Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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greetings n questions

hey everyone,
I've been a member of the group for a year (plus change) but admit to lack of activity due to family and life. I'm wanting to get back into the swing of things but I have a few questions I'm hoping can be answered.

First of all I'm looking at creating a Kilian Ranger, possibly a Squire but perhaps a Ranger (Knight equivalent) if the higher ups approve.
I was wondering if someone could answer me the following:

-if the Kilian Rangers still exist
-current technological advancement of Kilia IV
-if I'm permitted to create a Ranger character
-current faction that rules the Unknown Regions, more specifically Kilia IV

I hope to meet fellow members and thank you

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
Welcome (back) to Chaos, [member="Lydeck"]

Oh man, one of my first characters I played for a decent period was a Kilian Ranger. Major love for the obscure force traditions. I look forward to seeing you around.

To answer your questions:
  1. I haven't seen anything to say otherwise, so I would go with a yes.
  2. Star Wars technology levels stay remarkably static, so I'd generally assume a backwater world like Kilia IV would remain largely the same.
  3. Yes, you can create (with some exceptions) any character you want on here. Go wild.
  4. Taking a look at the map, Kilia IV is supposed to be in the I-8 region, so I'd assume it was the One Sith or they would be the closest major faction.
If you need anything else, please give a shout.

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun and shout if you need help at any time.

[member="Runi Verin"]
Thanks for the heads up. I was hoping to pick your brain on how you developed your kilian ranger as the information on them is scarce at best. also how exactly does a siang lance function? is it simply an exotic rifle with a mounted bayonette? has there been another ranger on this site?

sorry for the mount of questions


Disney's Princess

  • This website is a sandbox. Meaning you can play a Ranger sure, or simply create a character that is similar to them. At-will. Go nuts!
  • Our timeline allows you to use any canon SW tech or simply create your own. I'm sure planet Kila whatever is still very StarWars'y too. Lulz.
  • Kria 4 is not currently on our Map either. But I would assume it is located G-North, anywhere between Ilum and Crina, in that massive gap of Wild Space. Which means nobody owns it either.
  • A Siang Lance is a modified Sport Blaster Rifle. A semi-automatic marksman rifle of moderate power and good accuracy.
  • Force Users are required to start at Apprentice Level.

Good questions. :D

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.

I turned to a lot of historical references, like those surrounding the English Justiciars or the Spanish Santa Hermandad, for inspiration and just slanted it with star wars-y overtones. And the rest I tended just to adapt or create as I went along.

The Siang lance is more like an oversized blaster pistol than a full on rifle. It's essentially the Star Wars gunblade. Considering the split between factions, I never really used one for any length of time with my character during their early years. I always figured it would be more reserved for rangers and masters, with squires only using it during training or special occasions.

I've not been on site long enough to really give an answer to your last question, though. Sorry!

Hope that helps?
[member="Runi Verin"]
Thanks that helps a lot. Hopefully we run into each other on the boards. I may leave the siang lance development for when I'm promoted to ranger.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]e
Thank you for your input, much appreciated.
I've had this character living and training with the Rangers for several threads now - Mara considers herself a Ranger as much as a Warden - and I've made a few Factory subs that you might find useful. I'm immensely excited that the Rangers are getting more attention.

[member="Runi Verin"]
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Id be very interested in seeing these factory threads, info on the Rangers is scarce at best so i dont want to be treading on toes if there is already some good content on here.
I look forward to seeing you on the board.

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