Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gravity (sisterhood)

Maruelle perked when [member="Sawa Ike"] had spoken of more training, this time involving the air. She considered what it was like to control ad shape fire before realizing how it seemed the basic step forward given the air was less dense and probably harder to shape. The idea of having control over the air, especially with her wings, brought new ideas to the young As-Aki's mind before saying "Okay. You've convinced me. Where do we start?"
[member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Darth Raven"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya continued to watch as they fought and the infected and dead were there, the croa losing themselves into a battle frenzy as they were slashing each other and spilling a thick black ooze into the earth. The darkside runes glowing brighter and brighter while Balaya spoke with the ones that were brought but not thrown in. The troopers were restraining them as she moved around. "Sanya, Camellia return here when you are ready." She was watching the steam and smoke boil up from the bodies. The black ooze dissolving from the croa and burning the infected until they were slowly joining the puddle forming. The pulse of darkside energy as it slowly was solidifying as a single being instead of several.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

"We will start with the runners, use your wind created with your wings to disable them and catch up. It can make you faster and those who are skilled of the non winged variety can eventually learn to fly." She was moving and stood there as some of them were running towards the troopers as Sawa held her hand out and the woman stopped. her body falling to the ground while her face was blue and she seemed to be gagging. "And you can well... make it so air never enters their lungs."
Watching and listening to [member="Sawa Ike"] demonstrate the power of manipulating air Maruelle began to see even more potential to use it in combat. She nodded before taking off from her master's shoulder, flying towards the group of runners trying to flee. She managed to zip in front of them, stopping them in their tracks. "We didn't say you could leave." She then began to beat her wings faster while trying to focus on the same method she used while controlling fire. Using the force to reach out and gain the air before funneling it into her wings. Every beat was added to her racing heart as she beat harder before, finally, powerful winds began to burst out and knock at some of the runners. Not strong enough to knock the back but enough to where they needed to shield their eyes.​
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

Not to say she was surprised when Sanya began to dote affection on her rather intimately, but the Rendili woman was caught a little off guard as a result of its intensity as the former Jedi pressed against her and planted a deep and passionate kiss against her lips. It was pushing a fine line, but considering the circumstances of the situation and such, Camellia suspected it wouldn't go anywhere inappropriate. However, Sanya had sealed her own fate now, leaving Camellia to wonder if the other girl was aware of the fact she had infected herself through the earlier kiss and deepened it with the one now. Certainly by now Sanya had to know, but since she was actually enjoying their lips contact too, the Rendili woman wasn't feeling like pointing it out, besides if Sanya became a Croa all the better.

Of course their contact was broken off as Lady Praelior sent the communication calling them over. Answering, Camellia couldn't help but wonder why bother having sent Sanya over in the first place instead of having her meet up with them earlier. "Lady Praelior are you certain its. . . .safe to appear there?" Of course she began taking steps towards the Sith Zeltron's location anyway since she didn't want to delay, but with what was happening over there she would definitely want to see what was going on.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya's body got ten times hotter and she knew something was off. It took her a moment to realize now what she had done. She didn't regret the kiss at all she rather enjoyed it. Her skin paled slightly her nose feeling blocked. The com bleeped with praelior telling Sanya and cam to get over their. Camellia responded asking if it was okay and safe. Even with her throat starting to feel sore Sanya nodded. "You should be find. Although we should take the ship. I don't feel to good." Sanya got off the top of camellia and dropped into her chair. Her body felt as it was getting hotter by the second. "Cam?" She said looking at her. "I just realized, I'm going to be just like you now." She giggled for a second and smiled at her. 'I feel so hot, and I can barely breathe through my nose now.' she thought to herself. She slowly started to feel light headed, her breathing increasing. "I love you." Maybe this would bring them closer more, now they could interact more with each other, and kissing would be safe. She drew on the force to try null the fever but when she did it started to hurt. She immediately she stopped and thought. 'since I'm turning sithspawn I can't do that.' She knew the pain would be worse soon from watching it happen so it would be nothing for now. She started to concentrate again using the healing to slow and bring the fever down, she couldn't stop the inevitable, she didn't want to. But she just wanted to make this an easier transition to a croa.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Darth Raven"]

Balaya felt something comign to her now as her head turned and she was reaching out. That aura she had within herself to command her sithspawn pressing while she spoke not into the comlink but to the virus holding one hand out. "Come here pets." A grin was on her face as she was feeling it and the presence of the virus had gotten larger while she was looking at the pool of boiling black thick blood. She turned her attention towards Elara as she was speaking and while holding the case with the blade of honor she let her voice come out. "Bring the containers with the samples from the ship apprentice." There was a look as the girl was running off and letting her attention go to her master while there seemed to be more amusement within her.
As [member="Darth Praelior"] command them Raven found herself all the more amused by the spectacle. She found herself drawn towards the Zeltron sith as she continued to order commands to everyone. The power. The leadership. It was all so....exciting. As the others tended to business, Raven still looking towards the Cora, she whispered into her ear "You're amazing..." with a rather tantalized tone.​
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]​
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

Well from the sounds of it the former Jedi knight was finally realizing that she had infected herself, but it didn't appear as if the fact bothered Sanya all that much. Not that it should, since Camellia was rather adamant about Croa being an incredible race to become, though perhaps her opinion was a tad biased since she had found her own transformation to feel, while painful, immensely good. To put it lightly and much more clean she supposed. Regardless they would indeed have to take the ship then since Lady Praelior desired both their presences. Although the Rendili woman did so silently despite the blush on her face considering she wasn't really certain how to address the other girl's words once more.

Then again the speechlessness continued once they reached the actual site of. . . .whatever ritual the Sith were conducting. Because Camellia was rather certain that wasn't turning the captured subjects into Croa, at least not a normal one. "This doesn't look right. . . . ." Frowning, but not sure what to say or do, the Rendili woman gave the afflicted jedi a kiss on her cheek for her troubles before exiting the ship to get a better look at the happenings outside and approach the Zeltron Giantess. "Mistress Praelior what's going on? There seems to be. . . .a distinct lack of prisoners which should have reached you. Is something the matter?"

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"]

The kiss on her cheek made Sanya blush. Although it didn't help against the pain that increasingly riddled through her body. She felt as she was getting weaker by the second, although she couldn't disobey the orders that praelior needed to see them both. She worked up the motivation to stand up from the chair and walked through the ship, her hand clinging to the wall to keep her up. Her steps was slow her vision blury, even her breathing became erratic. Sanya ran out of wall to prop herself up with her feet now on the ramp. "Camellia.." Sanya tried to speak but her body had gave in as she collapsed onto the ramp creating a loud thud making the metal vibrate making the sound louder. 'Everything is black. why is it black? Whats happening.' she was only left with her thoughts and pain from the transformation.

The thoughts slowly turned into images, into dreams or was it visions. As images slowed down Sanya found herself laying next to camellia, in her arms and pressed up against her chest. She kissed the closest part of her body closing her eyes fading into yet another dream. She was on her ship this time camellia by her side and croa filled the back. They looked as they where preparing for an attack but where. She looked out the window to see an unfamiliar world. Even the coordinates where strange, it was a unknown regions of space. But why here?
[member="Darth Raven"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya was looking at the pool while the prisoners around them were being held and with Camellia looking upon it she waited until Raven was in place and spoke. "Have them gather around, this is going to require blood." The smile was on her face though while Elara was heading to meet her master. The two cases of samples extracted were being held there while Balaya slowly started to open and extract them. "My pet we are simply using the force users blood to reconstruct the virus." She held her hand over the virus ooze while raising it up to slowly add in the extracted viruses of the others. "Blood, we're going to need blood, slice their hands and let them bleed in to feed the virus... and ensure Sanya is brought out here, her time is precious."
While Raven was happy for the succession of the mission she felt a little upset that [member="Darth Praelior"] was ignoring her advances. As the zeltron walked past her she watched with confusion. She didn't understand. Zeltrons tended to be very sexually open and yet this one, powerful and cunning as she was, either didn't understand or just refused to. Raven wasn't sure but she was going to keep trying at least. She followed and peered over her massive shoulders before saying into her ear "You're plan is brilliant, Lord Prealior." Her finger then trailed along her shoulder and down her arm while saying "And so beautiful at that."
[member="Darth Raven"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

There was a sensation as she felt the sith on her back and Balaya's brain was playing catch up as something finally clicked and she realized in no unsubtle terms that she was nearly seeing the sith rip her clothing off. Balaya slowly released some pheromones she rarely used and was feeling it with her empathy while letting herself ease with the former apprentice of her apprentice while she turned her head and slowly let her words come out. "Well then just wait until you my sweet Raven see the next stage of the plan. Your power will be needed." And she gave a large smile though while holding her arm out so Raven could settle in next to her should she wished to. The croa virus was reacting as the prisoners were bleeding from their hands to make it biol and red lines of darkside energy were reconstructing the virus with the darkside.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

Reconstruct the virus? That sounded less comforting and more maddening than anything. The force was already something beyond the Rendili woman's full comprehension. Now messing with something they had already created sounded like some scene out of a horror holo flick where everything would go horribly wrong. . . . . .that or it could work she supposed, or just be a wasted effort. . . . .in which case she would reserve her complaints for such an occurrence considering how she would think an entire village worth of people turned into Croa were more useful than . . . .a slightly modified puddle of the virus. What exactly was it going to change about it all anyway?

Regardless, the thump of Sanya falling on the ramp behind her, along with the Sith Zeltron's request that the former jedi watch what was transpiring, prompted Camellia to ignore her concerns for now as she moved to pick the other woman up from the ground, sliding her arm over Sanya's shoulder and doing her best to lift and carry the girl the short distance so that she could see. Not that Camellia was even sure if Sanya was able to focus right now anyway. "I don't understand what the goal is. . . .will the cuts provide a way for the virus to infect them directly or is the blood and force users going to change something."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Darth Raven"]

There world was dark, night time perhaps. although the all the lights in the sky seemed to give a rough view of the terrain around her. The landscape was just grass but off in the distance was a large city, something that looked like it was from coruscant. Other ships had landed and croa flooding out of them all rushing towards the city. They where all armed and in full gear like the ones from her Gunship. 'Are we attacking?' She thought to herself trying to make sense of it all.

The dream soon changed again back to the one before but this time was different, both Sanya and camellia's bellys where huge. they where both pregnant with each others children. Sanya looked at the Rendili woman smiling and rubbing her bump. It was clear these where a series of visions now, it showed her either outcomes or stuff that is set in stone. Nothing was absolute but if this is what will happen she wanted it, her own family with the one she loves.

Sanya's eye's burst open, been cradled by her lover. 'Am I back?' Her body felt as it was been ripped apart by the molecule. Her head was the worst as the pupils of her eyes changed and the new ears slowly forming. She could no longer rely on the force to slow it down it just hurt so much. She nuzzled her head into her arm as she was been carried somewhere. Sanya had no energy to talk for now, but she wanted to tell cam that she loved her.
At least NOW she was starting to understand. Raven smiled with relief as [member="Darth Praelior"] had spoken more on the plans ahead. The talk of needing her power had interested Raven deeply. When she offered her arm to settle in Raven gave a low giggle before accepting it. "Whatever you need. I'm at your disposal." She both said and teased, implying other uses she could have. Even as the others were calling in asking what the next step was Raven didn't bother to look at them. She was too busy being enraptured by the zeltron beauty before her to truly care.​
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]​
[member="Darth Raven"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya looked at it while the feeling of Sanya and Camellia came to her, slowly she worked with her equipment and attention going towards the pool as the red tendrils around it were sparking and acting almost like a brain scan. No the brain scans of the croa virus and it was moving of its own accord slowly creating shapes that dripped and rolled back into the pool. The activity seemed to be strengthening it as Camellia spoke and Balaya turned to her. "They'll be infected soon the first step is t see your daddy as it were. If I am the mother and creator of the croa then this right here is what you could say... gave the little spark." She turned her head back as the ooze was forming a mouth almost to gurgle before grabbing one of the prisoners and pulling it into the pool. "Bring Sanya over and put her and yourself into the pool. It will be painful but the croa will be able to give to her what you wanted pet." She was still keeping her arm around Raven as her fingers came around to play with the hair. "So good to have you with me my dear."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

Actually now Camellia felt more confused than ever as the Sith Zeltron answered her. The virus was a thing, she understood what the alien amazon was saying that it had a mind of its own in some ways. However, the Rendili woman honestly couldn't bring herself to ever agree such a clearly irrational entity could be sentient. Nothing of that sort was after all. Although despite her opinion on what the virus mental qualities were, Camellia didn't hesitate as Lady Praelior ordered her into the black pool with Sanya. The former jedi appeared to be waking up now as well, the changes having progressed rather far she supposed as she looked over her.

Camellia had to wonder though, who it was that Lady Praelior was speaking to. She couldn't recall desiring anything to happen to Sanya, nor would she have any idea what this would do to the other woman. So if the Zeltron Giantess were speaking to Sanya. . . . what did Sanya want to happen to her as they entered the pool.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Darth Raven"]

Sanya could barely hear the words coming from praelior mouth, and she didn't have the energy to look at what she was speaking about to her love. All she knew was that they where going into something and it would be painful, but how much more painful could it be than what she was already going through. As camellia started walking Sanya still been held and cradled, she kissed her arm and nuzzled more. Her own arms crossed over on her chest and her legs dangling over the side. As camellia walked into the pool with red tendrils rising up as she got closer, they slowly wrapped round her climbing up slowly till it enveloped them both in the raw form of the virus and entering their bodies. The pain was excruciating making Sanya scream in agony. Her vertebrae extended to form the tail, her ears now full length. Even her nails had became claws. This was the most pain she had ever felt but there was a since of pleasure in it all. Sanya didn't reject what was happening in fact she was accepting it to the point where she wanted more inside her. 'This is for you camellia' this was the only thought on her mind other than how hot her body had reached and the pain she was in still making her scream till she could no more.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Darth Raven"]

Balaya watched it, the power of the virus as it was working on its sentience.... as it was slowly working to convert Sanya and give the newest structure of the virus to Camellia. She wanted the power of the croa to be stronger while she was standing there and the gurgling came to her ears. THe blood continuing to work while she waited for some of it to touch her open wound on her palm. She could feel the virus and it wasn't infected her sithspawn blood but she was able to feel the croa around her and the ones who were nearby. "Now pets infect your children." Slowly she was moving with her attention towards the pool while the force users around that had been bleeding were standing there for Sanya and Camellia to test their newer claws on that were to be sharper, their teeth and more infectious nature as the base for the newest line of croa.

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