Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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if they're watching anyways

Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | The Crew

"I've only represented Epoch since its liberation, but I've been in politics since the Alliance's inception," she said, half-joking. "Cedric -- well, he comes and goes, doesn't he? I only met him... not long before the Crusade demanded the Wyl sector from the Sith, if I recall correctly. Last I saw him was not long after Korriban."

She shrugged. "I'm close friends with a former apprentice of his. Only natural that we'd meet... though, I suppose it's a sign of my social standing that I can count Cedric Grayson and Ryv Karis among my friends."

She smiled.

"I suppose it's equally as important these days to be friends with Senator Kotibana," she said. "How did you two meet? Tiresh is so quiet about her personal life. I only learned the other day that her father was so affluent, I feel like I know nothing about her."

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