Amidst the site, just beyond the trees, a lone tent had been set up as a temporary stop-gap until the larger relief, coordinated by the New Jedi Order’s sentinel of Harmony, showed up. They hadn’t brought too much, after seeing the manifest of The NJO Shield Core had been thorough, but largely Jedi-leaning.
M had pulled her Chiss card and inserted a few agents at her will.
Cordé was one of those agents, and probably the most qualified. She was less than a hundred hours away from completing her placements that would give her enough practical work to complete her doctorate. Doctor Sabo was within reach!
Big red eyes, swollen from crying, stared at her with a broken smile. The little Chiss already had her sleeve rolled up, exposing a thin blue arm ready to jab.
The mother was more nervous than the daughter. She spoke quickly and needlessly, filling the tent’s dead air with anecdotes.
“She’s been sick for months, almost a year, dizzy all the time..you see? You see the starriness in her eyes? Like a variation of Bledsoe…but..oh we’re so grateful for this access.”
Barely listening, aside from taking note at the mention of Bledsoe Disease, Cordé reached for one of the syringes from her stack of resources. The one in the carrier less a digit.
There were no differences between the two crates aside from a single digit. Between patients, Cordé stared at that digit. Her hands itched every time she stared too long. Or maybe it was her uncharacteristic inaction that was causing discomfort to crawl around under her gloves.
“We’ve been waiting for this medicine for too long.. we were so worried that after we went on the run because of her power…”
“Her powers?” Cordé asked, trying to capitalise on the nugget of interest rather than the woman going down a row of emotional hysteria.
“She was going to be a Skywalker.” The girls mother explained. She sounded proud, but broken.
“Like my whole family before her. But the war.... ”
Silent and understanding, Cordé nodded, but turned her attention to the girl who wanted to rub at her arm but stopped mid-gesture when Cordé put her hand in the way to prevent irritation to the jab point. She spoke at the girl, but loud enough for the mother to interpret her role in preventing eating.
“I know you’re probably hungry, but you can’t eat for an hour. Let this all settle inside of you’ll be good to go, you might be a bit tired too, that’s natural.”
The little girl nodded. She understood. So did the mom.
“The Jedi are here!” The pure relief and near-jubilance in the chorus of chiss made Cordé cringe. She applied a small bandage over the place she’d injected the vaccine to, and rose to stand and follow the pair out. Another agent took Cordé’s place and welcomed in another teenage Chiss for assessment, reviewing their chart before administering anything.
Walking from the tiny tent, Cordé was one of the handful of Chiss that were rallying in the direction of the newcomers. Others emerged from their makeshift homesteads, their faces brighter than before.
She’d seen all the bios of those who were expected to arrive; one Jasper Kai’el was the primary personnel she had to establish contact with.
“Knight Kai’el.” She greeted, and offered out a hand. She nodded briefly in the direction of his doe-eyed companion.
“Cordé Sabo, medic a part of the SIA’s Jedi-relations taskforce.” Task Force Null adopted many names. Today, it was relationship management
. “I can help you set up — many hands, lighter work and all that — and give you a quick debrief. We haven’t been here much longer than you, and obviously smaller. The situation’s probably exactly as you expect, to be honest.”
She pointed behind her,
“We set up a basic medication tent, just to help stabilise some who’ve been running since Csilla. Word is starting to get out though, and our supplies were only to hold out until you all arrived.”