Stacolt Plohol
Enzo's doing her "boss walk" again a mixture of sexy and powerful, It was mostly for Stacolt's benefit and she knew that Stacolt would be reduced to a puddle of sweat whenever she did something alluring like swaying her hips side to side. When Enzo pulled Stacolt close, she practically clung to him as if Stacolt let go, he'd disappear. Enzo was not a fighter and when things got bad as they usually did she would stay behind Stacolt clinging on to him for support. "Are you kidding me?" Stacolt said as they passed a particularly large Trandoshin whose gaze fell upon Enzo and snarled. Stacolt frowned placing Enzo closer to him. "I'm too pretty to be a Bounty Hunter, besides there's so much fracking rules to be a one. A Smuggler's life is free from all that chit."
It was starting to get warmer but Stacolt didn't remove his jacket just yet. Blaster fire was heard from the distance as he saw a squad of CIS soldiers rushing past them with B1 Battle Droids lagging behind. "Come on men!" A commander said. "A bunch rabble rousers took over the comms station at rover base!"
"Barely hit the ground," Stacolt said. "And we're already in another battlefield. Is there any place in the Galaxy that is not at war?"
Enzo Faye
It was starting to get warmer but Stacolt didn't remove his jacket just yet. Blaster fire was heard from the distance as he saw a squad of CIS soldiers rushing past them with B1 Battle Droids lagging behind. "Come on men!" A commander said. "A bunch rabble rousers took over the comms station at rover base!"
"Barely hit the ground," Stacolt said. "And we're already in another battlefield. Is there any place in the Galaxy that is not at war?"
Enzo Faye
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