Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Happy Life Day, Ya Filthy Animals [Darkwire]

Jennifer Blanchard

To say she was a Master who knew her stuff was tricky, but, well, Jenn, known on the Holonet as Gambit, knew a few things about how businesses worked. And as she had worked on the defenses for a lot of these places, she knew how to pick a firewall or two in order to at least free what she was looking for. It wasn’t going to be enough to rob the corporation blind, but it’d be a lot of funds for her.

She had a small little idea, to rebuild herself, to update her own cybernetics, and to set up a location where she could pose as a safe house. It’d be a small little hotel, a no-tell type of deal, with a bar, and a garage. Perfect for runners and hunters and smugglers. Come in, stay a few days, repair what you need, and check the hot sheets. The worst feeling out there was not knowing what direction to go.

And while crime wasn’t always the best direction, she wanted to be helpful. She was going to help pull people out of the alley, give them some work, and let them get on their feet. Hell, she’d even teach some of what she knew, so long as it didn’t cut into her profits. Maybe not how to fully jailbreak, or set up the most powerful Force enchantments, but she had an idea.

Tapping into the computer system, she was monitoring the cameras and comms as her datapad’s brute force hack entered the bank account. She was going to pull from the primary account, just a little, half a percent? No franchisee would complain, no one will know until she was in the wind.
Vestiges of Enlil’s reaction danced to her in the Force, caught by her Zeltron empathy. She could feel the tightening of his chest, the quickening of his breath, feel his arm tense for a moment when she touched him. As much as Yula leaned on her racial ability to manipulate a particular situation, she felt a touch uneasy about making him uncomfortable. She genuinely liked Enlil.

“Exactly, En. It’s the principle. She scoffed, feeling the gauge on her temper tick upwards. “We don’t want handouts.” Darkwire’s history with the Corpos was more complicated than that, but now wasn’t the time. She didn't expect him to understand. Or maybe he would, which was worse.

Enlil’s belief system could not be shaken, and Yula elected not to push him any further out of respect for their friendship. Carefully, she unwound her arm from his own and stepped back to give him some breathing room and a halting smile.

“Alright, I’ll lay off. It’s about time I headed out—” She glanced into the direction she’d seen Ruby mosey off into. Doc probably had their place ready for the real celebration, anyway. “Just promise me you’ll try to enjoy yourself at least, right?”

Enlil Enlil
"I'll tell them you were with me, if they ask," he said quietly. "The food is for guests, and that technically makes you a guest." It was far as he would bend the rules, but to keep Yula from taking the heat, he made the exception this time. "If you have time, you can find me on Ketaris."

He hoped that she might make time, eventually. "Enjoy the festivities with your friends. These are the holidays, I suppose." He glanced toward the entryway, where other Corporate bigwigs were already filtering in. The King took a sip of his wine, still quite ridiculous with his antlers in place.

"And Yulenka," he said, purposely using her proper name. He locked eyes with her and offered a soft smile.

He wasn't sure what he wanted to say, so he picked the first words that seemed appropriate. His gaze didn't shift. Enlil internally cursed himself. "...may the Force be with you."

Yula Perl Yula Perl
"I'd prefer to give them a few rounds from a DH-17," snorted Gray in response to Ruby,s comment about gifts. "But I guess coal and dirty stockings will have to do. For the moment, at least." That last part was muttered under his breath.

As Ruby made her way past him, Gray nearly lost his balance, and bumped into some guests walking by.
"So terribly sorry, this dirty janitor almost spilled muddy water all over me." The guests looked towards Ruby, and their expressions soured. It was clear they had no respect for the lower working classes. It even seemed like one was about to call security over to deal with the situation. "If you will excuse me, I will deal with her myself. If she can even be called a "her"." That tasteless joke was met with hearty laughter from the two guests Gray was talking to, as well as a fake laugh from Gray himself. But in his mind, he was imagining them chocking on that laughter. "It could take some time before I'm back."

After walking away from the two, Gray made his way over to the food-table. "Yeah, we have to finish up here fast. Don't know how long we can fool these scum-bags." He put something that looked like fish into the cart, and covered it with a piece of cloth that was already in the cart. "Managed to snag some coockies before the guests arrived. If we get a cake too, I think we have enough to have a good party."

He let Ruby take care of the rest of the food-stuff. There were other problems they had too, like how to get out without seeming suspicous. Guards were placed at every entrance. The best option they had were to try and fake their way out, though it was a very big risk in trying it. But there was another option. "Hey, Ruby, remember on the resort on Percellus Minor, when we stole from one of the food-stalls? You distracted the clerk, 'n I stole the food. I think it is time we reversed the roles. When you get the chance, get the loot out, alright?"

Ruby Jaxx Ruby Jaxx

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