Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gwyn's Workshop





  • Classification: Lightsaber.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Light.

  • Ornate hilt.
  • Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition Pulse.
  • Orange-red colored blade.
  • Low-power setting for training.
  • Double-Bladed Spinning Lightsaber Model.
  • Buzzsaw addon.
  • Aurobesh writing on the crescent guard reading "In Mocking Memory."

  • Legendary Blade: Lightsabers can cut through near anything and block projectiles.
  • Oceans: This lightsaber can function underwater.
  • Double-Bladed Spinning Lightsaber: The double-blades spinning lightsaber is a complex and advanced model of lightsaber. The guard of the blade unfolds into a disk, which allows the emitter to rotate, creating a spinning double-blade. This spinning blade can be intimidating and overwhelm opponents, and can deflect frontal attacks. However, if the hilt itself is targeted and broken, the entire thing will fall apart.
  • Buzzsaw: When the lightsaber is unactivated but the disk is, a buzzsaw can be triggered with a spring.
  • Beskar: Materials such as beskar and phrik are resilient to this blade.
  • Parry This You Filthy Wizard: Some projectiles are made to, through various design methods, counter lightsabers.
  • Weak Spot: The durasteel hilt of the lightsaber can be broken by another lightsaber hilt.
  • Double-Bladed Spinning Lightsaber: The double-blades spinning lightsaber is a complex and advanced model of lightsaber. The hilt of the blade unfolds into a disk, which allows the emitter to rotate, creating a spinning double-blade. This spinning blade can be intimidating and overwhelm opponents, and can deflect frontal attacks. However, if the hilt itself is targeted and broken, the entire thing will fall apart.
  • Buzzsaw: The buzzsaw can only be activated when the lightsaber blade is not.

Crafted by Mari Aoki-Barran as a child, this lightsaber was made in mockery of Imperial Lightsaber design, particularly Inquisitor Lightsabers. Despite the mockery, it was still made with all the bells, whistles, and weaknesses of such lightsaber designs. Meanwhile, found on Ilum, the kyber crystal was clear like all crystals until it was bonded with its user. The strange orange-red blade color fits Mari in a dark way... pointing to her instability and darker emotions, while still not turned to the Dark Side of the Force.

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  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High.
    • Kinetic: High.
    • Lightsabers: High.
    • EMP/ Ion: Low.
    • Disruptor: High.
    • Elemental: Average.
    • Environmental: Average.
    • Sonic: High.


  • Protective: This Imperial Knight Armor can protect the wearer from many types of dangers.
  • Graceful: Elegant and breathable, this armor allows from acrobatics and speed in combat.
  • Versatile: There are various features hidden in the helmet, vambraces, gloves, and boots that allows for even further combat enhancement.
  • EMP/ Ion: If hit with EMP or Ion damage, the armor's technology will shut down, cutting the user off from many of the suit's enhanced features.
  • Space Travel: This armor is not at all suited for the vacuum of space. Wearing this armor outside a ship would be like wearing a t-shirt.

A set of Imperial Knight Armor made in mockery of Imperialism's darker side; this lighter variant of the combat armor is sleek and strong. It comes with many of the standard features of the Imperial Knight Battle Armor, though it also has its own customizations. Aesthetically, it "borrows" from Darktrooper, Inquisitor, and other brutal units' designs, making this an intimidating armor set to come across.

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  • Manufacturer: Archais Novanian Shamans; individual Novanian Shamans; Elise Vizsla;
  • Affiliation: Archais Novanian Shamans.
  • Market Status: Closed-Market.
  • Model: N/A.
  • Modularity: N/A.
  • Production: Limited.
  • Material: Local Archais flowering plant, The Temptress's Gem.
  • Classification: Drug, poison.
  • Method of Consumption: Injection, Orally, and Inhalation. Injection is usually more potent with more immediate side effects, oral consumption is second most toxic, and inhalation is the least deadly - but still potent.
  • Average Life: (If this item has effects on the user, how long do these effects last? 2 hours, 2 days, indefinitely? Please note that length of decomposition within the body may impact need for development.)
  • Nutritional Value/Allergies/Side Effects/ Purpose: Created from the colorful flowers of the Archais plant Tempress's Gem, this substance can be pounded into powder, squeezed into liquid, and be processed into a gas. True to the nature of Novanian Shamans in their chemical warfare, using gas as a chemical weapon is the most common form of use within their Shaman Order. However, oral consumption and injection have far stronger side effects, which are even fatal. In general, the gas attacks the brain and nervous system; acting as a hallucinogen which enforces a state of dissociative delirium on the mind and freezing up the nervous system, causing a partial or full body paralysis. In the injection and oral consumption variants of the poison, physical symptoms can be worse, wrecking the nervous system and brain so severely that they can cause the brain and body to shut down, resulting in a vegetable state or even death.

    Individuals under the effects of this poison will enter a dreamlike state, dreaming chaotic and bizarre dreams and nightmares based on their own memories and mental state. Their body will externally enter a paralyzed state, unable to move properly or at all whenever conscious while under this poison's influence. Mostly in a sleeping state, the individual will experience no pain, save for any pain dreamed up mentally. The drug takes control of anxiety, mood, and emotion, increasing the chances of the dreams being surreal and unnerving, as well as nightmarish and eerie. While nightmares are not guaranteed for all, individuals with negative mindsets and dispositions at the time of infection are easy victims of this effect.

    Since this poison induces a sleeping, dreaming state on its victims, Novanian Shamans are able to use it to force individuals, whether a patient or an enemy on the battlefield, into a sleeping dreaming state so they can enter their dreams directly.

    Despite being mostly used in light doses on patients; and in more potent up non-lethal doses against enemies; this poison can be used as an injection or oral substance to greatly increase the side effects. Under this more lethal variant, the side effects are at their most severe, with the highest chances of nightmares. Due to the severity of the substance, when the poison runs its course it can leave its victim in a vegetable state or dead. Because of the high risk of a vegetable state, it is greatly discouraged in more lethal doses, as even death by the poison is seen as better than coming out of poison's wrath alive but unable to move and think.

    With just the right mixture, a skilled Novanian Shaman can craft the poison as a mass poison gas, released into environments and able to infect soldiers in the vicinity that lack protective equipment. Smaller gas doses also are manufactured to help patients of the healers and dream walkers fall asleep without any long lasting ill side effects.

  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths )
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)

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  • Classification: Leg.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High.
    • Kinetic: High.
    • Lightsabers: Very High.
    • EMP/ Ion: Very High.
    • Electricity: Very High.
    • The Force: None.
    • Disruptor: None.
    • Temperature Extremes: Average.
    • Sonic: Low.
    • Acid: Low.
    • Elemental: Average.

  • The leg is made of mostly beskar. Beskar plated.
  • Storage compartments in upper leg for odds and ends.
  • Whistling birds on lower leg for when in a pickle!
  • Kneepad Rocket Dart Launcher.
  • Jump Boots.
  • Simple release socket allows for easy detachment of cybernetic limb from the rest of the body.

  • Feels Natural Enough: The leg is connected to nerve endings, allowing for near perfect sync between the leg, brain, and body. The leg also is capable of feeling the same in terms of skin contact as a natural leg.
  • Mandalorian Metal: The leg is made of beskar, baby! As such, it is naturally resilient to normal lightsabers and blaster bolts.
  • Sturdy: How would you imagine an organic would feel being kicked by a leg of solid metal, beskar at that? Very painful! Furthermore, the kinetic damage tolerance is very high. The leg can take kicking at full strength, having heavy objects dropped on top of it, and never suffers a sprained ankle!
  • Mandalorian Self Defense: The leg comes with emergency whistling birds in the heels and knee rocket darts in the knees for Mandalorian style self defense.
  • Free Storage: The upper legs have two storage compartments capable of holding odds and ends, snacks and rations, or even smaller weapons!
  • Full Blast: The leg's soles have the Maji Ironworks' Jump Boots integrated into it.
  • EMP/ Ion Resistance: The leg is resilient against EMP and Ion attack.
  • Time To Go Swimming: The leg operates just fine underwater.
  • Lightning In My Veins: The leg is resistant against electricity pulses and weapons.
  • Hot & Cold: The leg has resistance to temperature extremes and the elements.

  • Feels Natural Enough: The leg may be connected to the body and feel skin contact, but there is still something missing in terms of the moving parts within. While the leg can feel national and move smoothly, it is still a learning curve when the leg is inserted the first time, and it still feels just a bit different than the real thing.
  • My Leg!: Against a powerful enough EMP/ Ion source, like a canon or big bomb, the leg can still be disabled.
  • Manual Reloading: Each and every whistling bird missile and rocket dart must be manually reinserted after the weapons are fired, a lengthy procedure. This obviously effects how many times and how speedily it can be used in combat.
  • It Burns: The leg has low resistance to acid.
  • What A Headache: The leg has low resistances against sonic weaponry.
  • No Disintegrations: The leg has no resistances to disruptors.
  • Use The Force: The leg has no resistances to The Force.

After months of torture, Gwyneira Vizsla was finally saved from her biological father's illegal tests and experiments in that dark lab. It was not without permanent scars, however, for she had lost her leg to those wretched DNA samplings...

Of course, she needed a new one, and quickly. She needed to reassume walking, to get on with her life and run from her trauma. She contacted Alora Vizsla, a fellow Mandalorian engineer, and they worked on Gwyneira's new leg.

The finished result was fine indeed. Made with glorious Mandalorian metal, immune to lightsabers and blasters. Durable, powerful, and resistant to EMP/ Ion attacks and electricity. Functional underwater, the leg was built to simulate the same traits as an actual leg plus more. The leg additionally comes with storage compartments for odds and ends, rations, and even smaller weapons. The leg additionally comes with a defensive measure, in the form of emergency whistling birds stored in the ankle for last ditch efforts. Might as well make this cybernetic a weapon of sorts, right?

Still, this cybernetic is not impervious to all damage. It is built without much resistance against the likes of acid, sonic weaponry, and of course is useless against the Force. Additionally, it could get clogged up with corrosive material if tussling in the sand or swimming in the mug without cover. The worst part of it all, however, it still is a cybernetic. It still reminds her, every time she looks at it or uses one of its features, of what she had been through and what she lost. She is reminded, at its metallic clang, that she cannot get what she lost back. That, that is the worst part of it all...

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  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Heavy.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High.
    • Kinetic: High.
    • Lightsabers: Very High.
    • EMP/ Ion: Very High.
    • Acid: Average.
    • Radiation: Average.
    • Electricity: High.
    • Vacuum: Average.
    • Temperature Extremes: Very High.
    • Disruptor: High.
    • Sonic: None.
    • The Force: None.


  • Beskar: This is a glorious armor set made with beskar, a legendary metal capable of resisting lightsabers, energy, and kinetic energy. This armor offers good protection, is sturdy, and allows for top survival in combat.
  • So Many Gadgets: This is a complex suit with many ins and outs, functions and properties. From head to toe, this beskar'gam has features and toys tailored for its user.
  • Further Protection: This armor additionally works well against the elements and offers some protection against space vacuums, radiation, acid, and disruptors. The personal energy shield additionally protects against electricity and EMP/ Ion damage.
  • I'll Fly Away: The armor comes with attachable jetpacks and jump boots!
  • Healing of Harms: The armor is integrated with both a Biorestorative Underlay and a Integrated Med-system, allowing for patching up in the midst of combat by the suit itself. The suit also comes with a standardized med pack.
  • Stealth: The stealth technology of the armor cloaks the user and allows the ability to sneak.
  • Slicing: The Right Vambrace, the "Engineer" Vambrace, is dedicated to slicing, hacking systems, and control of technology.
  • Boom!: The Left "Warrior" Vambrace and even knees are dedicated to offensive combat. All kinds of nifty ways to take opponents out!
  • Weaknesses: The beskar'gam offers no protection against sonic blasts and the Force.
  • Weighty: This beskar'gam is a bit heavy due to the plating and gadgets pulling it down.
  • Limited Stealth: The stealth cloak offers physical cloaking, but nothing against scanners, electronics, or Force Sense. The technology also does not dampen the sound of footsteps, armor clanking, or equipment rattling.
  • High Maintenance: Such a complicated and advanced suit needs frequently cleaned and tuned up, with so many buttons and gizmos. It is possible that a malfunction could happen during combat if a system or piece of equipment is damaged in such a manner.
  • Reverse Slicing: From top to bottom, the outfit is geared up and equipment with nifty gadgets and weapons. One such piece of equipment, the Engineer Vambrace, features a computer and equipment for hacking and slicing. This vambrace is linked to the rest of the suit and the helmet. An opponent capable of the equipment and skill could potentially reverse slice against the vambrace and even the suit itself, hacking the armor and leaving its wearer to the mercy of the techno enemy.

A beskar'gam initially crafted by Maji Ironworks' own Shai Krayt, then further tweaked by Gwyneira herself. This Mandalorian armor is uniquely tailored to Gwyn's fighting style, skills, and talents. Capable of solid defense, attack, slicing, and stealth. This versatile armor is perfected for this young warrior and bounty hunter. It has been painted according to Gwyn's personal tastes herself. Traditionally Mandalorian and personally her's, Gwyneira Krayt's beskar'gam is a work of art worth admiration.

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  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Very Heavy.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme.
    • Kinetic: Extreme.
    • Lightsabers: Extreme.
    • EMP/ Ion: High.
    • Electricity: High.
    • Vacuum: None.
    • Temperature Extremes: Very High.
    • Disruptor: Very High.
    • Sonic: High.
    • The Force: None.
    • Stun: None.
    • CyroBan: High.


  • Ultimate Tank: This armor was crafted with the goal of endurance and durability in combat. Though at the cost of a lack of space faring equipment, this armor has been created to be legendary in taking nearly every type of damage out there.
  • Mandalorian Legacy: Forged from Beskar, this beskar'gam is a traditional Mandalorian suit of armor with beautiful defensive and destructive properties.
  • Armed To The Teeth: From head to toe, this beskar'gam has an arsenal of weapons and equipment to increase combat and killing efficiency.
  • Grace: Despite the heaviness and durability of this beskar'gam, this design still allows for ease of movement and agility for the user.
  • Cold Space: Despite the brilliant defenses of this armor, there are some things lacking in this suit. Primarily, the wearer would suffocate, freeze, and die if cast into the vacuum of space. This beskar'gam simply was not built for outer space.
  • Heavy: The hefty weight of the armor makes for a suit of armor ill suited for a weaker body.
  • Armorweave: While armorweave is protective in its own rights, it still does not perform as well as beskar in combat. This leaves some weak spots where beskar does not cover the beskar'gam.
  • BOOM!: Far from a light and quiet armor set, this beskar'gam stands a poor chance in stealth situations. Loud and heavy, the armor itself makes a lot of noise as well. Furthermore, this armor has zero stealth technology.
  • Manual Reload: All whistling birds, missiles, and all other projectiles must be manually reloaded after each use.

An absolute unit, a tank of durability. The beskar'gam of Mevia Krayt was built as an unadulterated war machine. All around powerful defenses, and numerous weapons and equipment to boot; this is the proud Mandalorian armor of a warrior culture. Of course, this armor still has its downsides. Completely dedicated to terrestrial combat, this armor is useless as a suit in space. The heavier weight also requires proper training and the right build to use. Furthermore, this armor is too much for stealth, and equipped with zero stealth equipment. No chances of sneaking, only attack. Always attack. Forever defending and fighting on the front lines until battle is concluded.
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  • Intent: To upgrade Elise Vizsla's beskar'gam.
    • CHANGES:
      • Changed image and image credit.
      • Swapped out Paralyzing Dart for generalized Dart Launcher and Dart types.
      • Added Maji Jump Boots and modifications + updated permissions.
      • Added Personal Sensor Jammer/ Blue Witch and Reflect coating to Stealth Tech.
      • UPDATE 2: Swapped plasma shield with different model.
      • Added clarification to bio restorative underlay for adding other toxins and formulas as well.
      • UPDATE 3: Changed image and respective image source.
      • Swapped standard crushgaunts for M.I. Prototype Combat Gloves.
      • Updated description.
      • Fixed Jump Boots link.
      • Swapped Wrist Rockets for Breshig War Forge Consolidated MML-01V Miniaturized Missile Launcher +Breshig War Forge Consolidated Striilir'ika-class Brilliant Micro-missiles and added respective permissions.
      • Edited stats.
      • Edited Strengths and Weaknesses.
  • Image Source: Generated via MidJourney AI.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: Here; Here; Here.
  • Primary Source: Gwyneira Krayt's Beskar'gam; Gwyneira Krayt's Beskar'gam 2.0; Elise's Beskar'gam.


  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Heavy.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme.
    • Kinetic: Very High.
    • Lightsabers: Extreme.
    • EMP/ Ion: Average.
    • Electricity: Average.
    • Vacuum: Very Low.
    • Elements: High.
    • Disruptor: High.
    • Sonic: Average.
    • The Force: None.
    • Stun: None.
    • Chemical: High.
    • CyroBan: High.


  • Might of Mandalore: This armor is forged from with beskar steel, allowing it to block powerful blasters and even lightsabers. This is the sacred alloy of Mandalore, and a suit of traditional armor Elise Kryze is honored to wear.
  • Armed & Dangerous: From top to bottom, this beskar'gam is lined with numerous weapons, projectiles, utilities, and more to make it a weapon in and of itself.
  • Further Defenses: This beskar'gam does wonders in the wilds of nature and is potent against disruptors. It is also protective against CyroBan and chemical attacks.
  • Agile & Sleek: Despite the armor's weight from technology and beskar, the armor is still designed to be moveable and dexterous. Close, fast paced, brutal combat is in the suit's design to handle. The beskar'gam also performs very well when in flight with a jetpack.
  • Stealth Technology: This armor is fitted with Chiss certified stealth technology and gear.
  • Not For Space: This suit is primarily geared towards terrestrial combat and movement. Not at all designed with the stars in mind, this beskar'gam is pathetic against the vacuum of space. No breathing apparatus is installed into the buy'ce, and the suit is not air tight.
  • Electronics: While the armor can hold up decently against EMP/ Ion attacks and electricity, there is nothing too outstanding about the amount of punishment the beskar'gam can take before the technology short circuits and shuts down. Sonic weapons also can do damage to the armor's wearer with a powerful enough weapon behind it.
  • Out Like A Light: Stun technology soaks right through this beskar'gam, making it easy to render the user unconcious.
  • The Force: This beskar'gam offers zero protection from the Force and its macinations.
  • Armorweave: Like many beskar'gam designs, the beskar only covers so much of the armor suit. While the lighter amount of beskar on this suit does well to allow agility in combat, this comes at a cost of the armor's defenses. Of course, armorweave is still quite durable in its own right, but it still is weaker compared to the glory of beskar plating.
  • Unusually Hefty: The armor is light in its sleek design and limited plating, but the beskar still holds it down. Furthermore, the amount of weaponry and technology fitted into the suit still adds a a surprising amount of weight. It takes someone with a build that is both agile and strong to move expertly in the armor, for long periods of time, without tiring out from the armor's weight.

Designed by a master of the forge, Gwyneira Krayt, the beskar'gam of Elise Krayt was a passion project for the child who finally grew into her role as a Mandalorian warrior. Taking inspiration from her Novanian and Chiss influences, this armor fits very well into the agility based, speedy and sleek fighting style of this young shaman warrior. Tailored for her unique skills and physicality, this is a beskar'gam perfect for its odd yet promising owner.

Elise steadily uopgraded the beskar'gam as time went on, and as she followed her own path. She would add more ancient Mandalorian gear, such as an older model of plasma shield, onto the armor. Additionally, she would commission smiths to tweak the beskar and technology, improving resistances to certain types of damage such as CyroBan.

When Gwyneira Vizsla died, it devastated Elise. Gwyneira's daughter would go on to repaint the armor black and red, a tribute to her mother. She also equipped her mother's old combat gloves, which had been a gift from Shai Maji, Elise's aunt.

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  • Intent: To make a personal non-beskar'gam light armor for Elise Vizsla, taking inspiration from rogue, assassin, etc. type classes in RPGs.
  • Image Source: Here, edited by me.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: (tba
  • Primary Source: Elise Vizsla's beskar'gam.
  • Manufacturer: tba.
  • Affiliation: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira
  • Market Status: Closed-Market.
  • Model: N/A.
  • Modularity: Yes.
  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: tba
  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Very Light.
  • Resistances: (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique. This Resistance Rating is considered very strong and are usually dealing with unique items that should be restricted to Player Characters only.
    • Energy: (And other Blaster type weapons) How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
    • Kinetic: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
    • Lightsabers: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
    • Other: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage? (Examples: Sonic, EMP/ION, Elemental. You must disclose each specific type that applies to this submission with its own rating.)

  • Rogue Number One: A light armor made of cloth and leather, this is a lightweight and comfortable garb that offers both protection, maneuverability, and comfort.
  • Mandalorian Insight: This is no beskar'gam, but there is still plenty of Mandalorian tech weaved into this outfit.
  • Stealth: Utilizing the best stealth technology in the galaxy, this armor is perfect for undercover and sneaking.
  • Not A Warrior's Suit Of Armor: This is no beskar'gam. Kark, this is no suit of armor! Despite the protection against plasma technology, this armor offers little to none protection against blunt force trauma and metal weaponry.
  • Space Is A Horrible Way To Die: This outfit is useless and pathetic for space travel.
  • Tba
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  • Advanced: Containing heavily advanced and bewildering technology and systems; the Estrela is uniquely modified. Stealth technology, a medical and alchemy bay, advanced hyperdrive equipment, and more are all at the disposal of the ship's owner.
  • This Is The Life!: A cozy and roomy freighter, the Estrela is a wonderful ship to call home.

  • Advanced: This is a ship full of complicated, advanced, mind boggling technology. If anything in the Estrela is damaged or broken, it will essentially require a genius of mechanical engineering to fix it. Not to mention, the cost!
  • It Runs 100% Of The Time, 70% Of The Time: To compensate for the large internal stowage and living compartments many of the ship's advance systems have been mounted externally such as the on-board deflector shield generator and quad-laser control systems. Making the ship liable for constant maintenance and repairs.

An old model of freighter used for the New Imperial Order, the IPLT-01x 'Excursor.' Star Swoop has seen continued use by the people of Archais, long after the Empire's fall. One model, christened with the name
Estrela, was bought by Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla and heavily modified for her daughter, Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira . The ship has been upgraded with improved defenses and offenses, has been equipped with stealth technology, and has had interior redesigns. Worked on and tinkered with for years, the Estrela is the result of a mother's passion project for her child. Elise was gifted the Estrela when she was sixteen years old, and has used the ship for transportation and mobile living space from that time on.

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  • Intent: To make a signature sword for Elise Vizsla.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: Bes'Manda.
  • Primary Source: Beskad; Bes'manda Ori'kad.
  • Development Threads: tba


  • Classification: Sword (Beskad).
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Light.

  • Bes'Manda:
    • The blade always glows faintly, growing even brighter the more energy is consumed.
    • The sword can serve as a focusing medium for meditation and some Force abilities.
    • Tar'Nau in its entirety possesses a memory and emotion-based consciousness which is semi-sentient.
    • Tar'Nau is capable of non-verbal communication with other pieces of Bes'manda and force sensitive beings. The sword is especially bonded with Elise Vizsla. The beskad is saturated with the collective memories and emotional impact of the Mandalorian Cataclysm. The sword communicates through radiated memory and emotion as communication.
    • Tar'Nau will feel warm to the touch to those it likes. It will feel cool to the touch for those it dislikes. Finally it will feel hot to the touch (near-burning) to those it hates (Dark Side Force users - especially Sith, strongly Light-Side affiliated Force Users, people who have hurt or negatively affected Elise Vizsla).
    • This sword appears to enjoy music, songs, and storytelling.
    • Tar'Nau enjoys violence against Aruetii, particularly against Dar'manda, Jetii, Dar'jetii, and anyone who has hurt or negatively affected Elise Vizsla. The blade is exceptionally passive, however, with the Novanian branch of Arkanians.
    • Tar'Nau can develop its own personality and traits beyond the ones listed above. This personality capability is similar to that of a droid's.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • A beskar cross-guard protects the sword wielder's hand.
    • The hilt is adorned with a corusca gem. This is a purely cosmetic feature.

  • Immune: As a beskar and bes'manda crafted sword, this weapon thrives when deflecting lightsabers.
  • Elegant: This is a light, well balanced sword which can be wielded with absolute ease.
  • Quasar: The sword can absorb, focus, and amplify any form of energy, including Force energy. It can store large quantities of this absorbed energy, and the blade becomes more powerful the more energy is consumed.
  • Hot And Cold: The core temperature of the blade increases with the amount of energy stored. It starts out cold, then grows into an unbearable heat.
  • Balance: This sword is highly damaging and resistant towards Sithspawn, Dark Side Spirits, Light Side Spirits, Force Golems, and any other force entity strongly tied to only one side of the force.
  • Power Attack: During a slashing/ cutting attack, the sword is enhanced in cutting through both soft and hard protection, such as Force Imbued Cloth, Silk, and Leather, Cortosisweave, or heavy plating made of common metals. Beskar, phrik, and other lightsaber immune metals are still unbreakable. The only exception is cortosisweave. Any other form of cortosis can withstand it.
  • Bonded: The bes'manda sword is uniquely bonded to Elise Vizsla. It will only allow itself to be wielded by her, or the few other people it trusts alongside her. The blade will not trust anyone strongly aligned with the Light or Dark Side of the Force, even if Elise trusts the person in question. The Dreamseer Blessing can only be awakened and used by Elise herself. If a non-authorized person tries to use the sword, it will emit a terrible and painful frequency until the sword is let go. Of course, someone could still technically use the sword in this state - it would just hurt and cause migraines so severe that it is not a good idea.
  • Goodnight: Through the bes'manda's bond with its owner, Elise Vizsla, the blade is permanently blessed with the Dreamseer Covern's Blessing. However, the connection is usually dormant and requires activation from Elise Vizsla herself. When awakened, this power causes the sword's usually plain appearance to change. Once invisible runes will glow a bright red, and the blade's edges will dimly glow red as well. The Dreamseer Blessing allows the blade to force an unconscious, dreaming state upon any creature it remotely scratches - even grazes. The effect is near instantaneous, taking between one second and five seconds to complete. However, this awakened state can only be maintained by the sword for a singular minute, and it takes twenty-four galactic hours to recharge this power. Furthermore, the entire sword suffers side effects like a Dreamseer does. For the next seven galactic hours after the Dreamseer Blessing is used, none of the bes'manda's special properties can be used, reducing the sword to a regular beskad.

  • What Goes Up Must Come Down: The energy the blade, absorbs, when overloaded, must be released. Either as an explosive pulse or a directed beam. If the overloaded energy is ignored, the energy will be released in an explosive manner, wounding all within its immediate vicinity.
  • One-handed: This sword can only be held with one hand.
  • Hot And Cold: The core temperature of the blade increases with the amount of energy stored. It starts out cool, then grows into an unbearable heat. When it hits that scorching heat, the blade is overloaded and must be released.
  • Use The Force: Only a force user can communicate with a Bes'manda sword. Non-Force Sensitive users cannot guide sword on when and how to unleash its stored energy.
  • Force Nullification: When exposed to Force Nullification, the bes'manda blade loses it unique properties and falls dormant. It functions as a normal beskar blade.
  • Force Nullification Feild: If exposed to a Force Nullification field, the bes'manda blade releases its stored energy in an explosive manner.
  • Shatter: The rare corusca gem used as an ornament has a shatterpoint. If struck just right, the entire gem will shatter. Not only is this an expensive loss - but it also could harm the sword's user with shrapnels.
  • Goodnight: The Dreamseer Blessing on this sword has multiple drawbacks. The awakened state can only be maintained by the sword for a singular minute, and it takes twenty-four galactic hours to recharge this power. Furthermore, the entire sword suffers side effects like a Dreamseer does. For the next seven galactic hours after the Dreamseer Blessing is used, none of the bes'manda's special properties can be used, reducing the sword to a regular beskad.
  • Not A Lightsaber: Despite the brilliant strength and power of this sword, the blade still cannot cut through solid, thick metal.


On Mandalore, long ago, the House Larraq Plate and Blade could be found at the outskirts of the city of Keldabe. Surrounded by local farmers, the revolutionary farmland smithing family was reknown for its brilliant array of weapons, armor, and new materials and ores. One day, the House was attacked by flying Sithspawn, and the local farmers surrounding the area flocked to help the House in its defense. As a reward, the farmers were gifted an armory of weapons and armor as a thank you for their loyalty and bravery.

One vod on the farmland was a timid, shy Force Sensitive girl named Endraya Kryze. She was as much of a Mandalorian as any other, a warrior and protector of her people. But she was a sweet, gentle, caring girl to people and livestock alike. The local tooka population simply flocked around her. As the young girl entered her pre-teens and discovered his affinity with the Force, The Larraq family crafted a Bes'Manda sword and gifted it to the Mandalorian farmer who helped fight against the Sithspawn that fateful day. This sword would be named Tar'Nau, meaning Starlight.

It would be unfortunate, that the weapon and its owner would never see the day they could become legends. Shortly after passing her Verd'Goten, the girl became a victim of the
Purge Of Mandalore. One of countless Mandalorians slaughtered as the Sith violated and tormented Mandalore. Endraya had become seperated from Tar'Nau during the chaos of the Purge, as the old farm went up in flames. An unknown relate of Endraya's took Tar'Nau after Endraya's death and locked it away in a secret bunker of Mandalorian weapons and armor, unwilling to let the sacred materials be defiled by Darth Carnifex and Ra Vizlsa after their deaths. With the cache locked away, the sword would lie dormant for decades.

That was, until, the cache was rediscovered by a scouting Mandalorian, surveying Mandalore's wastes. When she found the cache, the sword immediately recognized that Elise Vizsla was quite similar to its old owner... and Tar'Nau took a liking to her.

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  • Intent: To make a signature weapon for Mevia Vizsla. An ancient, long lost blade to parallel her sister Elise's.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Primary Source: Soul Steel, Fear Blades.


  • Classification: Sword, Beskad, Hand-and-a-half Sword.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Heavy (in sheath)/ Average (sword itself.)

  • Craftsmanship:
    • The hilt and cross guard of Jetii'Kyramud are made of solid beskar. The heavier beskar hilt means that it could be used as a bludgeoning tool (half-swording and murderstoke techniques). Furthermore, Soul Steel's effects do not extend beyond the blade.
    • A beskar rod is within the Soul Steel blade. This increases the weapon's durability and strength.
    • The scabbard is made of mostly beskar, with a thin Vong leather lining inside the sheath. This Vong leather can nullify Jetii'Kyramud's Soul Steel effects, but is not strong enough to nullify anything beyond the sword itself when sheathed.
    • A permafrost crystal is ornamented in the handle, adding a frosty, misty glow to the blade. Aesthetic only.
    • The sword model is a Hand-and-a-half sword.
  • Soul Steel Properties:
    • Soul Steel has better kinetic durability than Durasteel, but is worse than a generalized restricted material.
    • Soul Steel has better energy and thermal resistance than Duraplast, but is worse than a generalized restricted material.
    • Soul Steel is a lighter weight-per-mass than Alusteel.
    • Soul Steel has a roughly comparable lightsaber resistance to phrik.
    • The blade glows a grim blue when unsheathed.

  • Soul Steel: The Soul Steel blade is naturally imbued with the Dark Side of the Force. This unique metal is charged with emotions of excitement and resolve, as well as fear and panic. This makes the sword itself distracting and disturbing to Force Users, making it a perfect anti-Force User weapon. The Ionite inlay adds additional effects as well. The sword can penetrate shielding and produces an electrical, shocking effect when it makes contact with technology or organics.
  • Corrupted: Naturally charged by the Dark Side of the Force, Lightside Force Users will struggle even more from Jetii'Kyramud's emotional effects, as well as its natural corruption.
  • Mighty: Soul Steel, and especially Beskar, are remarkable and resilient metals. Jetii'Kyramud can take more kinetic, plasma, and even lightsaber strikes than the common metals of the galaxy.
  • Versatility: The hand-and-a-half sword design of Jetii'Kyramud is versatile in every way. It is suitable for both stabbing and slicing. It is balanced in a way that allows for both one and two handed use. It can also be perfectly used in half-swording techniques.
  • Power Off: There is a thin Vong leather lining inside the sword scabbard. Whenever sheathed, the effects of the Soul Steel blade are negated completely. This allows the sword to be carried casually, alongside Force Users, without Force Users getting a migraine or panic attack.
  • Offensive Scabbard: The sheath of Jetii'Kyramud is made of beskar. The hefty sheath can be clipped to the sword and used to transform it into a heavy bludgeoning tool, or to withstand more damage and act as a pseudo shield. However, the soul steel's effects are negative if Jetii'Kyramud is sheathed.

  • Soul Steel: Soul Steel's Force Imbued nature and properties make Jetii'Kyramud a living hell for Force Users to attempt to weild. The emotions emitted from the blade are too distracting, distressing, and debilitating for a Force User to withstand. Of course, a Force Sensitive could use this sword, but not very effectively. When Jetii'Kyramud is in its scabbard, it can be used by a Force User without any side effects as long as it remains in its sheath.
  • Corrupted: Naturally charged by the Dark Side of the Force, Light Side Force Users will struggle even more from Jetii'Kyramud's emotional effects, as well as its natural corruption.
  • Light In The Darkness: A Light Side Force power such as Wall Of Light, or a Light Side Nexus or Field, could nullify Soul Steel's effects the same way Force Nullification can.
  • Softer Edges: Soul Steel itself is quite powerful, capable of withstanding lightsabers - but not to the same degree as beskar. In a similar manner to phrik, if soul steel is directly placed against a lightsaber blade or repeatedly beaten by a lightsaber, the Soul Steel can shatter and melt. The Beskar rod in the center, obviously, will remain undamaged as beskar does. But the blade potentially being melted and chipped can certainly be a problem, and even make Jetii'Kyramud dangerous for its weilder.
  • Power Off: There is a thin Vong leather lining inside the sword scabbard. Whenever sheathed, the effects of the Soul Steel blade are negated completely. Whenever the sword is sheathed, even in combat, the effects of the Soul Steel are negated completely.
  • Not A Lightsaber: Sadly, neither soul steel or beskar can cut through solid metal plating and surfaces. If used as a bludgeoning tool, however, the scabbard or handle could dent metal.

One of the Chaab'kad "Fear Blades" crafted during the days of the Mandalorian Empire, this sword was crafted by a smith unremembered; and bestowed upon a Mandalorian unremembered. Unremembered, as in, he himself is unsure of what his identity was anymore. This particular Mandalorian was loyal to Ra Vizsla and his allies in the Sith Empire, fighting side by side with Dark Side evils and betraying his own vode.

When the Mandalorian Union liberated Mandalore from Sith rule, this individual fled back to his overlords like the dog he was. And yet, despite losing everything he had fought for at Ra Vizsla's side, he still had more to lose. Darth Carnifex gave him and other survivors of Mandalore's takeover a "gift." This gift was to transcend mortality, and to be stronger than ever before as reward for their undying loyalty.

Of course, this gift turned out to be a curse.

His soul had been ripped from his body, stuffed inside a crystal, and placed within a cybernetic machination of metal and electronics. He indeed was stronger than before, and he indeed had escaped mortality... but at the cost of his humanity.

As the decades went on, serving Darth Carnifex with relentless loyalty, he slowly forgot who he was... what he was, even. He was human soul trapped inside a cybernetic body, oppressed under programming despite having a human will. Perhaps, he thought to himself, he deserved it for what he had done in life. But as his insanity grew, and he lost sight of a life before this one, he had one thing remaining at his side. He had one object to remind him that he had been something more, long ago.

His sword.

Even after all this time, the Chaab'kad that he had been gifted with long ago was still his own. With this sword, he fought forever onwards as a slave to the Sith regime's will. He took all his rage, all his pain, and delivered it unto whoever he was ordered to tenfold. And it went on and on, on and on, for decades.

Until, one day, he was ordered to kill living Mandalorians invading Sith territory. Whatever year it was, whatever era it was, all his memory could clearly see was the golden glimmer of a beskar'gam and an enraged Mandalorian. He was bested by the young, living warrior. He dropped his sword, relinquishing the last of his life, as he finally was freed from the living hell he thought would last an eternity. As his robotic consciousness faded away, and as his soul faded into the Netherworld, the garbled gibberish was faintly heard from his vocalization device.

"Vor entye..."


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  • Intent: To make a secondary lightsaber for Elise Vizsla.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Primary Source: Lightsaber, tba



  • Classification: Lightsaber.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Light.


  • (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths )


  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)


  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)


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  • Manufacturer: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira
  • Affiliation: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
  • Market Status: Closed-Market.
  • Model: N/A.
  • Modularity: Only by a Novanian Shaman.
  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: Novanian/ Archaisian Force Imbued herbs; Bacta; Force Imbuement.

  • Classification: Drug/ Stimulant.
  • Method of Consumption: Orally, Injection, or through open wounds. Can only be used once.
  • Average Life: Battlemind effects last for 2-5 minutes. Healing takes a minute to fully complete and dissipate.
  • Nutritional Value/Allergies/Side Effects/ Purpose: (Does this consumable have any nutritional value? Are there any known allergies or potential for side effects)

  • A mixture of Force imbued Novanian herbs, bacta, and Force imbuement allows for insanely rapid healing of injuries, wounds and sicknesses. Regardless of how severe the wound is, the potion will heal it in approximately one minute.
  • The mixture imbues the person who took the potion with Battlemind, giving them a much needed boost in power for up to five minutes of combat.
  • The potion has Elise Vizsla's Force Signature ebbed into it, releasing a comforting sensation where she is the source.
  • The potion has a bitter, sour taste and a horrid aftertaste.
  • The potion glows in its bottle, and when it is consumed it will cause all injuries and wounds to glow red as they heal.

  • Healing: This concoction is insanely potent as a healing potion. The combination of unique herbs, bacta, and Force imbuement upon the potion is a blessing. This potion can completely heal injuries, even broken bones, torn tissues, strained muscles, and life-threatening blows, in approximately one minute of time, rapidly working as the minute progresses. This potion also works on most diseases and poisons, dispelling the effects and killing the substance.
  • Second Wind: Through the integration of Battlemind into the mixture, this potion gives its user a temporary boost of power with all of Battlemind's effects between two and five minutes.
  • Remember Me: The potion's creator, Elise Vizsla, imbued her own Force Signature into the potion. When the potion is taken, the user is comforted by her essence, and given a calming, soothing feeling as if she was there comforting and loving the user.

  • Make It Count: This potion can only be used one time, and one time only. A rare and unique formula, it is insanely difficult and taxing to create, and can only be crafted once at a time.
  • No Pain No Gain: The healing process itself does not apply any numbing effects. This means any pain from injuries - and even the pain of healing so rapidly - can take its toll on the person who consumed the potion.
  • No Good If You're Dead: This potion cannot revive someone if they have died.
  • Get Out Of There: After the Battlemind effect wears off, the potion seemingly reverses in all effects and powers. Furthermore, the strain of such a potent potion can leave the user feeling weariness and weakness, as well as hangover symptoms such as headache, wooziness. and imbalance. This potion is best used as a life saver, so the user can get out of their current situation without dying.
  • A Sacrifice: Whenever the elixir is used, wherever and whenever, the potion's creator will feel her own essence drain temporarily. As if the lifeforce was sucked from her, she will deal with withdrawal from the potion itself, as her own Force Signature is temporarily sacrificed to save the potion's user.
  • Tastes Horrible!: This potion itself tastes like bantha dung left in the sun, mixed with the most bitter of herbs, and then stirred into radioactive waste. Needless to say, it is a foul experience that will never be forgotten. If the potion is to be ingested, be sure not to gag!

A powerful potion made from Novanian herbs, various applications of the Force, and bacta - this miracle in a bottle serves the purpose of healing and saving the user, Malum Marr. Inspired when Elise Vizsla saw what the Jedi had done to him during the Caldera Crisis, Elise resolved the make sure that did not happen again. Pouring even her very Force Essence into the potion, this labor of love was made to heal any injuries while the user is alive, to comfort Malum with her own presence, and to give him enough of a second wind to fight his way out of the situation before him. However, the potion took its toll on Elise herself, weakening her significantly both when she made it, and inevitably when the potion is used. Furthermore, there are no pain killers or numbing effects to this potion. Once the potion is used, the user will feel cathartic and weary from the rapid effects. This is a onetime potion, with so much poured into it and sacrificed. It cannot be used more than once; and it should only be used as a last resort.

"I love you. Stay safe and come back to me..."

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  • Intent: To create a stealth suit for Aoki-Barran Mira.
  • Image Source: Midjourney, edited by me.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: Highland Brotherhood.
  • Primary Source: N/A.


  • Classification: Multipurpose, stealth.
  • Weight: Very Light.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High.
    • Kinetic: Average.
    • Lightsabers: Very High.
    • EMP/ Ion: Very High.
    • Electrical: Very High.
    • Disruptor: High.
    • Elemental: Low.
    • Vacuum: None.
    • Sonic: Average.
    • CyroBan: Average.
    • Stun: None.
    • Chemical: High.


  • Of The Shadows: This suit has a wide array of stealth materials and technology more than capable of hiding from detection, both visually and technologically.
  • Electric Paradise: This suit is designed to maintain stronger resistence against EMP/Ion and electronic attacks.
  • Assistance: The suit has some add-ons and gadgets added with the purpose of aiding in movement, further stealth measures, and silent combat.
  • Deflect The Light: Thanks to the cortosis-weave, this armor can resist lightsaber blows. The mask itself can short out lightsaber blades if they make contact.
  • I Will Not Scatter: The suit is resistant to disruptors.
  • Whispers Of A Cure: The suit is resistant to chemical warfare,

  • Fragile: As a flexible bodysuit, this armor is weaker against kinetic energy, impacts, sonic damage, and cyroban damage.
  • The Wind's Bite: This suit is ill suited for facing temperature extremes and harsh weather.
  • Stunned Into Silence: Stun technology passes right through the armor, stunning its wearer.
  • The Most Expansive Shadow Of All: Against the void of space, this suit is useless.

Crafted by The Highland Brotherhood once she properly joined the Imperial Military Protectorate, Aoki-Barran Mira had this stealth suit made as she descended into the shadows of her work as an Imperial Shadow... and as she descended into her exile. This suit has been used for years in her line of work, a perfect stealth bodysuit that could be used in light combat as well. Concealing her presence, even concealing her identity, this Atrisian influenced suit has seldom failed her before.


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