With the troop shuttles on the ground and disembarking, and pending anything going wrong, Revenant Squadron could stand down for the time being. The gleeful Umbaran decided to explore the area and see what wonders Rakata Prime held. With the twin suns on his grey skin, a fresh ocean breeze filling his lungs and a skip in his step, Chaar headed off through the tropical foliage toward the sound of crashing waves.
The unfamiliar sounds of bird and animal life filled the air as he wandered with no real destination in mind. He didn’t move with a purpose or goal in mind, instead of enjoying the journey as it took him. One's life wasn’t judged by the number of medals pinned on your chest or the rank you were promoted to. All jobs and pursuits were equally valuable. Maybe it was time to step down from Starfighter Command and take up a more fulfilling role, one where he could help those less fortunate. What wonders and rewarding experiences could a sting in the Alliance Agricultural Corps offer?
The tropic ferns gave way to a beach of pure white sand which stretched in either direction as far as the eye could see. Only a single object - an obsidian stone monolith with flat angular sides sitting a few meters out to sea - obstructed the idyllic landscape. Chaar studied the object for a moment, feeling drawn to it somehow. How surreptitious that his wonder should bring him to this exact location? Wonders will never cease!
Chaar waded out into the waist-deep water and placed his hand flat on the side of the monolith, his palm feeling a slight warmth and subtle vibrations. How unusual. Surely his colleagues would love to witness the wonder of this unusual pillar.
“Revenant, this is your most grateful and humbled Leader,” he called gleefully into the comlink. “I’ve found the most magnificant curiosity down at the beach which I think you should see. If it’s alright with you of course!”
He stood back while he waited for the others to join him and closed his eyes, basking in the beauty and wonder - what a glorious day to be alive!
Revenant Squadron: Five: Kaul "Joker" Emos | Six: Dani Stellaris | Seven: Leon Gallo | Eight: Len Vert | Nine: Artemis Toth | Ten: Qellene Tyliame