Nyx N1X3
Reaper in the Wings

Acceptable? The floating, spherical droid seemed as interested in the dance and interaction as Alpha himself was. Fortunately, time was on Nyx's side. More to the point, her processing units could easily handle analyzing the... dance style in motion without requiring a pause afterward to formulate an 'opinion.' That said, Nyx did pause for a second after the question was posed.
"So long as there is sufficient clearance on the dance floor. Organics can be... sensitive to unexpected, hardened limb contact." Nyx wouldn't claim the chaotic flailing 'graceful,' but mortals could do odd things on a dance floor. How could she say it was not a style? "I appreciated your cranial unit rotation. It added a unique quality to your performance." There were very, very few organic species that could come close to performing that move. It seemed something best suited to a 'droid' chassis.
Nyx turned her red gaze to EW. "Do you wish to dance as well?" Nyx was not certain what form it would take, but perhaps... "It seems organics enjoy dancing most when it is done as a group." Whether that was also true for sentients like themselves, Nyx couldn't say yet. It was an experiment worth conducting.