Naomi Carolina
The young squad-leader reached up and tucked some scarlet strands of hair behind one of her ears. She kept an eye on the terrain. A general look as to what direction they'd come from and where they were going. She'd have to rely on Private Berik to lead. And she felt like her nerves were more frayed than a poorly stitched jedi robe.
A look of surprise splashed across her freckled features.
He hated the sith too?
How many others were like herself and Berik? Just small pieces in the larger cogs of the powers of the 'verse. Used up, spit out, or discarded like trash and only good for what could be given until those powers snuffed out their short lives?
"I grew up on Barkhesh when it was Alliance owned. Kind of the same story. Pops worked with the Alliance. We got invaded." Slim shoulders shrugged as she shifted the pack on her back.
Berik would find that her steps were getting slower. Fatigue and probably those old injuries were quickly catching up with the Alliance pilot. But she was determined to try and keep up at least.
"I barely made it out. Enlisted with the Alliance. I lost my family. Everything I do is for them. I like to reckon maybe one day they'll show up or I"ll get word on what might've happened to 'em. You ever lost anyone you were close to Berik?"
A look of surprise splashed across her freckled features.
He hated the sith too?
How many others were like herself and Berik? Just small pieces in the larger cogs of the powers of the 'verse. Used up, spit out, or discarded like trash and only good for what could be given until those powers snuffed out their short lives?
"I grew up on Barkhesh when it was Alliance owned. Kind of the same story. Pops worked with the Alliance. We got invaded." Slim shoulders shrugged as she shifted the pack on her back.
Berik would find that her steps were getting slower. Fatigue and probably those old injuries were quickly catching up with the Alliance pilot. But she was determined to try and keep up at least.
"I barely made it out. Enlisted with the Alliance. I lost my family. Everything I do is for them. I like to reckon maybe one day they'll show up or I"ll get word on what might've happened to 'em. You ever lost anyone you were close to Berik?"