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Gray Maidens - Interest Check

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
While I was away, I was toying with an idea that is inspired by multiple sources. Much like the Mistryl Shadow Guard (which I understand is already on the board), the Gray Maidens would be a military force comprised entirely of female combatants, however they would deviate in that multiple species would be welcomed into their ranks. Unlike the Mistryl Shadow Guard, the Gray Maidens would be an internal military force in an already established major faction. At the moment of writing this, I was leaning towards either the Omega Protectorate or the Mandalorians (however I am unsure if they have something similar in either organization or in both).

For the moment this is serving as an interest check for the possibility of such an organization or in the off chance that it has already been done; the possibility would still remain of allowing it to be shaped and formed by those interested into its own free standing organization.

I have a rough draft of their goals, many of which would be focused on the Gray Maidens themselves.

  • The acquisition of wealth, power and influence with-in a faction; or as a free standing organization
  • Should the Gray Maidens be a free standing organization; the acquisition of a sphere of influence
  • Expanding the Gray Maiden force through recruiting and training of new recruits

While they are bare-boned goals, they are a small seed to work off of and help develop into a larger tree (probably not the best analogy).

With many factions and organizations in recent memory being more focused on Force Users or otherwise having been entirely taken over by, or having the upper command structure headed by Force Users, the Gray Maidens would be more anti-Force Users within their ranks; though if need by they would none the less be willing to work with them (should they be acting as a unit within an established Major Faction with FUs).
*eyes Darth Vitamin*
We should have a shoot force users on site rule. Maybe hire some Vong weirdos to make us all force dead.
Definitely. I like that idea. Who else likes that idea? Seems like a good idea to me.
{OOC: This is a half-joke post.}

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
That was a possible idea, having the Gray Maidens join either OP or the Mandos as a stepping stone until they were a bit more stable. As a side note, that force dead thing is also a possibility.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]

Isolda Servalan said:
I have a rough draft of their goals, many of which would be focused on the Gray Maidens themselves.
  • The acquisition of wealth, power and influence with-in a faction; or as a free standing organization
  • Should the Gray Maidens be a free standing organization; the acquisition of a sphere of influence
  • Expanding the Gray Maiden force through recruiting and training of new recruits

I believe if you read the original post fully, you'd have seen this [member="Nulgath Zardai"]

It's a 50/50 chance

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

*swooning intensifies*


I mean

[member="Darth Vitium"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Isolda Servalan"], [member="Drapeam Nyx"],

Ladies, as a grey being myself, just look at that steel colored paintjob, I will gladly welcome you as part of our diverse OP family, and indeed we do have already a Mistryl Shadow Guard working with us.

I am sure I can aid you in establishing position if you promise to manage it properly and maintain it, I also have some work which you can start on.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The rational comes from the rather scared and destructive (mentally and physically) history of the founder/leader, Chinevinex Keegarail.


The swooning means nothing :p

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Now on a more serious note. That was a wholly inappropriate and offense comment. I am requesting that you not post such a comment again. If you find yourself incapable of such, then I will request that you remove yourself and refrain from posting in this thread again.

[member="Skorn Draclau"]
Chinevinex Keegarail said:
Now on a more serious note. That was a wholly inappropriate and offense comment. I am requesting that you not post such a comment again. If you find yourself incapable of such, then I will request that you remove yourself and refrain from posting in this thread again.
Now I see the real reason why this faction was formed.
Skorn Draclau said:
They all want to serve the perfect man.
*punches Skorn on the nose*

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
She is an ex-Blackblade Guard thing, after all...

But what's better than a bunch of badass girls fighting together? I mean, they can kick ass, then go home, braid each other's hair, talk about their crushes, get drunk or not, arm wrestle, gossip about things if they want, and THEN GO OUT AND KICK MORE ASS~~~

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
There appears to be support or some interest (even if minor) in just an organization. At this moment though I'm a bit hesitant to attempt it as its own free standing faction and may decide to take up HK's offer of having them in OP.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Chinevinex Keegarail"],

Good, more bodies for the Pyre,



We also have great dental coverage, muahahahahha-kha-kha-kha

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