Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey there!

I really enjoy the Star Wars Universe, and look forward towards Roleplaying, and writing some of my own stories as well as looking forward to reading many interesting, and fantastic stories and role plays of the community here!

I am currently going with the name of "Roba" for my time here, I am excited to meet all new faces, and people here, I really hope to eventually understand the grasps of reality, but for now, I'll settle with understanding you folks ;)

As for my first character, I am unsure and undecided on what I would like to dip my face into. I am an experienced roleplayer on many platforms, even forum roleplaying, however not on this grand of scale. I have lead a few "In - Roleplay" factions, however those are stories for a different place.

The one thing I do know, for my first character I am interested in a force user, and starting from the beginning in where they are found, and trained making my way through the path I am taken.

I accept everything that happens to my characters, for I love good stories, and love much more to be apart of that.

So that's me! Nice to meet ya!


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Welcome to the chaos!

I hope you enjoy our little slice of the web, and we would be happy to answer any questions you might have!
I look forward to seeing you out there!

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Enjoy your time here, have fun and ask anything you need so we can help you out.


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