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Group Training Thread Sign-Up! All Acolytes Welcome!

I'll leave this thread open to discussion and/or for people to declare their interest for another day, then i'll get the real deal up by the end of the week.

For discussion purposes:

[member="Darth Atrace"] / [member="Greta Kohler"] / [member="Tirdarius"] / [member="Darth Azurea"]

Are we going to break this up into different, open threads for teaching different types of abilities (i.e. Lightsaber forms, Force Abilities, etc) with different teachers running them, or one big one where certain teachers declare what they are teaching and just tag different people as we go, like an Invasion thread?

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
I personally like the idea of one big thread. Azurea may try to learn a skill she doesn't know yet, while also training.

Azurea knows some mind tricks or coercion. While I don't think that's what Kylo Ren was using, coercion can be used to extract information if you can trick the subject into giving it.

[member="Darth Atrace"] [member="Greta Kohler"] [member="Knight Mullarus"] [member="Tirdarius"]
[member="Darth Azurea"] Yup, and Memory Walk is my particular skill, so happy to teach that to anyone who wants it and/or is capable of it. Preferably those with decent Mentalist skills to start with - it's not a newbie technique, for sure!

[member="Knight Mullarus"] One big thread might make it messy, but I'm all for it if that's what everyone prefers. We can always break off into separate threads later, as things become more complex. Maybe we start by having multiple teachers working on the same technique (so a little more 1-to-1 becomes possible?), and then breaking off later as we move onto more specialist techniques.
[member="Knight Mullarus"] Don't go after all of them - aside from the fact you'd end up as a 'Jack of All Trades, Master of None', realistically the lightsaber forms mostly focus on the mindset of the user, rather than drastically varying technique, so pick the one that best suits Mullarus' mindset, rather than concern yourself overly much with learning all of them. It'd be horrendous if you found the first one you tried was actually the one you preferred! Plus I generally feel that if you're that much an expert with a Lightsaber (and only the over-powered characters tend to be so), you'd be useless at anything else.

And the Mentalist abilities cover everything from basic Mind Tricks, Force Sensing, Telepathy (Receptive and Projective), Memory Walk/Torture By Chagrin, Memory Rub, Procognition (though that's more passive/sensory), Illusions (advanced Master-level techniques), Mental Domination (Dominate/Control Mind) and so on. All focusing on the mind and how to manipulate or utilise it to good effect. Quite a lot of them are more advanced skills, so we wouldn't likely teach them to Acolytes, but I'll happily teach a Knight+ class on them, if anyone's interested in that.

Hmm, you're probably right. Maybe just that he would know how they work and be able to explain how they are executed, but prefers not to use them. Form IV, for example, because Mullarus isn't a very agile fighter, he prefers to stay grounded and use a lot of sweeping attacks, which is why Form VII is his preferred at the moment. The same can be said about Form II. He knows it because his master taught it to him, but with his preferred style of fighting as well as how his lightsaber is built, Makashi isn't very practical with it. It's like fencing with a claymore. The only other form i'd want Mullarus to learn because I feel he'd feel comfortable with is Form V.

But yeah, Mullarus has always been more lightsaber focused. He's done some mentalist abilities, like Telepathy with the help of [member="Darth Azurea"] and some very weak, apprentice-level mind tricks. Those could use some work. When it comes to the Force, Mullarus mostly uses Grip in a very versatile way that's like Galen Marek from TFU playing pinball with Stormtroopers :D
[member="Knight Mullarus"] I can offer assistance in both respects, so we shall have to arrange that at some stage. Like I said, perhaps it's about time we had some group classes for all three tiers, since there seems to be a lot of people open and inclined to pick up some new abilities, or build upon existing skills.
[member="Knight Mullarus"]

When Ferus was the good Ferus, he knew all seven forms, and all of his skills involved enhancing his fighting. No mentalism, no healing, etc. Till o went crazy with him at least.

Dedicating yourself to the seven styles is crazy, and more often than not you wont use them. If you want to have creativity and Force, focus on Niman exclusively. Niman involves many of the prior forms, as well as including the Force. And as Sith aren't much for diplomacy, you'd essentially be focusing on intertwining the Force with Blade.
[member="Greta Kohler"] Yup, good call. Not an easy skill to learn, either, since you need to first understand Projective and Receptive Telepathy, and this one has to take into account the mental skills and defenses of the target, but that makes it all the more fun to RP out. Not a simple skill by any stretch of the imagination, though!
I've actually been considering a speedy acrobatic character with a splash of strength thrown in the mix. I was thinking of maybe learning a bit of Form II: Makashi, Form IV: Ataru, and Form V: Shien/Djem So. Not sure if they'd be compatible though haha

Also been thinking a mixture of the basics but focusing on physical force training and stealth techniques.

Again not sure how compatible it all would be.
[member="Xavka Duquo"]
As your master, I sanction it. Actually, I encourage it, get your hands on what you can/wish, it all counts.

I can help you with stealth techniques if you wish.

[member="Knight Mullarus"] [member="Darth Azurea"]
If you like, I'd like to help with this mass training thread.
[member="Knight Mullarus"] | [member="Darth Azurea"]

Looks like we have a lot of work to do, so the big question is: how best to start. Judging by this, it might be best if we run a few separate threads for different skills - no point teaching Mentalism in the same room as Lightsaber technique, but I'd also like to keep it together as much as possible. Nice and cohesive :) What say you?

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Yes I think given the complexity, separate threads make sense.

[member="Knight Mullarus"] - what are you teaching?

Azurea can teach some mentalism and I'd also like to learn some so perhaps [member="Tirdarius"] and I train in the same thread?

Just throwing ideas out there :)
[member="Darth Azurea"] / [member="Tirdarius"] / [member="Darth Ophidia"] / [member="Greta Kohler"]

Still a lot of debate on one or multiple threads. Personally, I think one would work best so that everyone can still interact with the other class that might be teaching something else. Those of you who wanted to learn more than just one thing can do so without having to dissapear from one thread and pop into another. Just mind who you're tagging is all.

I'll focus on teaching what Mullarus does best. If the students arent quite as raw as I think, I may teach them Form VII and how to properly channel passion so they can properly execute Juyo

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