Dark Messiah

Affiliation: The Primeval
Manufacturer: The Primeval Fleet
Model: GU-55 Bomber
Modularity: No.
Production: Mass
Material: Durasteel, Glasteel
Length: 13.5 meters
Height: 6.5 meters
Width: 16 meters
- x2 wing-mounted ion cannons
- x2 light-repeating laser cannons
- x2 proton torpedo launcher (8 warheads each)
Squadron Count: 7
Special Features:
- Subpar deflector-shields
- Subpar communications
- Standard targeting computer
- Standard Navigation computer
- Standard lifesupport
Maneuverability Rating: 4.5
Speed Rating: 4
Hyperdrive Class: N/A
- Balanced armament.
- Sturdy hull design.
- Deflector shields.
- Not very quick or agile.
- Requires communication with the mothership for sensory data.
Description: The GU-55 Bomber is a primary replacement for the GU-54 Bomber. Unlike its predecessor, the GU-55 boasts a more balanced armament, is a true bomber, and more defensible in the process. The bomber's role is to attack capital ships, and render them useless while the allied capital ships take out the smaller support ships which in turn defend the capital ships against bombers. Thus the Primeval were deeply in need of such a vessel which to diversify the fleet. The ship does not come without its flaws, however, as its subpar systems require tactical support from the ship it launched from to be effective in combat.
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create a true bomber for The Primeval.
Who Can Use This: The Primeval
Primary Source: (Note, this ship is still in use but will be slowly depleted)