Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Long I have gone down this twisted road, the journey dark and dreary, I come out in the end soaked in blood and gore, standing tall in the face of chaos. :D

Ava Solborne

Your poetic words opened my paths of philosophy and the true way of knowing the life. The meaning of life and a meaning of words are not secrets for me now. The answers come not from the words, but from our minds. We never understand, what a person said, if we only read the words. But if we read the mind of the word, you understand everything.

Ava Solborne

Oh, thank god! Though I don't distinguish you bad and good mood... :huh:

Oh, I just noticed, that I've done almost a hundred posts today... :cool:

Ava Solborne

Maybe... Though my older brother thinks that I write too slow... If you were talking to me.

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