Gregor Arthmael
The Old Bear
Gregor Arthmael
The Old Bear
|Personal Attributes|
|Basic Information|
Name: Gregor Arthmael
Alias: The Old Bear, Gregor Longclaw
Home Planet: Midvinter
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Married
Faction: The Order of The Silver Jedi
Rank: Padawan
Force Sensitive: Yes, Padawan level Abilities.
Force Alignment: Ashla
|Physical Characteristics|
Species: Valkyri
Gender: Male
Dominant Side: Right
Age: 187
Height: 7'9''
Weight: 368
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Hair Colour: Orange, mostly turning white due to his age.
Eye Colour: A very pale blue due to the ageing of his eyes.
- Strong: Gregor is a beast of a man, being able to lift things that are almost impossible for others to budge. To train for fighting, he oft grapples with the beasts of the mountain such as bears, tigers, moose, and various other creatures.
- Kind and Likeable: To friends Gregor is like the best grandfather, he is calm and patient with others often giving his time to help them sort through different things. It is hard not to immediately respect and admire the man due to his sheer experience of the world.
- Giant: Gregor is massive and could easily over power many enemies, where a blaster would kill a normal human it would be slightly less than a flesh wound to this man.
- Hardened: Gregor is resistant to most pain and can take more damage than he dishes out, causing him to often be placed on the front lines.
- Valiant: Never one to shy from battle, Gregor will gladly fight to the last alongside friends and allies to reach his glorious death.
- Imposing: Gregor is terrifying to behold for enemies, causing a few to flee at the sight of him.
- Wise: Gregor has much world experience through nature, though he is a bit naive with technology. Many could learn lessons from him and he is gladly willing to share with them.
- Politician: Being Jarl of Grizden for over 100 years, Gregor has learned how to handle things diplomatically and this allows him to know when force is necessary or when peace is.
- Patient: Gregor is a very patient man who can wait for long times and spend much time assisting other people with whatever they need.
- Poor Eyesight: In his age Gregor is losing his eyesight, this causes his vision to be mostly blurred though he does own a pair of reading glasses.
- Old: Gregor is old, one of the oldest of the Valkyri. While this has no immediate effects, it could cause many medical problems in the midst of a battle. It also causes him to get winded much faster than he did when he was younger.
- Giant: While mostly a positive trait, Gregor's size is a problem for him. He has trouble fitting in most things, he has absolutely no stealth abilities, and his strength can be used against him in.
- Technologically Incompetent: Gregor has almost no practice with any sort of technology, he was completely overtaken with surprise when he saw the ship that took him from Midvinter and ever since has been avoiding it.
Personality: While her mother tried to teach her otherwise, Marian has many negative personality traits that she picked up from her father. She has a stubborn spree a mile wide that is her most dominant social problem, causing most people to dislike her immediately. She is also a very aggressive person who would attack any opponent without any pause for reason, going into fights that she has little likelihood of winning.
Gregor has a world weary look to him due to his old age, his eyes droop in a way that give of a sense of wisdom and personal experience that few men could show they had. The eyes themselves were dimmed sufficiently due to his extreme age that they were now a very pale blue. His hair had once been an orange that looked this that of a fox, but it has since greyed heavily with time. Gregor still has a full head of hair and a goatee that covers half of his face.
Gregor has many significant marks over his incredibly muscular body, scars and tattooes that almost every Valkyri has. The most significant tattoo is the Arthmael bear that sprawl across his back, a mark that every jarl has had since the days of Ullr the Weary.
House Arthmael was founded in the mountains by a man named Ullr Arthmael who attained it as a reward for his service to the High King. The king at that time was under threat of being deposed by his half-brother, a man who had the sufficient backing to do so. Ullr prevented the man from becoming king when he entered his city and left with his head in his hands. In return for this favour, the High King awarded Ullr the jarldom of Grismont, a city that lay at the base of the mountains and had a port to it's other side and was surrounded on all sides by the forest.
Eventually Bjarne would be murdered by the Rival Jarldom, Mordreth, and his son inherited all of his lands. This would weaken the land sufficient, and later lead to an invasion by Mordreth's leader Arne into the lands of Grismont. Arne found the land in a terribly weakened state due to Bjarne's sons, Rurik, young age and inability to lead sufficientally. They found little resistance in the army and quickly overpowered and defeated them, leading to the besiegement of Rurik's hold. It was then that Ullr came in riding a bear that towered over the enemies, paralyzing them with fear. It was then that Ullr slew the entire enemy force single-handedly, with just his hands and his teeth supposedly. His reward was that he would be reinstated as jarl, when he was he changed his houses flag to the current bear and the motto "Here We Stand" to show that the Arthmael's never back down.
Ullr Arthmael - Ancestor (deceased)
Lagertha Holmen - Wife
[member=Diana Arthmael]
Many other family members of varying relation.
Friends and Allies:
Rivals and Enemies:
Footprints in The Snow
The Old Bear

|Personal Attributes|
|Basic Information|
Name: Gregor Arthmael
Alias: The Old Bear, Gregor Longclaw
Home Planet: Midvinter
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Married
Faction: The Order of The Silver Jedi
Rank: Padawan
Force Sensitive: Yes, Padawan level Abilities.
Force Alignment: Ashla
|Physical Characteristics|
Species: Valkyri
Gender: Male
Dominant Side: Right
Age: 187
Height: 7'9''
Weight: 368
Skin Colour: Caucasian
Hair Colour: Orange, mostly turning white due to his age.
Eye Colour: A very pale blue due to the ageing of his eyes.
| Strengths and Weaknesses |
Strengths:- Strong: Gregor is a beast of a man, being able to lift things that are almost impossible for others to budge. To train for fighting, he oft grapples with the beasts of the mountain such as bears, tigers, moose, and various other creatures.
- Kind and Likeable: To friends Gregor is like the best grandfather, he is calm and patient with others often giving his time to help them sort through different things. It is hard not to immediately respect and admire the man due to his sheer experience of the world.
- Giant: Gregor is massive and could easily over power many enemies, where a blaster would kill a normal human it would be slightly less than a flesh wound to this man.
- Hardened: Gregor is resistant to most pain and can take more damage than he dishes out, causing him to often be placed on the front lines.
- Valiant: Never one to shy from battle, Gregor will gladly fight to the last alongside friends and allies to reach his glorious death.
- Imposing: Gregor is terrifying to behold for enemies, causing a few to flee at the sight of him.
- Wise: Gregor has much world experience through nature, though he is a bit naive with technology. Many could learn lessons from him and he is gladly willing to share with them.
- Politician: Being Jarl of Grizden for over 100 years, Gregor has learned how to handle things diplomatically and this allows him to know when force is necessary or when peace is.
- Patient: Gregor is a very patient man who can wait for long times and spend much time assisting other people with whatever they need.
- Poor Eyesight: In his age Gregor is losing his eyesight, this causes his vision to be mostly blurred though he does own a pair of reading glasses.
- Old: Gregor is old, one of the oldest of the Valkyri. While this has no immediate effects, it could cause many medical problems in the midst of a battle. It also causes him to get winded much faster than he did when he was younger.
- Giant: While mostly a positive trait, Gregor's size is a problem for him. He has trouble fitting in most things, he has absolutely no stealth abilities, and his strength can be used against him in.
- Technologically Incompetent: Gregor has almost no practice with any sort of technology, he was completely overtaken with surprise when he saw the ship that took him from Midvinter and ever since has been avoiding it.
| Personal Traits |
Personality: While her mother tried to teach her otherwise, Marian has many negative personality traits that she picked up from her father. She has a stubborn spree a mile wide that is her most dominant social problem, causing most people to dislike her immediately. She is also a very aggressive person who would attack any opponent without any pause for reason, going into fights that she has little likelihood of winning.
Gregor has a world weary look to him due to his old age, his eyes droop in a way that give of a sense of wisdom and personal experience that few men could show they had. The eyes themselves were dimmed sufficiently due to his extreme age that they were now a very pale blue. His hair had once been an orange that looked this that of a fox, but it has since greyed heavily with time. Gregor still has a full head of hair and a goatee that covers half of his face.
Gregor has many significant marks over his incredibly muscular body, scars and tattooes that almost every Valkyri has. The most significant tattoo is the Arthmael bear that sprawl across his back, a mark that every jarl has had since the days of Ullr the Weary.
Habits: None that are too dominant.| History |
House Arthmael

Ullr the Weary in his later years.
It quickly became obvious that Ullr was not fit for command due to his savagery and he was deposed by his brother, Bjarne only one year into his reign. Ullr spent the rest of his time in the mountains, training by fighting the beasts in the mountain which later became a family tradition. He would fight the creatures in the woods, much like his descendant Gregor Arthmael would.Eventually Bjarne would be murdered by the Rival Jarldom, Mordreth, and his son inherited all of his lands. This would weaken the land sufficient, and later lead to an invasion by Mordreth's leader Arne into the lands of Grismont. Arne found the land in a terribly weakened state due to Bjarne's sons, Rurik, young age and inability to lead sufficientally. They found little resistance in the army and quickly overpowered and defeated them, leading to the besiegement of Rurik's hold. It was then that Ullr came in riding a bear that towered over the enemies, paralyzing them with fear. It was then that Ullr slew the entire enemy force single-handedly, with just his hands and his teeth supposedly. His reward was that he would be reinstated as jarl, when he was he changed his houses flag to the current bear and the motto "Here We Stand" to show that the Arthmael's never back down.
Equipment: Crushgaunts
Family:Ullr Arthmael - Ancestor (deceased)
Lagertha Holmen - Wife
[member=Diana Arthmael]
Many other family members of varying relation.
Friends and Allies:
Rivals and Enemies:
Footprints in The Snow