Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Had some members call Staff lazy today

@All Staff

I am going to take this opportunity to thank all staff for a bang up job they do around here, thankyou so much boys and girls. Considering this is purely done by you all for the love of it and star wars and gives us all the opportunity to RP to our hearts content, I appreciate all that you do.

Someone... called the staff lazy?
Either they're butthurt about something not going their way, or they don't understand the word effort.
Every day the staff work.
They go over threads, help settle debates, work out bugs, help keep things fair, organize events, change titles and names, endure complaints, and go over factory entries.
Every day they work their asses off, all so the site can function and be fun, not just for them, but for you.

*BS standing for buffalo snacks, obviously
"Pfsha, Staff is a bunch of lazy, self-serving oafs!"
Let me emphasize: Staff positions do not equate to privilege. It is responsibility. It is culpability. It is not a power trip. It is a loss of sleep, frayed nerves, and many headaches. It is a constant juggle of wresting expectations with your own needs.

And when everything is said and done, this is all you come away with:

...And sometimes this when Tef leaves out his cocaine after cleaning up on Fridays:


Disney's Princess
Criticizing the Staff:

Don't do it peoples. If you have a concern then PM an Admin and talk it out like adults. Attempt maturity. You do not have to default to verbal abuse and bitterness in vain attempts to solve your concerns. Now, I do realize that many of our members are not actually old enough to be considered adults; but it wouldn't be completely inappropriate to try. And if you really don't trust the entire Administration as whole, then you really should not be participating on this website.

Take it from a Drama Llama like me. Learning to communicate effectively is not easy, but is attainable. :D

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