Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Graze (Gray)

Name: Grey (Graze)
Loyalties: Darkwater Security
Role: As the Foreman for Darkwater Security, Graze holds final say when Orcus is not present.
Rank: Foreman of Darkwater Security
Age: 34
Species: Karkarodon
Gender: Male
Height: 7’3”
Weight: 316 lbs
Force-Sensitive: No

+ Strength and speed: Physically, he is not only strong, but exceptionally fast for his size. He is not possessed of awe-inspiring strength, just what one would find ordinary in a 300 pound 7+ foot shark.
+ Cuts through water: He is an excellent swimmer
+ Long fuse: His cool demeanor under pressure gives him an uncanny aim with a blaster pistol
- Unlikely to blend: His large size makes him stick out like a sore thumb
- Melee Weaponry: He possesses a decided lack of skill in this particular area of combat
- Chance of explosion: He never seems to lose this calm, though on occasion he can become gripped by fits of rage. It is during those instances that his fellow bodyguards know to keep their distance; otherwise they may become collateral damage.
Appearance: Gray-skinned with a white underbelly, Graze is not the largest member of Darkwater, but he certainly isn't the smallest. At 7'3" and 316 pounds, he ripples with lean musculature. His hands are webbed and his black eyes contain a predatory lack of emotion. Scars crisscross all about his body, particularly on his nose and chest. Most find his smile terrifying, as it reveals rows of large, serrated teeth.

Bio: Cold and calculating, Graze possesses a chilling commitment to the 'job' and he always abides by the code of bounty hunters. Orphaned at the age of three, the hulking Karkarodon cycled through a series of foster homes, never quite finding one that fit. His youth was one spent in sullen anger, and he frequently lashed out against those who sought to help him. It wasn’t until he was 14 years of age that Graze found a permanent place in the home of a retired Republic soldier. The man was his father in every aspect but blood, and he taught the hardened boy that while weariness is necessary, it is always important to maintain one’s heart.

Under his newfound father’s tutelage, Graze began to gain more confidence in his life. The sense of permanence that the home inspired enabled him to grow comfortable and more inclined toward success. He began to pay more attention to his studies and fell in love with exercise and the raw power of firearms. As he trained, he kept the idea of consideration that his father had instilled in him close to his heart. His goal was that one day he would be able to protect the galaxy as his father had done before him. Darkwater security has provided him with just that.

Although he is moderately well-off, Graze continues his profession because he couldn't imagine a better way to spend his time. His weapon of choice is the BTI-EHP (The Finisher), which he purchased after being promoted to his current position as Foreman of Darkwater Security. In combat, Graze's purpose is to protect the client at all costs. He will willingly take a bullet for the client as that is part of the job description. In his eyes, such a death would be honorable. He will mainly attempt to get his client out of harm's way. He possesses a moderate load out of Blas Tech Industries gear, including the Guardian-class Body Armor. He wears the vest at all times.

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