The Family, he will compromise because he needed stable employment and he wasn't going to get it if he was rude.

Once it was done they were led deeper into the complex, all the while Diocletian was on high alert and studying his surroundings and anyone they saw as they walked past. There is a risk to these missions, mostly the reality of being caught.

But so far, so good.
Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Chippin' in (Kerry Eurodyne) - Cyberpunk 2077


Her eyes focused on the screen. Not even a swerve could brake her focus. As the hack was going through she was already braking down some easy to do fire walls. Though Dedata told the Devaronian that she did not fight she did state she was no a pacifist. Truth was most would call her style as "not fighting" and it was true, but what she did have was talent and experience in getting the opposition to fight for her. Twisting her body around on the speeder to face the side that the door would be on the woman made visual with the two B1's stood by the back way in. "Dee lets start with something basic. Run a dummy order to have them open the door then walk away before shutting off." A bar ran across the top of her HUD. It was a simple slice that ran through the system she was already in.

As her com shut down hack ran was almost done she had set an extra flair, more of a signal. The facilities lights would begin to blink for a moment. She could not be sure where they where, so it would run through the entire facility. Waiting for the speeder to stop before jumping off she wrote a new message. "Com's are blacked out inside the facility. Outside communications will be down till they hard reset.
The woman almost glided as she walked in a fast pace. Much different from how she walked earlier, slow and cautious; almost like she was being cautious of those around her. But now her focus was not on the man with her, not entirely.

She had work to do, and that LOTID P49SK9-DASH circuit board was almost in her fingertips. She moved up to the door taking cover at the side. Dedata leaned, eyes wondered from left to right scanning their one and only path inside. There was nothing, not even the sounds of metallic footsteps. Not yet anyway, it was only a matter of time before the facility would move to high alert. She looked back to Aurelius and with a motion of her head, the woman gesture was clear in what she meant, after you.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti Gabriel Lynch


Gabriel Lynch


Location: Pau City, Utapau
Objective: Pau City Rendezvous.
Team 1: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti
Team 2: @Aurelius Baldor, Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree

One way or another, make this arsehole forget we were ever here..

Within the first moments of meeting Jautos Maurin, Gabriel Lynch had already committed to putting a bullet in his head. After so many years of serving law enforcement, serving time behind bars and then serving Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud ...-Mentally preparing himself to take a life didn't require so much as an afterthought anymore.

All he needed was the final okay from the Donna, and then the man's life would be in his hands. Until that moment, however, Gabriel followed along behind the pair of them, flanked by both Amon Gretti ( Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a ) and Michael Salerno ( Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti ). Lynn Talvern was Gabriel's alias, and an interesting one but nothing worth discussing beyond playing his part for the sake of the job; Doing just that, he continued to act out the role of the disgruntled labourer, moving in tow behind their superior and their objective target, being led further into his labrynth.

"Met one of your droids out there. Don't think they liked us much" Gabriel remarked out of turn, speaking with less grace than he would have typically spoken whilst standing within the Donna's company, especially in public; "Going to have to put in for extra pay given we didn't sign up under the condition of our lives being on the line and all" he added smugly, looking to give Jautos the impression that the lady's crewman wasn't all that pleased to be down there with the pair.
"Com's are blacked out inside the facility. Outside communications will be down till they hard reset.
The notification dinged in Ivory's ear; silent to the rest of the party. Immediately, she felt the weight of the moment settle on her... They had crossed the point of no return. They were in this until the end. She stood with her group as Jautos made his rounds - greeting each of them in turn. His exchange with Gabriel earned her Enforcer a glare from behind Maurin's back... but at the same time, she understood the play he was making.
"Met one of your droids out there. Don't think they liked us much" Gabriel remarked out of turn, speaking with less grace than he would have typically spoken whilst standing within the Donna's company, especially in public; "Going to have to put in for extra pay given we didn't sign up under the condition of our lives being on the line and all" he added smugly, looking to give Jautos the impression that the lady's crewman wasn't all that pleased to be down there with the pair.
Jautos seemed to step onto his back foot after the hand-shake, giving the grizzled old hand an appraising look - as-if he wasn't sure how to take "Lynn"'s comment. He looked the group of men up & down, then nodded to himself. "I do apologize for that, truly. It was not my intention to put anyone's lives in jeopardy. Once your job has been completed, I'll be sure to contact the Utapau City Council directly."

He paused, and there was a moment of awkward silence... before he clapped his hands together, rubbing them briskly, then turning back to the woman standing just behind him. "Now then! If you would all follow me, I'm sure your men would like to get to work." He offered his arm, which "Gwendoline" took... and the group began their trek into the belly of the complex.

The man was proud of what he'd accomplished, and was obviously very wealthy.

As they passed through the central chamber of the sink-hole, the scope of the underground caverns made itself known - the central chamber was immense, rising high above them with a great hole toward the blue sky above, and a number of smaller hallways branched out in different directions, leading to various areas of Maurin's home. The ground was covered in sand, but a stone walkway lay for access to commonly used areas. At the center of the pad sat a landing pad with a single shuttle, a number of boxes and metal crates, a large generator, and an antenna which rose nearly 4 meters into the air. They passed the scene quickly, entering another wide archway into a similarly colored hall with white walls and obsidian flooring.

The entire way, Jautos Maurin talked like a tour guide. Ivory stayed attached to his arm as her trio followed behind, lugging their equipment. The man's voice droned on as he explained how he'd come to own such a "beautiful & secure location"; leaving his history as one of the Confederacy's Intelligence Officers quiet, and talking himself up as a "legitimate business man". The group passed a number of hallways, doors, and separate rooms which all appeared secure - many required access passes which Ivory suspected the man kept hidden on his person. The hallway was relatively short, suddenly opening out into a larger room which appeared to be the "Central Chamber" which the team had identified during their reconnaissance. They stepped out into a large room built out of an underground cavern - ahead, the central area was adorned with a beautiful marble fountain surrounded by green shrubs and stubby trees; a small oasis, of sorts, where one could enjoy life far from civilization. There were a number of rooms carved into the rock and decorated similarly to the rest of the complex; this area appeared to be the main "Living Quarters".

Maurin smiled, ceasing to be an escort and stepping in-front of them, rubbing his hands together excitedly. "Welcome to my home." He said, seemingly giddy at the chance to show off his accommodations. "Gentlemen, you're welcome to set up your equipment and begin here.. this area is central to my activities, and I'd like to ensure our foundation is stable."

As Jautos Maurin was about to suggest a private tour toward the raven haired "Administrator", a voice called out from one of the open doors - a woman's voice: "Um... Hey, Jay? Did the relay go out again? I just tried to buy something, and it says we're not connected... That never happens!"

Maurin turned his head, looking back toward where the voice had originated from, and opened his mouth as-if to respond... before slowly turning his head back toward the group of people staring at him intensely. The expression on his face metamorphosed from excitement to sudden realization; his eyebrows furrowing, and his jaw suddenly tense.

Before he could utter a word, Ivory turned to look at the group of men accompanying her - at Gabriel, in particular, and simply said one word as calmly as could be:


The gig was up, and the time for secrecy was over. The Family began to move as one, and Chaos followed in their wake.

Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor Gabriel Lynch Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a

Gabriel Lynch


Location: Pau City, Utapau
Objective: Pau City Rendezvous.
Team 1: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a , Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti
Team 2: Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor , Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree


There was a flash of something silver in colour as Gabriel Lynch drew the Slugthrower Pistol from its holster hidden beneath his jacket, the barrel attached with a cylindrical silencer attached to the sidearm and being brought to bear at the chest of Jautos Maurin. Two shots were fired in quick succession, the sound of the gunfire expelling only pressure from the barrel as hot air followed the slugs with a dull thud as they slammed into the torso of the target.

Jautos Maurin's eyes widened, his expression taking on a sudden turn of shock, slowly but gradually losing his balance and stumbling backwards a couple of paces before dropping with a heavy impact against the floor. Gabriel, wasting no time, moved to stand over top of the man and lifting the sidearm once again, this time pointed at the fallen man's forehead, one swift and final shot straight to the brain.

There was no hesitation in the gunman, no words uttered to the dead man nor even his boss as the Enforce moved to focus upon where the voice of the woman had appeared. "No witnesses," he said aloud to the others, suggesting they get to doing some damage before making their leave of the facility.

Moving towards Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud , Gabriel motioned for her to follow, wanting to ensure that she keep her head down as all hell was likely to break loose on their way towards the Hangar. "Time to find our ride out of here then," he remarked, moving for the doorway further into the facility. The place was nice and all but now that they had been made, there'd no doubt be a good number of men looking to gun them down.
Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Retrospecious - Waveshaper


Dedata moved in seeing the Devaronian was not in a rush. The shaft went down at an angle and went quite far. Steps ran along the side going down with doors that would span onto them. She began to walk down the steps keeping an eye on the doors. The woman was glad there where no droids or other security details just yet. It gave her a chance to look for an access panel to plug into for a direct line into their systems. Her hand clung to the wall as she did not waste time going down the steps.

In no time she reached what she wanted. In a recessed part of the wall was not just an access point but a console, probably there to open the doors and link directly with security systems. Not that anyone would see it but she grinned. Dedata pulled out a cord from her datapad plugging it into the droid access port. First she spoofed security credentials so the slicer could get access without being detected. Right now she was in a good position to download the map to her HUD. Looking around the corner and down the shaft she could work out where they where. It was the path the ship would have to take to get out. Least the door was already open, that was one issue solved.

Now typing at the console Dedata began bringing up security feeds to now work out where the other team was. Just as she found them the woman would be witness to the more rough looking man unload shots around the room. "Guess things went tits up." She thought. Looking around the corner one more up at Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor the woman would make hand gesture. The first was holding handles and revving the throttle the second was pointing down the shaft. It was a simple message. Drive down the shaft.

She knew she'd be able to catch up after, however there was at least a few things the woman could do from where she was. Dedata looked through the now complete map for something that would cause some inspiration. Then she found it Three levels above Ivory's team was a reactor. Her hands would move with haste disabling other terminals access then the art started. An order to the droids would go out for them all to rush to the reactor and kill the intruders then hold it. Of course there was no one in the reactor, rather it was set up for something more fun. To make it more believable by everyone, an alarm began to siren through the complex.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti Gabriel Lynch

Objective: Make a mess, be it a robbery!
Location: Utapau, Utapau System
Equipment: Ship Armour Scimitar Railgun Carbine Rifle Thermal Detonators BARC Speeder, Weaponized Breaching Oxidizer Foam, Surveyor equipment.
Tag: I Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | @Royce | Gabriel Lynch | Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree


Diocletian stood scowling at a hideous sculpture, a sculpture that must have been carved by those with no artistic ability whatsoever. He had a hard time knowing what he was looking at. It looked like a Hutt, Human and a beetle all mashed into one thing and run over by a Sand Crawler with a drunk driver at the wheel. The Ubese nearly retched when he saw it but his morbid curiosity kept him staring, unable to look away.

But then the order came in, the time for sneaky tiptoes was over and they will be doing their thing openly finally got Diocletian to pull his glare from the monstrosity to the task at hand, well tasks, he was free to do what he does best, hunt and kill things. So unhooking his rail gun he aimed it at a panicked patron and fired making a mess of his skull all over the wall, the white walls needed a new lick of paint.

He waited for the weapon to recharge before firing at two cowering in the corner. Afterwards, he used his body weight to push the offending statue over so that it smashed into pieces. That gave him an idea, stage it was a robbery, no ties back to anyone and no trouble will come for them.

This is why he started smashing everything he can get his hands on, these included Clone Wars era vases and paintings. He didn't care how valuable they were, he was going to break them because he can and wanted to. Most of the valuables were in pieces, and the place was a mess. Diocletian noticed movement from the corner of his eye. He was also wanted to kill someone too, not by any order but simply because it was fun,

He dropped a glass swan onto the floor and pocketed the Butterfly shaped sculpture as he would give it to Tovald as he likes these sorts of things. He stealthily followed the woman to the sleeping area and made sure to box her into one room with no escape.

A few minutes later he went back the way he came, not caring he was covered in blood and pocketing a trophy. The place was trashed and most of the revellers were eliminated. The Ubese headed outside and blinked at the sunshine, it was high noon and they were almost complete in the mission, all they needed was the ship they were after.
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Gabriel Lynch

The peaceful tranquility of Maurin's underground sanctuary was suddenly & irrevocably shattered.

Gabriel's killing blow was delivered with precision and ice-cold determination. Ivory watched as Maurin died, then turned her head to regard the sudden scream of a woman in terror. Her enforcer reacted quickly, declaring the same order she, herself, would have given; the man knew precisely what was necessary, and did it without question. "Let's go." She agreed, following the grizzled veteran as she broke into a run. The hallway they were looking for wasn't far - she'd studied the layout almost as thoroughly as Gabriel and Diocletian had, but stuck to her comrade's heels. She allowed the killer to lead the way.

Sounds of blaster fire, shattering glass, stone, and splintering wood followed them as Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a followed orders - killing whomever he could find and laying waste to whatever art he could get his hands on. If the Ubese decided to take a trophy or two, she wouldn't blame him. Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti did what he did best, joining Dio in a little old fashioned vandalism. The two had earned their pay, and The Donna was proud to have them.

As Ivory & Gabriel began their run toward the ship's hanger, klaxons began to ignite - noise and light signalling something had gone wrong in the Facility. "Must be Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree ! There's no way anybody hit the alarm that fast!" She shouted over the sirens. The tunnel they entered sloped downward and curved, and the paintings on the wall lessened - instead replaced with the faint smell of grease and fuel. They encountered no droids... Which was strange. Little did they know DeData had ordered them to converge on the local reactor for the complex.

Suddenly, a wall of glass and a secured door appeared around the bend in front of them; beyond there appeared to be a large room lit only by the flashing red lights of the alarms.

"Wait!" The Donna slid to a stop, approaching the door and producing one of the white shards the Slicer had given her before they'd begin their mission. "This should get us in." She said, jamming the shard into the data port.

A few moments later, the door beeped - unlocked. Ivory shouldered it open, entering what was clearly the room they sought.

To the left was their target: an immense frigate which appeared old, rough, but still in perfectly serviceable condition. The Pau City Blockade Runner.

The Donna stopped for a moment, admiring the ship... Until Gabriel's urgency spurred her into motion once more. "The others aren't far behind." Ivory said, approaching the ship's ramp briskly. "Let's get this thing powered up and get the feth outta here."

The door to the ship was unlocked, and and the companions entered.
Aurelius nodded to Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree and unholstered a blaster pistol. He was no stranger to driving high-speed vehicles with one hand, and he'd rather not be caught unawares. If he remembered the plans of the place, this would lead to the surface and the landing pad where the crew would pick them up. Aurelius hit the throttle and rode the Dullahan down the shaft, eyes scanning for curious droids or security guards as he made his way down.

He hit the brakes as he reached the bottom, then boosted out into open air, bringing the bike down on the landing pad. His vision kept moving back and forth between the hangar and the air above, hoping that they were able to make it out of here before any security or law enforcement made it here. He had missed all of the fun parts of the heist, but at least the payday would be good. He opened the comm, alerting Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud of his position. "Out on the landing pad, slicer friend will join me momentarily."
Objective: Burn baby, burn!
Location: Utapau, Utapau System
Equipment: Ship Armour Scimitar Railgun Carbine Rifle Thermal Detonators BARC Speeder, Weaponized Breaching Oxidizer Foam, Surveyor equipment.
Tag: I Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | @Royce | Gabriel Lynch | Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti | Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree


Blood was everywhere, scorch marks from blasters littered the white walls. Broken art cluttered the floor. Good, they were monstrosities anyway. The word came in, The Donna found the ship, and they were successful. He'll get paid and unlike before, he will stick around, why leave a client that pays well? The Family is where the money is at.

The prize was not hard to miss, ships aren't usually hidden so cleanly. However, there is the small matter of the place they just looted and ransacked. Pocketing that woman's index finger, he collects trophies. Diocletian saw a can of lighter fluid, the kind that someone uses for fire pits and bonfires. Then he remembered, this was not a clean operation, fingerprints and still living people were inside, Diocletian grinned a malevolent smile. The Ubese wanted to finish the job, finish it thoroughly. Then it hit him, why not burn it out, kill two birds with one stone.

Diocletian proceeded to empty the large cans all over the inside of the penthouse and the surrounding area. Makes the destruction thorough and complete and no prints are left behind. Everyone on the mission was already out and away so that was not his worry anymore. As soon as he was done, he chucked the cans into the penthouse, destroy evidence, make sure no one knew who did this.

A match was struck and held over the edge of the puddle of flammable liquid, no hesitation as it was dropped and the inside exploded into flames, the screams of those still alive rang out in the still air. Diocletian walked/ran in the other direction towards where the prized Starship was, he had only a few minutes to get on board. The mission was successful and no one was lost.

The Ubese leapt onboard before the hatch closed. Not caring about the bloody footprints he knew he was making.
Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

ALEX & TOKYO ROSE - Antagonist


By now the majority of the droids would have made it to the facilities power generator. Her fingers worked tirelessly writing script that would link to her datapad. One single mass order on all droids. Dedata's eyes moved between the lines of code and the security feeds. "Feth feth feth, need to go faster." She said to herself pushing her own limits. She could in the corner of her eyes the Ubese was starting fires. Some of the feeds showed body's draining of blood. The others though, they where just getting to the ship along with her ride.

Each tap was fast as it was heavy. She could feel a slight tingle running through her hands as the tips of her fingers smashed the keyboard. "Another thirty lines to go, come on come on."

Her eyes barely kept up, most of what she was doing was pure muscle memory at its finest. In moments she completed it. She did a quick run over of her code, one last check before moving to a soft connection. Unhooking her datapad she stashed it in a bag. One last look at the terminal she hit enter, to imitate the code a count down begun as it would display on the screen. The woman did a few little hops on the spot before running out the little spot that she was in.

With a leap the woman flew over the width of the stairs onto the incline. Landing on her side, Dedata let gravity do its work sending her slide down. Every few feet she could feel the lines where a new panel started and as she picked up speed it was uncomfortable, and there was many more to come. Had the gaps been a less smooth transition there would be no doubt that by the end of the day she would be covered in bruises, not that it would be the first or last time.

Dedata kept an eye on the time that was counting down on her HUD. It was a guess but she had time to get to the bottom, however she hoped that Ivory's crew would take off before then to leave things less close to the limit. Not that she could communicate this with them. Chances are they could also go along the lines of they could pick her up too. With having a lot of time to think, perhaps it would have been best had she waited at the top. It was a little to late now.


It would not have been much longer before seeing the ship, making it's way. "All about timing. Five four three two one." Dedata kicked her feet into the ground, her arms reaching forward to push her torso up. With a jump the woman's momentum carried her up off the incline. Who ever was in the cockpit would see the Info broker do this, they would see her go over the cockpit. A metallic thud was a minute sound to her over the roar of engines., to those inside it would have been louder.

Her hands tried to grip at anything for a few seconds as she continued to slide backwards. It was a Jorus Merill design, there was always that stuck out a little, something to grab. Just most of it was out of her reach. Looking forward the woman could make out what looked like some pipes or wires coated in the same paint as the ship. Getting closer and closer at a fast pace she managed to get a hold of it safely stopping her from being flung into the thrusters cone.

Each moment she left all her focus shimmying across the top to a part that was much more scalable. Every hand placement was precise as Dedata moved towards the front of the ship. The air rushed over the top making each movement a battle. A hatch was in sight now, her boots would tuck into where hands once gripped making the climb faster. When Dedata got to the hatch she opened it with a spike, it whooshed open and the woman pulled herself inside twisting her body to land on both feet.

A balled up hand smashed against the button controls closing the hatch. Her once black suit was now filthy with streaks of brown and orange from dirt and rust. Dedata brushed herself down only muting the vibrancy of the dirt. "Guess it'll do for now." She said to herself looking around for a moment. Moving away from the elevator she made her way with a little effort she went to go find the leader of the merry band of criminals.

"Big boom coming up in sixty seconds.

Once those sixty seconds had ended, droids would open fire on the power generator and other important systems across the facility. A plume of fire and black smoke reached out from the sinkhole, something that would be seen from miles around. Part of her hoped the Ubese saw it. A pychopath of his calibre would probably enjoy the show.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti Gabriel Lynch

From the moment Gabriel's blaster fired until Ivory found herself sliding into the pilot's seat of their quarry, time seemed to rush by in a blur. Everything happened at once.

Gabriel was busy sorting out the ship's navigations and shields, while Ivory powered up the ancient frigate's engines; flicking switches, flooding the system with fuel, and bringing it out of what was likely an extended hibernation. She knew her people would be converging on the ship, so she triggered the main entry ramp to remain open - allowing everyone to cram into the ugly old starship. She received Aurelius Baldor Aurelius Baldor 's message indicating he'd arrived on the landing pad and would be joined shortly by their newcomer, and she responded, "All aboard!"

Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a was not far behind the Devaronian, and the two piled into the ship to find space to sit.

A creeping alarm bell had begun to ring in the back of her skull - telling her she had to go. Now. The Donna triggered the engines, causing the ship to lift from the pad and begin a steady ascent up the ramp. "Let's go, girl..." She muttered, half to the ship beneath her feet and half to the helmeted young woman who'd made herself useful, after all.

Suddenly, Ivory witnessed something truly remarkable.

The helmeted slicer came into view, vaulting herself powerfully up and over the top of the ship - a Ivory witnessing the feat first hand through the viewport. "What the f-...!"

There was a loud metallic clang from somewhere above and outside, then a few moments later, Celty herself visibly strode toward the bridge.

Ivory took her eyes off the viewport for a moment to look over her shoulder, throwing the woman an approving smirk.

"Big boom coming up in sixty seconds.

Together, Ivory Stroud and Company climbed into orbit; leaving the planet of Utapau behind them, and destruction in their wake.

A humongous cloud of dust and debris rose from the desert behind them, wiping away all remains of their crime.

~ END ~

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