Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Gravity - BotM Invasion of Enclave Held Rothana


OBJECTIVES: Defend Rothana, Wipe out all enemy forces
ALLIES: All Enclave Mando'ade, others....maybe
ENEMIES: All Maw forces, All Sith

TAGS: Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Erion Justeene Erion Justeene | Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

Kale watched as the Sith was hit by the shockwave of his missile and adjusted his aim to keep the steady fire going at his opponent. When he saw his bolts were being deflected by a large piece of metal that the Sith was using as a shield, Kale ceased fire as the Sith raised his hand and fired lightning at him. Kale ducked down quickly but was still grazed by the angry electricity which scrambled his onboard systems. His HUD and controls all went out. Kale knew his systems would need 30 seconds to reboot and come back online. To buy a bit of time, Kale primed a frag grenade and popped his head up long enough to see the Sith was jockeying for position to attack. Kale through the grenade as far as he could. Even though he knew the grenade fell short of the Sith's position, it would still be enough to buy Kale a few seconds.

BOOM! When he heard the grenade go off, Kale rapidly fell back away from the Sith using the terrain both as cover and concealment so the Sith need time to locate him, even using the Force hopefully. When he got to a new position, Kale checked his rifle and primed it to fight when he noticed something strange. Was there a huge shadow moving on the ground? He looked up and his mouth fell open as he watched what looked to be the shipyards falling from orbit. All that mass of docks and ships coming down. If that all impacted the surface... Kale didn't even want to think about the catastrophic damage that the planet would suffer. The good news was that Kale's system rebooted and all of his systems came back online. As it did, Kale saw that he was getting emergency hails from his Adiik Jorin who was in his ship the Beskar'Kal. "---uir, do you read me?"

Kale hit his comm, "I read you Jorin. Am I seeing the shipyards falling from orbit?"

"Confirmed Buir. What are your orders?" Jorin asked in a rather subdued tone. Kale couldn't blame him. If those shipyards were truly lost, it would be crippling blow to the Enclave. But right now, he couldn't worry about that. The top priority right now was to save as many lives as he could. They need to get off the planet's surface before the shipyards impacted.

First order of business was to break contact with Erion Justeene. He peeked his head up a bit again and called out with his voice amplifier, "Sorry Sith. Looks like our fight has been interrupted due to some incoming weather." He called out pointing up at the incoming orbital shipyard, "Another time." He gave Erion a small nod before grabbing his damaged jetpack and running hard as he spoke, "Jorin, rendezvous just south of my position for pick up. My jetpack is down hard so you'll have to land." Without waiting for a response, Kale switched his comm to all Mando frequency, "ATTENTION!!!! ATTENTION!!! THIS IS KALE ONARA TO ALL MANDALORIAN FORCES!!! IF YOU LOOK UP YOU'LL SEE THAT IT APPEARS THE SHIPYARDS ARE FALLING FROM ORBIT!!! IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY THAT ANYONE IN THE VICINITY OF THE IMPACT POINT WILL SURVIVE. EVACUATION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! IF YOU NEED A RIDE, HOME IN ON MY LOCATOR BEACON! MY YT-2000 SHIP WILL BE WAITING TO LAUNCH INTO ORBIT AND ANYONE WHO WANTS A RIDE IS MORE THAN WELCOME!!! OUT!" Kale cut the comm line as he made his way to the rendezvous, which was a nice flat piece of land about one kilometer wide. He got there just in time to see his ship making her final approach and landing. The loading ramp opened and Jorin stepped out with a heavy repeater in his hand just in case Kale needed cover...


Objective: Make WAR
Allies: The Quartermaster The Quartermaster | Zhara Krayt | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Yenna Yenna | Andras Garon Andras Garon
Enemies: Darth Mori | Dimitri Voltura | King Heres
Engaging: Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

Brother fought brother as the Mandalorians of the Enclave and Death's Hand clashed. All vicious masters of their art, the fighting was close and less a slaughter than more a brawl, as both sides were unable to surmount the similar tactics of their foe. But all Romul had eyes for was the Pretender, the one who wielded a pale imitation of the legendary darksaber and wore the reforged mask of the Mand'alor.

Khamul Kryze boldly proclaimed Romul's end as he swung his darksaber at the shaft of Romul's axe, clearly hoping to break it in two. But the blade would only repulse against the beskar shaft, neither harming it nor Romul. "You seem to have forgotten that Mandalorian Iron is stronger than your Sith master's lightsabers. Allow me to reacquaint you," he replied before bringing his axe in a sharp cleaving cut downwards across Kryze's torso.

Suddenly, the massive loudspeakers on the station blared to life with static, audible over the clamor of battle.

"This is Andras Garon. We've commandeered one of the Ha'rangir-class vessels to save it from destruction. I advise all Vode still on the station to attempt to do the same or to evacuate the station if they are able. Repeat, I advise all Vode to evacuate the station. You have five minutes. At that point this vessel will open up on the Station with whatever weapons we have available. If you are unable to make it off, you have my sympathies."

Romul Saxon turned, a stream of curse ready to part from his lips. Was Garon mad? "Gallius!" He roared, fiercely aware that he was sacrificing precious moments in which his foe could cut him down, "release the clamps and board the ships! Evacuate this station now, and someone find the Quartermaster!"
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LocationRothana Orbital Shipyards
EnemiesThe Mandalorian Enclave - The Quartermaster The Quartermaster
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw

There was no reward for their bravery, for their foolish honor, there was only a cold and eternal embrace of death that was far worse than the furthest pits of chaos one could be torn to shreds and chained down to. Two bodies had already fallen when she had made her move, another was overtaken by fear, two others tried their damnedest to make a final stand that they knew they had no chance in surviving, while the one that stood in the center of it all waited with baited breath and calm acceptance. They acted like what they were doing mattered, wasting their time with pointless explosives that were pushed away like toys in the air - as if the sudden tug of telekinetic force that ripped the Mandalorian firing his disruptor towards her that dragged him immediately into his own vaporizing bolt was any measure of safety for the people they purported to protect. In a few hours there would be thousands dead and nothing to gain from it, no great victory obtained through the sacrifices of so many, and yet The Quartermaster The Quartermaster stood like a self-righteous beacon of hope that would lead countless others into fruitless martyrdom because they would rather die supporting a status quo that crushed the hopeless under their privileged heels than work to better their societies.

It was only poetic that the station would begin to fall just as she gripped her fist around the haft of her hammer, her forearm twitching as the pain of a beskad lodged into her abdomen lanced through her again.

She ignored the voice of Andras Garon Andras Garon as it haunted the halls of the station, her only prize and concern being with eliminating another head of state, and threw her maul towards the body of the man that she had pulled towards her with no desire to rely on the principle of disruptor technology triumphing over beskar when the force-empowered weapon could make that question of death a certainty - never once giving Borros the sliver of attention so many craved in their final moments to so much as look his way and watch her weapon collide with his helmet. "You think you stand for so much," Mori snarled as she felt her feet collide with the ground, reaching down behind herself to find purchase along the hilt of the beskad that she had been impaled upon in order to tear it out of herself with a wet tug. The blade raised up, coated with a thick, inky, substance that sizzled and steamed as blaster bolts from Sabine's weapon collided against its stained edge. "I dream of a life without your kind," The Dark Voice said as she pushed herself off towards Sabine with an accelerated speed that only the force could provide, the weapon in her hand glowing red as it reached a temperature critical to the structure of the beskar blade - stopped in place by the sudden thunk of superheated beskar sliding into the chest cavity of a Mandalorian woman, progress halted by the guard of the blade pressing up against the plate the weapon had sunken into.

"Without leaders that sacrifice their followers to keep what they have taken from them."
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Aela Wren



ALLIES: Jos Krayt | Verin Oldo | ENCLAVE
ENEMIES: Marlon Sularen | Maverick Steele | NSO | BOTM | FINAL DAWN
ENGAGING: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett (Not you again, shabuir - kms)
Attack Line:

Flagship: The Narglatch - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)

The rest are under Verin Oldo's command



"Doubt it, cyar'ika."

Shel sneered behind her helmet. How did this man manage to be such an immense pain the ass?

As the pirate launched into the air, so did the Nautolan, but the blasts still impacted with her armour, rebounding from it, but leaving black scorch marks while the impact of the heavy shots pounding her back as some as some of the bolts grazed through the gaps in her armour. She gritted her teeth against the burning pain.

Just then, there was a loud BOOM! before lights flickered and it seemed that gravity ceased for a moment before emergency power kicked in. Being in the air, she at first had no idea what was happening, but then she saw the floor tilting to a side as panels rattled.
"Shit." she breathed. <Kel, get the Clan back to the ship! Get out of here!> she ordered as she fired more sonic shots at the pain in her ass.
<What about you?> Kel asked as blasterfire and shouts could be heard in the background.
<I'm sending this shabuir to Haran. Magnetise.>

With that, she aimed her pistol and arm at the viewport close to the pirate and fired off sonics and another rocket to shoot it out while the station was still in orbit.

The vacuum ripped out the viewport and anything and anyone that was not magnetised. Shel gunned her jetpack as she was pulled toward the viewport as well, aiming right for the dar'manda to be able to knock them both into the void before a bulkhead slammed shut behind them. In the process, her gauntleted fist connected with his helm before they were ripped out into space completely.

In the weightlessness of the void, the Nautolan kicked against his chest, activating the repulsors on her boots to blast away from him while turbolaser-fire blitzed to and fro around them as the giants of the Enclave duked it out with the giants of the Maw.

She had her work cut out for her.


Orbital Shipyard, Dock 35
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | LOOT
Enemies: Mandalorian Enclave | Shel Beroya :withered:​

The massive blast lit the black visor of his buy'ce into flames. Rohak, a veteran of the Crusades, had never witnessed such destruction before. At least, not so up close. He'd seen cruisers crack to fiery pieces, the product of his own machinations during the Wars, and whole squadrons ripped to bits by void charges he had 'planted' in space.

But nothing of this scale.

Not without being aboard the safe confines of a ship.

The whole dock screeched as it tore apart from the shipyard itself. Half of his crew -- stupid goons from Tatooine -- were sucked into the oblivion of space. They never had a proper space safety onboarding to guide them to keep their boots always magnetized. Too late now. Orders were barked by the captain in between the shots exchanged between him and the Nautolan: get to the Deadmaiden and dust, stat! Whatever loot they had hoped to acquire was now certainly out of their reach.

But the most tragic part of it all -- Gary and Barry were gone. Atomized by the blast.

Such a traumatic event did not stop the Beroya schutta from growing even more eager to have the dar'manda's hide. Her sonic blasts had connected, creating dangerous fissures on the pressurized armor risking its hermetic integrity. Any little mistake in the void of space spelled disaster. No scuffle, no fight on the ground, came remotely close to those in the cold embrace of space. Nothing prepares you for no gravity.

Not unless you were born and bred across the stars.

Like him.

He caught her kick with both hands, releasing the carbine from his grasp and yanked her close, visor against visor. Her repulsorpack kicked in and flung them both together at the opposite direction.

"You're in my domain now, schutta!" Rohak wickedly grinned beneath the helmet as his hands reached for her helmet. The crushgaunts whirred looking to crush the seal keeping the buy'ce secured on her head.​

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Rothana
Tag | Sinestra Sinestra Ada Infernum Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla

Metal shrieked and concrete was ripped apart as Valery's extended grip crushed the supports of the ceiling above her target. The structure collapsed seconds later and threatened to turn this facility into a tomb — the Sith's final resting place. But through the sheer power of the Dark Side and intense rage within him, Dartch Acherus persisted and shoved aside the material that had bruised and torn his flesh with a powerful will over the Force.

Valery's gaze narrowed and with her single blade drawn into both hands, she met his onslaught of powerful attacks with those of her own. Crimson and violet plasma collided and hissed against each other, but also carved through the metal walls, floor, and concrete support throughout the hallway. In the process, molten metal was flung around, burning some of Valery's exposed skin, but she paid no attention to it.

The only thing that briefly snapped her focus away from the clash between Light and Dark was a tremor in the Force drawing her eyes to her surroundings. This section of the depot was going to come down, and if she didn't get out, the two would get buried here together. For some reason, he seemed content with that idea.

In this moment of distraction, the Sith's relentless assault finally found its way through her defenses as well, scarring her arm and part of her chest as the tip of his blade bit deeply into her, and cut across it. A brief yelp of pain escaped Valery's lips, but she was used to forcing herself through physical pain and sharpened her mind to deflect the next, otherwise lethal attack. But in retaliation, she began her plan to finish this clash and get out before it was too late as well.

With a sudden hand extending, Valery channeled her power into pushing him away to force distance between them. She had backed up towards an exit point and hoped to trap him inside while she made her way out. So in an attempt to seal him inside forever, she drew all her might through her core and brought together her hands for a powerful Force Burst she sent flying through the hallway, directed to strike the Sith and bring down what remained of this section with its explosive power.



Aela Wren



ALLIES: Jos Krayt | Verin Oldo | ENCLAVE
ENEMIES: Marlon Sularen | Maverick Steele | NSO | BOTM | FINAL DAWN
ENGAGING: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett (Not you again, shabuir - kms)
Attack Line:

Flagship: The Narglatch - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)

The rest are under Verin Oldo's command



Of course.

He had grabbed hold of her, pulling her close as the repulsors pushed them into some direction.

The grip, near-intimate as it was, was his own mistake.
"You're in my domain now, schutta!"
His gauntleted hands reached for her helmet.
"That so, chakaar?" she smiled before thrusting both hands against his chest. "You're in mine now."

The repulsor, wrist blade and the cryocaster in her vambraces activated simultaneously into him while her jetpack kicked into gear again to pull her away from him.

Her helmet was definitely dented. It wouldn't last too long in the void of space. She just needed a bit more time to bring the dog to heel. How much time that was, was a good question, however.

He was Mando'ad - why he chose to against his kin, was the riddle of the ages.


Glad to have avoided the sickening tongue-appendage which gripped his ally, Khael's attention was soon focused elsewhere as Dha'kumura's balance begin to wobble.

Flanking Khael, Yamou reached out with the Force to manipulate, to tip over the balance and amplify the vibrations of the humming sonic weapon, trying to create a resonance cascade that would cause it to literally shake itself from the Mando's grip.

Khael felt the howling blade begin to vibrate in his hands as the Sith approached him, quickly gripping tighter and tighter as it threatened to be wrested from his control. Not once had he been disarmed of his clan's ancient blade, and by Manda it would not happen, today of all days. Sensing his foe as the source of the danger, he grit his teeth and angled Dha'kumura's quillons to point directly at the hulking warrior. When he was close enough, he fired the sonic blasters which sent shockwaves rippling forwards. Whether they caused any damage, the blast would be enough to break the opponent's focus enough that he started forward, launching a series of rapid cuts combined with the footwork of an expert bladesman, hoping to use his speed and agility to bring down this stronger foe.




Objective: Repel the Sith Attack
Allies: Kale Onara Kale Onara | Juno Wren Juno Wren | Khael Vhijaric Khael Vhijaric | Grendel Krayt | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Valery Noble Valery Noble | MANDALORIANS
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Yamou Yamou | Darth Maliden | Ada Infernum | Sinestra Sinestra | SITH
Engaging: Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

The shot from the pirate ricocheted off of Siv's beskar, the heavy blaster pistol leaving a scorch mark that would take hours of cleaning to polish out. But Siv barely even registered the blow, thanks to both his beskar armor plating and the inertial ablative dampers under them. The Sith was obviously angered, but it did not know true hatred.

Siv felt true hatred.

The Sith pulled on his whipcord with the Force, drawing Siv closer even as it used the Force to twist the trajectory of one of the Whistling Bird rockets towards Siv, but the Mandalorian was quick to see the ploy. Engaging his sonic repulsor, he unleashed a sonic blast that tore the minature rocket into shreds, detonating it before it could impact on Siv.

The Sith had ignored the other five rockets, though, and so Siv did not fight the pull on his whipcord as the five rockets spiraled in to impact against the Sith. As he drew into reach of the Sith, he activated his flamethrower on his right gauntlet, casting bright and hot flame directly into the Sith's torso and face. "Burn, scum," was all he managed to grunted.
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The Unchained

Romul Saxon Romul Saxon

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam



Mandalore's Lament landed upon it's target, only to be repulsed by what the Demon now understood to be beskar. In truth, he wasn't entirely surprised. Plenty of his own soldiers had weapons made of their sacred Mandalorian iron. An inconvenience, just as the Enclave had been since they took their first steps upon the galactic stage. It was a small matter, as it had given Khamul information about his opponent. And in such fights, information was a very, very powerful weapon.

It wasn't long before Romul's weapon was upon him, cleaving downward through the air toward the Unchained's torso. Khamul quickly sidestepped, shifting his weight as he prepared for his own riposte.

"Indeed, though it is a shame that it is wielded by such a misguided fool."

He pushed against the flat of the blade, using his beskar bracer to guide the weapon away from his body as Mandalore's Lament lashed out once again, this time in a thrust toward the space between the Warmaster's beskar plates...

Only to stop at the order given to his opponent.

"So... this is how the Enclave fights. In the wake of potential defeat, they resort to cowardice and stupidity. Perhaps you should have joined us instead. We like to look our enemy in the eyes as we take the life from them."

His body shifted once again as Khamul jumped back, just enough to gain some distance between himself and his opponent. The glowing red cracks of Sarrassian Iron burned bright as the hatred began to swell within him.


He reached forth with his free hand, catching one of the nearby Dar'Manda by the throat and swiftly snapping his neck through the Force.


Another poor soul caught in his grasp through the darkness, though this time he caved in the man's ribcage through sheer hatred and will as he closed his fist from a distance. These so-called Mandalorians would pay for their retreat, even if he had to kill every one of them himself. His gaze fell back toward Romul as he leveled his blade in front of him once again, the black and crimson pouring forth more aggressively before. His words were finally quiet, his rage now simmering in a dark, horrid display of murderous focus.

"And you call me pretender... tell me, will you run with the rest of these dogs? Do you have no shred of honor left within you, Warmaster?"



Scourge of the Vondoon

Location: Rothana surface
Tags: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Juno Wren Juno Wren Khael Vhijaric Khael Vhijaric

Sensing his foe as the source of the danger, he grit his teeth and angled Dha'kumura's quillons to point directly at the hulking warrior. When he was close enough, he fired the sonic blasters which sent shockwaves rippling forwards.
Yamou was tried to move out of the way of the attack, but the shockwave still hit him, rattling his teeth as he re-directed his focus, using the Force to put up a physical barrier to absorb the rest of the sonic attack.

He closed the distance and struck, blades clashing with the Mandalorian.
launching a series of rapid cuts combined with the footwork of an expert bladesman, hoping to use his speed and agility to bring down this stronger foe.
Yamou used his reach and mass advantage to stay at a slight distance, hoping to unbalance Khael as the Mandalorian kept up his quick attacks. When their blades clashed, Yamou used his strength to counter and push hard, aiming to knck Khael off-balance further through leveraging the length the enemy's weapon.

When the opportunity came, Yamou parried and leaned forward, knocking Khael's weapon away before stepping in, shoulder-charging Khael towards the wall reaching out and opening his soul to the hunger he felt in the Netherworld. One hand reached out, fingers curled and dark tendrils of energy striking out at Khael, draining him of his power. In exchange, Yamou felt energy reach into his body, a dark vitality rejuvenating his bones and muscles, knitting wounds and bruises.

"Your doom has come, Mandalorian." And Yamou struck with his blade.

Ada Infernum



ALLIES: Sinestra Sinestra | NSO | BOTM | FINAL DAWN - (I'll tag if you're important, don't @ me)
ENEMIES: ENCLAVE (you'll also get tagged if you're important)
ENGAGING: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Valery Noble Valery Noble




The flames caught for a change.

It had caught him good this time, which would be a crescendo to Vahl in its own right.

But as Ada moved in to deliver her blow, she was met with a whining answer. Ada only had a split second to summon the Force into some kind of barrier before the repulsor hit her, kicking up snow and sending her sliding back a few feet as she braced against the force of it.

The big brute was on her just as quickly. Instinct had her reflexively angle her saber to catch the brunt of the force that he struck at her with. His blade nicked her leg, but she had prevented the worst of it.

The blood seeping out of the wound on her leg just served to anger the Vahla.

With the flexible, fast grace of her species and aided by the Force, the Ember flipped away from the Mandalorian.
"So you do have a brain afterall." she breathed. "Pity I'll have to destroy it."

Just then, huge chunks of debris started to fall from the sky to hit the ground close to them as an immense shipyard thundered into the atmosphere.

Capitalising on the distraction, the Assassin disappeared once more, only to appear again behind him a heartbeat later, striking out his back with her beskar-blade to try and reach his kidneys.

Fell the giant, get that good for nothing Acherus and get out before everyone gets crushed.


Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | LOOT
Enemies: Mandalorian Enclave | Shel Beroya :withered:
The rich arsenal she unleashed against him like a ravenous maw bit into the dar'manda's armor. Cryoban weakening the integrity of his reinforced chestplate, followed by repulsor shockwaves to grind where the cryoban had prospected and a wrist blade like a pickaxe to dig and dig until there was no layer of armor left and his flesh would be exposed to the near absolute zero temperatures of space. An agonizing death.

Rohak's HUD lit up in red, warnings of imminent depressurization flashing but he remained suicidally stubborn and held onto her helmet for dear life as her jetpack kicked them into a turbulent gear once more. If he dies, she dies, too -- that was the mantra. Always had been. Time ticked away, each moment counting down to an imminent death to one or the other. Even Hod Ha'ran could not tell.

And then suddenly everything reverberated from their feet going up as two sparring fighters picked them up and split them apart. The magnetization of their boots stuck the two space combatants on the hull of each starfighter like glue. The velocity of both vessels snapped their bodies like twigs, crushing bones and ravaging guts in the process. Rohak spat or rather puked blood inside the helmet. They were flailing on the hulls of two dog fighters as they twisted, turned and spiraled through explosions, wreckage and space debris.

:: Worth dying for nothing, squid face? :: his voice cracked inside her helmet. :: Vlemoth Port's a long way from here. ::​

Scar Hounds/New Sith Order

Location: Section 3, Orbital Docks, Rothana
Objective: Seize the station
Equipment: Dread Blade, Basic Blasters, Basic Armour w/ vacuum seal
Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt

The Force, how can he forget about the Karablasting Force, the first encounter cost him a leg and nearly his life, he dodged the returning bombs adeptly, and jetpacks are very helpful in combat. But then again he had to avoid the ships docked in his vicinity.

Even more surprising is the sudden return of metallic styrofoam screeching as the shipyard began to come apart before his eyes. With this distraction, he barely countered Runt with his blade. Straining against his much larger opponent. Even with the height differences, Vulcan stood his ground never the one to back down in a fight.
With an immense, straining pull through the Force, Darth Hydrus, ancient Lord of the Sith, Dragon of the ages, tore the core apart.

Lights went out as the shipyard lurched, suddenly bereft of the thing keeping it suspended in space. Very slowly, the great station started to get pulled down by the planet.
The sudden lurch of the station threw everything into chaos: Runt yelped as the gravity generators on the station went haywire, sending him tumbling towards the wall and breaking contact between the two. He used the Force to cushion his 'fall' but the impact still rattled him.

This section of the station was beginning to come apart, and as he struggled to draw his blaster, Runt shouted into the comms:

<"Regroup at escape pods! Check your maps!"> Even now he could not help but worry for the warriors under his command. Knuckleheads, all, but they were HIS knuckleheads, abyss be damned.

He finally fumbled for his blaster and fired at Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt as the floor tilted again, sending debris flying between them. He adjusted his shots and fired again.

Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren

LOCATION: Surface of Rothana

Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Kale Onara Kale Onara Erion Justeene Erion Justeene
The Sith had ignored the other five rockets, though, and so Siv did not fight the pull on his whipcord as the five rockets spiraled in to impact against the Sith. As he drew into reach of the Sith, he activated his flamethrower on his right gauntlet, casting bright and hot flame directly into the Sith's torso and face. "Burn, scum," was all he managed to grunted.
Kybo released his hold and pushed himself to the side, his muscles and armour straining to jump him sideways. He reacted on instinct, sending an unfocused wave of energy backwards, pushing away some of thee rockets. Some of the rockets turned in time, the others detonating at proximity. Two hit too close to Kybo as he fell to the snow, the shrapnel and explosions searing his armour. He felt debris puncture something vital in his armour. Not good.

The flamethrower just barely missed him in the explosion and the dodge, but he could feel it lick at his armour, scorching it further.

"I don't burn easily, buckethead!" Kybo rolled across the now slick, melted snow, to get on his feet and face the Mandalorian before unleashed the Force again. A directed pulse of kinetic energy from one hand, while a telekinetic grip from the other to catch hold of the flamethrower hand to wrench it away.

While this fight continued, Steelshanks finally ordered the charges blown. The roar of high explosive sounded across the area, blowing a huge hole in the side of the Mandalorian defenses. With a roar of triumph, several other pirates joined Steelshanks' advance into the breached defenses, moving into close combat and looking to overwhelm the Mandos at close-range with volume of fire. Others remain on the other flanks to continue trading fire. Sooner or later, the pirates were sure, the Mandos had to lose ground.

Location: Ha'Rangir-Class Starship; Bridge
Equipment: Beskar'gam; Heartseeker; Phase-Blade x2; Blaster Rifle, Assorted Grenades
Allies: The Enclave
Enemies: The Maw

The Ha'Rangir had withdrawn from the Station completely, docking clamps that had held it in place adjacent to the Dockyards had disengaged and maneuvering thrusters brought the capital ship about. While the Station would plummet into the atmosphere of Rothana the Star Destroyer would stabilize, compensating for the initial descent it faced and adjusting for it as it gained control of its own inertia and gravitational effects as the 'Repulsorlift Generator' and 'Ion Drives' came to life.

When the 'Precision Drives' activated shortly thereafter the Ha'Rangir began to come about, maneuver so that it could bring a maximum amount of its firepower to bare on the Station within its firing arc.

Onboard the Ha'Rangir the Bridge was abuzz, many of the Vode present were weary from the battles they'd been apart of on the Station, Andras among them but still recognized they had a duty to perform. Tactical and Navigation Officers worked in tandem to bring as much of the Star Destroyer online as possible, working in conjunction with Engineering. Officers on the Comms monitored signals coming out of the Station as it plummeted into the atmosphere of the planet calling out when potential starcraft aligned with the Mando'ade launched, making their escape.

As for Andras himself, sunk back into the confines of the command chair and monitoring information as it came to him he would have eventually called out...


...before one of the Bridge Officers responded...

"Sir, we have reports that Enclave ships are withdrawing from the Station though combat continues in earnest aboard it as well. Multiple battles in several locations."

...beneath his Buy'ce Andras would frown though he understood what was happening. Warriors of the Mando'ade had their honor to consider and when blood ran hot as they engaged the enemy sometimes there was no choice but to stand and fight. No matter his understanding Andras it didn't change the decision he had made...

"The Quartermaster? The Warmaster?"

"No confirmation that either has evacuated."

...however a Tactical Officer who had been fighting on the Station would have called out...

"During the fighting I heard a distress signal come over the comms. It said the Quartermaster was in danger, a Dark Lord of the Sith."

...information that only hardened Andras features beneath his helm and made his stomach tighten into a knot. He was aware that 'five-minutes' had not fully elapsed yet though it was running close so he gave the order...

"Prepare to fire."

...which caused a stir aboard the bridge, the Bridge Officer who had been speaking with him stammering out...

"The Quartermaster though sir?"

"The Quartermaster would understand." war difficult decisions needed to be made, Andras weighed the life of the Quartermaster and others against the potential of destroying the 'Lord of the Sith'. They all knew that the Maw had lost one leader on Tython, to lose another so soon might cut the head off the beast entirely. Other High Ranking leaders of the Maw might also be engaged on the Station yet to balance this against potential loss of Mandalorian life was also nigh unthinkable.

"Turbolasers ready to fire. Missiles primed."

"Mass Drivers?"

"We don't have them yet, Sir. Reports of them coming online are patchy."

...not that it mattered, the Mass-Drivers would probably only be overkill...

"Prioritize Maw craft with light turbolasers, everything else to the Station."


...the Bridge Officer nodded, Tactical Officers would do their duty. On Andras command the killing fields opened.

The Ha'Rangir would open fire with as many of its weapons as its firing arc would allow sans the Mass-Drivers. Quad and Heavy Turbolaser Batteries would all target the Station. Light Turbolasers would prioritize fleeing Maw spacecraft. Assault Concussion Missiles were fired, both the M19 Firefly and M20 Dragonfly variants. Where possible even some Flak would have shot.

To anyone who could see it at a distance it was probably quite a light show but to the Station it would herald a 'Dance of Destruction'. Explosions would riddle the Station, blasts from turbolaser fire impacting hard. With its Core already destroyed the resulting onslaught could only split apart what remained and create massive amounts of debris. Another obstacle for 'smaller craft' fleeing the Station.

The Atmosphere of Rothana would blaze with righteous fire.


Aela Wren



ALLIES: Jos Krayt | Verin Oldo | ENCLAVE
ENEMIES: Marlon Sularen | Maverick Steele | NSO | BOTM | FINAL DAWN
ENGAGING: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett (Not you again, shabuir - kms)
Attack Line:

Flagship: The Narglatch - (Shields 100%/Hull 100%)

The rest are under Verin Oldo's command



He just didn't let go.

Her helmet still holding up, but denting ever more as he clung to her. Time was running out for both of them as she felt his armour crumbling. If she had to do something, it would be now.

But the choice was ripped away from both of them as their boots suddenly locked onto two fighters zooming past.

No armour could protect you from the sheer, battering velocity of being stuck to the outside of a starfighter in the middle of a dogfight in space. If nothing was broken before, everything was now as the Nautolan ragdolled along, trying her best to get the boots to release their magnetisation while her organs suffered under the shattering bones.
:: Worth dying for nothing, squid face? Vlemoth Port's a long way from here. ::
He was still stubbornly kicking? He seriously was just too angry to die. She'd have to try something else.
<, dinii. You're...coming> she croaked back at him before blinking over to another channel. <Kel........basilisks and> she gritted.
<On it.> That was it, bless him - no questions, just action.

Not long after, a squadron of basilisks intercepted the dogfight, four of them latching onto the fighters to suspend them while the others boxed around them. As one, their riders jumped out the cockpits to jetpack over to the two combatants while the Narglatch settled nearby while naval battles still raged in the background.

Finally stationary, Shel, in her broken state, was able to release the magnetisation on her boots while her Clan members caught her. At the same time, rifles were turned toward the dar'manda.
<Get him in the...ship.> Shel coughed blood into her dented helmet. <Medical bay.>

Patch him up first. Then either beat him to the straight and narrow or hand him over to the Enclave to do with him as they pleased.


"I am the monster you created. You ripped out all my parts~"

ALLIES: Romul Saxon | Quartermaster | Other mandos on Shipyard
ENEMIES: Mawites

LOCATION: Rothana | Orbital Station, Boarding Ship For Escape

The piercing, feral gaze of the primal xeno flared with anger as in a flash of smoke and embers the cowardly Mawite scurried away like the little rat of a man he was. Choosing instead of salvage his own worthless flesh rather than proving all his boasting of his superiority, the godling jumping away from her as those tendrils attempted to snap and snatch at him only for her prey to barely slip through her talons. A disgruntled hiss erupting from her segmented jaws as he called to her.

"Bah! You gonna run next time too! You little rat!?" She snarled, lifting her head back and building saliva in her mouth and spitting on the floor where he stood. "All you Forceborn are all the same! ALL TALK AND KARKIN MAGIC TRICKS!" She snapped, taking all four of her arms and lifting them defiantly and putting up her middle fingers on each of her four hands and waving them frantically, the beast clearly angry at this shameful display of cowardice from so-called 'gods'. "EAT RANCOR SHIT LITTLE MAGIC MAN!" She barked back, scoffing as he flew away and feeling her bones develop a rash she couldn't even itch.

And then, as if to make things worse the entire station then appeared to devolve into complete hell, everything shaking and thrashing about violently, even throwing Dima herself off balance and crashing into a nearby wall, clutching the ground with her tendrils to stabilize herself as her eyes searched her environment quickly. "Oh what now? More tricks?" She huffed, pieces of the station completely falling apart around her and causing Dima to bail from her position quickly from the nearest path. "WHAT IS GOING ON?" She hissed, moving at breakneck speed back through the corridor she and the mawite had previously just ripped through during their duel. As she passed her helmet that had been knocked off of her a tendril plucked it from the ground, bringing it to her hands as she snapped it back onto place and sealed the helm, the communications within it re-established as her tail reached out and snatched the Axe that was stuck in the wall out of it as she passed it by.

"Hello?! What happened why is everything exploding!?" The confused xeno hissed, the comms static rattling for a moment before a response was issued.

"This is Andras Garon Andras Garon . We've commandeered one of the Ha'rangir-class vessels to save it from destruction. I advise all Vode still on the station to attempt to do the same or to evacuate the station if they are able. Repeat, I advise all Vode to evacuate the station. You have five minutes. At that point this vessel will open up on the Station with whatever weapons we have available. If you are unable to make it off, you have my sympathies." Andras said over the communications, Dimas eyes dilating in sudden shock as the four armed alien blitzed her way through the station at blinding speed to find other mandos.

"Wh-huh? Why? WE HAD THEM ON THE RUN! And there are wounded here!" She snapped back defiantly, her eyes tracing over the many mandos scattered about with their bodies broken and mangled, coughing and still clinging to life. "Dima can't just-" She murmured, biting her lip as her mind raced violently. Unsure what to do, how to react in this situation. She had never been forced to make such a choice over her kin and in the moment she could feel herself freezing.

"Umn, oh wow, d-don't worry cousins! Dima is here!" She whined, the massive beast towering over a couple of wounded mandos as they laid there with blasters in hand, shooting down the hall at mawites who continued their assault. One of the mandos wheezed, taking a grenade off his belt as they closed in.

"Dammit Dima get out! We're done! We know what we signed up for!" He roared, waving Dima away as they continued to fight, willing to die for the cause. "Go! I SAID GO! OR ALL OF US WILL DIE!"

"NO! DIMA NOT AFRAID OF DYING!" She snarled angrily back at them, reaching down and snatching the bomb from the mando she used her lashers to snatch two mandos whose legs were bled and disabled and hoisted them into the air. Dimas lower arms reached out and grabbed two more mandos who were behind crates from behind their, snatching them like pups as her tail then reached out and coiled around the hips of the mando who was yelling at her. "DIMA WILL NEVER ABANDON KIN!" She barked assertively, the xeno summoning all her strength to pull FIVE separate mandalorians up off the ground with her extra appendages.

She could not save everyone, but she could save them, she could at least save them.

And with an explosive burst of speed, the powerful tendrils sprouting from her back pulled Dima along quickly through the corridor. Making her fleeing the mawites and tossing the grenade behind her after cooking it for several seconds to cover the escape, tendrils spraying web and silk at the sithlings as well to stick them to the walls and ceiling, preventing them from moving and trapping them in the ship to perish. Moving through the station DRAGGING several mandalorians with her as they all yelled and squirmed in her grip, the weight of their beskar drastically draining her stamina as the xeno neared the position of Romul Saxon Romul Saxon . Eventually breaking into the room where he and his men were located.

Her eyes locked onto a ship as Romul called out. "release the clamps and board the ships! Evacuate this station now, and someone find the Quartermaster!"

Dimas eyes flared, Dima bounding towards them as she waved her hand and dragging her Vod with her. "W-wait! Wait! Dima has hurt cousins!" She chittered, her speed lagging as all their combined weights started to pull the Xeno down, blood trickling down her body and armor from her battle and coughing violently as she got closer and closer to the ship only for her tendrils to start folding like rubber and collapsing until she finally got onto one of the ships as they began to take off. Tossing her wounded comrades onto the ship and shaking her head of the daylights forming in her vision. "Where is the Quarter-lady!? Dima can't find her!" She wheezed towards Romul, clearly exhausted and close to collapsing but her sheer instinct still propelling her to find more of her kin before the station perished. "D-dima can do it, just need a...minute." She huffed, shaking her head while rubbing her claws over her helmet. Her vision blurring slowly. "Oh, many minutes did we have again?" She mused in confusion, the exertion of her body causing her mind to fog and fuzz up.


- After Valgus Ren Escapes, Dima begins moving through the station

- During the chaos unfolding, finds a group of mandalorians wounded and still fighting

- Using the last of her strength, Dima takes five mandalorians into her appendages and flees

- Brings them to a ship close to Romul Saxon Romul Saxon attempting to rescue them

- Questions where Quartermaster is to seek her out

Last edited:

Location: Section 3, Orbital Docks, Rothana
Objective: Help!
Equipment: Sword, M.I. Beskar'gam Mk.1 M.I. 'Sunstroke' jetpack M.I. Model 6 hybrid pistol, M.I. Model 12 shatter rifle x2, Thermal Detonators x50, Magnetic Detonators x 50, Perun's Call
Allies: Enclave | Open
Enemy Combatants: Maw | Open
Engaging: The Grunt The Grunt


Vulcan had to pay attention as the noise got louder and everything tilted sideways and this distracted him enough to break free from the battle of wills with swords. The Ubese found himself side-stepping bits of scaffold and debris. This was not good and he needed to get out before he dies.

He ignited his jetpack to make evasive manoeuvres easier just in time as a chunk was barely an inch away from his head. With the change in the situation, Vulcan had to concentrate on the surroundings rather than going after Runt. Then again, why couldn't he do both? Well, there were the sudden warnings screaming at him from his HUD that made him rethink his position very quickly.

Dodging one rocket, Vulcan got hit with the other, sending his jetpack into a tailspin, grabbing his pistol he aimed a series of shots at Runt's direction hoping to nail the Mawite at least as he spin around erratically. Once he was sure he wouldn't get injured, he removed his jetpack as it shot into the air and exploded.

As for Vulcan, he landed in a shipyard well with a bone-shaking crash, grateful for the Beskar that protected him from injury, well as far as he knew, he was stuck on his side as the space was an inch thinner than he was. He had just enough room to tap an emergency message to all Mandalorians in the area. He even tried Basic, even if it was still difficult to understand.

::"SOS, SOS, This is Vulcan. I am down, stuck in a trench in shipyard. Send help. Help!":: He radioed, hoping it would be enough. He wasn't going to die, not here, not like this.

Shai will not be happy to know he died in such a stupid way.


Objective: Make WAR
Allies: The Quartermaster The Quartermaster | Zhara Krayt | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Yenna Yenna | Andras Garon Andras Garon
Enemies: Darth Mori | Dimitri Voltura | King Heres
Engaging: Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze

Romul made to parry the strike towards his chest, but the Pretender paused before their blades connected.

"So... this is how the Enclave fights. In the wake of potential defeat, they resort to cowardice and stupidity. Perhaps you should have joined us instead. We like to look our enemy in the eyes as we take the life from them."

"Your enemies? The weak and the disabled? Those who live their lives with a plow in hand instead of the blade? There is no honor in killing them, not that you would know of honor." The Warmaster rent his axe through the ground, creating great streaks through the metal as the beskar vibroaxe tore through metal as if it were paper, not even scratching the masterfully-forged blade.


He reached forth with his free hand, catching one of the nearby Dar'Manda by the throat and swiftly snapping his neck through the Force.


"Akaan'alor," his comms crackled, and Romul raised a finger to his helmet to tap into the signal. "The Star Destroyers are ready to launch, we await your order. I have gotten the vod I can to board." Gallius's voice was tight and urgent, and Romul could hear the echoes of explosions from his end of the comms. Slowly those explosions were growing louder and louder, as the station groaned.

"The Quartermaster, Gallius," he replied tightly. "Where is she?"

The other side was sickeningly quiet. "We lost all signal with her and her honor guard. Last reports indicate the presence of Darth Mori." Explosions rocked the station once more, filling in the silence between them. Finally, Gallius spoke again. "Akaan'alor, we have to launch now. Garron has begun firing on the station."

Romul's fist grew tighter. Garron sought to eliminate the head of the Maw and the Death's Hand, but bargaining a chance for glory at the cost of their leader? That was a price that even Romul was unwilling to pay. This was not bravery. It was foolishness. "Launch the ships, Gallius. There is business that I must finish."

And with that, he silenced his comms once more to face his foe.

"And you call me pretender... tell me, will you run with the rest of these dogs? Do you have no shred of honor left within you, Warmaster?"

"Do not deign to speak of what you do not have," Romul thundered. "You think you know honor. You think you know strength. You think you know anger." He slammed his massive war axe deep into the ground. "These are tenets of the Mandalorian. But you are no Mandalorian. You forsake all claims to the Clans when you accepted the title of Darth."

"Remember this. Remember my words. I want your memory to be of only this when Mandalorian fire rains on your worlds. When the sound of Mandalorian steel echoes through your halls. I want you to remember this promise when my war axe cleaves through your skull: our vengeance is coming. Your days are numbered."

And an explosion ripped through the shipyard, great balls of fire separating the remaining Deaths Hand and Enclave, and the Pretender from Romul. The Warmaster only stood and watched as the light from flames rippled brightly on his armor. But the station was falling apart, and Romul now had a promise to fufill. Today would not be the day he died.

He roared as he felt power coalesce around the Resa'geriuvr gauntlet covering his hand. He strode through the wreckage and the carnage, dragging what vod he could find still breathing to their feet. "You are not dead men yet," he promised as he pulled Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt to his feet. "We will live to fight another day."

With that, he called upon the power swelling in his gauntlet and projected a shimmering purple dome of energy, a cascading sphere of light. The Mandalorians he had rescued now gathered underneath the protective sphere, watching as fire and plasma rained down on it yet was stopped by the energy. It was no energy field, but a barrier made of the Force harnessed by Mandalorian technology. Romul stood in the middle, straining as the energy to project the barrier began to tax him.

But he would not break. For he had a promise to keep. And a vengeance to fulfill.

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