Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hard Knock Life

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin watched the whole conversation, shaking his head... Sera really believed that she could turn people like him and Kezeroth to the light. The Dark was the nature of a monster. And, no matter the dissimilarities, the Thirteenth and the Gen'dai were both absolutely monsters. He holstered his weapon, and stepped out of the shadows.

"We're a dying breed, Lord Barcu. Free monsters. I'm free because I killed my master. It was painful to do, but more painful not to do. It could not slake my bloodlust, though, and it's only a matter of time before somebody decides I'm too dangerous to live. Sith, Jedi, Light, Dark, Gray... It doesn't matter. I can't feel the Force, or touch other people's minds. And it's likely that I will die alone, in a lab somewhere."

The former experiment walked up to help Sera stay standing, and gave a bored look at the cannon on the Gen'dai's shoulder, before looking back up at the masked face.

"I would kill, and kill, and kill, until planets burned into ash, if I thought it would help me escape that fate. But it might not. Honestly, I hate the Jedi and Sith. Not as individuals, but I hate the idea of them. If they didn't exist, I would not exist in this form. I imagine I would be happier in whatever other incarnation I would have been."

Gavin shrugged, and began to slip Sera slowly from Kezeroth's grasp, continuing to talk.

"Honestly, I've tried to find enemies that could totally destroy me, but my hunt has failed. Sith aren't drawn out by my killings, and neither are the Jedi who so enjoy purging our kind. So, there's no point. I'm just trying to not be alone, now. You might not understand."

(Sh*t, that's a long post)

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
A blue skinned Twi'lek gets tossed out of a bar, landing awkwardly on her knees. "And stay out you thieving scoundrel!" She picked herself up, slightly intoxicated before beginning to walk down the street, a slight stumble in her step. "Stupid humanoid... I'll show him a thief..." She was heading toward the bridge with all the commotion under it.
[member="Gavin XIII"] | [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

Sera lowered her head in his grasp, sighing quietly, "The Republic as a whole is not without fault, nobody is ever accepted in full by all, that is the way of things. But you would not be exiled or harmed, that much I can promise."

"If the Sith were to be purged" The Twi'lek paused for a moment, considering the thought, "The Jedi would not turn to become hunters of your kind unless given reason to. Our order values all life, but those who wish to conquer life, or destroy it, well, we are guardians of peace, so we do what we must. The Sith care about nothing but power, and conquest. Their claim of peace is hidden behind generations of oppressive rule. The Jedi have never laid claim to a sovereign people or world, nor would we."

As Kezeroth released her, she took a few breaths, enjoying the relaxation of her muscles from his stern grip. She noted the single tear and his decision not to murder her when he had the opportunity. There was still good in him, even if he could no longer see it for himself. The Sith had done terrible things to him, and yet, he did not exact further revenge upon her. She bowed her head to the giant Gen'dai as Gavin approached, responding to both Gavin and Kezeroth. "There are differences between Jedi and Sith, however most view us as the same because they do not understand those key differences. Sure, some of us have red lightsabers, and others have blue, green, yellow, purple. But there is far more to it than a colored crystal. Dark Side wielders seek power, they are willing to kill and destroy to obtain that power, they wish to conquer worlds, and they value no life but their own. Jedi are sworn to protect The Republic, its' citizens, and all life. We do not kill out of malice, greed, or power. "
She leaned against a wall, shaking her head, trying to clear the fog that the alcohol was making in her brain. "Come on... Shouldnt have had that last shot..." She groaned, shaking her head again, her lekku barely shifting from her shoulders. "Hotel... And safsafety... Go there..." And off she went, heading toward a seedy motel in the west side of the town they were in.

Taneas Haring

As Taneas walked out the bar he saw the two standing in the street, one was clearly a Jedi Taneas could tell by her posture and he knows the sight of Jedi he's been around them enough. he only caught the last part on their conversation and she was right. "hey kid stay there will you" looking at @AshleePerson. he then advanced between the Jedi and the obnoxious looking bruit. "Trust me the twi'lek is right. the republic only wants what's best if anyone came to uselooking to join we would accept them with open arms. Hey even look at the Jedi they have redeemed blood thirty sith into people who want peace. the best part is no questions asked. Now i've seen your kind on the battlefield and they where relentless won us battle we could never win with a normal man. if anything a couple of months of been with us, you would ear more respect amongst the troops than I ever did. now the sith they could care less other than there self they want power and to Kill anyone who stands in there way."

Taneas has seen war and he has seen what it can do to people, but he's seen what fighting for the right cause can do "we don't fight for ourselves we fight for the person next to us. we fight for those who can not fight so they don't have to, we fight because we want a better future."
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Ξ [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
"The Jedi are weak, pathetic creatures. Don't side with them. They are just as likely to leave you behind as the Sith are. At least the Sith will kill you after they are done with you, so they don't live a lifetime of regret..." Her hand went to her mouth as she stifled a gag. This wasn't a case of one drink to many. "Just go out on your own. Choose no sides." With that, she began to walk again, one hand on the wall for balance.

Taneas Haring

Taneas turned around to the small twi'lek girl "Actually you have it all wrong child. the Jedi are not weak you truly underestimate them little girl" he walked over to the to the blue twi'lek and whispered into her ear "and if I was you I'd run because if things go south the chances are that big guy over there with the hammer he would be swinging it around. it would be unfortunate if it would strike you"

it was only a simple warning of what could happen, but hey the last thing Taneas wanted was to be covered in someone else's blood. he turned his attention back to the Jedi and the brute. "as I see it you have three options. you can help make things better with the republic by helping those who can't defend themselves and giving them a better future. you can walk away and think about what your fate will be, or and I'm not a fan of this on I got to admit, you can attack us and things get some what messy."

[member="AshleePerson"] Ξ [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Ξ [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
Her hand slipped under the cloak she was wearing, and her fingers restes against the hilt of her sabee she build off of black market schematics. She gathered the force around her, submerging herself in its swirling vortex, preparing for the worst, hoping for the best, and probably going to have to act in between the two. Her gaze watched the exchange between the two, ignoring the warning she was whispered. "I don't underestimate Jedi. They underestimate everyone else."
" I have lived for Two and a half Millenniums... It is you who might not understand. he responded sharply to [member="Gavin XIII"]. As more people approached Kezeroth turned back around and eyed everyone. Listening to the Solider like man speak the Gen'dai chuckled at how corny his words were but Kezeroth knew what he ment and started to bring that to heart. If he fought for the side that wanted life then their would be something worth fighting for besides Revenge. He looked around as he the thought of himself protecting those who were to share him own fate of being a monster of the Darkside. As the Solider continued Kezeroth emitted a deep growl and turned around.

Being an Ex-Slave to the Sith the large Gen'dai did not take commands or anything he believed to be a threat Kindly. With a his gaze shifted under him mask Kezeroth eyed [member="Taneas "]the newcomer who had the presence of a Solider. Kezeroths Particle Beam Shoulder blaster twitched locking on to the man. The Situation was calm with the Empathetic Twi'lek and the other monster [member="Gavin XIII"] near, Kezeroth was giving them neutral respect but who the in the fething hell was this Solider talking too! As Kezeroth stood there his arm twitched and his being gave off a bloodlust the more he continued to stare at the man.

" Keep talking and ill show you how some what messy I can get. Stand Aside and shut your karking mouth..." he snarled in a serious tone at @Taneas. If the Man continued to talk like that things would get messy.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
Who are these two? I've just spent the last thirty minutes trying to convince [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] not to kill myself, or [member="Gavin XIII"], and here they come to antagonize him? They're going to get themselves killed.

Sera lifted her hand towards the Gen'dai, knowing full well that whatever their current bond, friendship, truce, or whatever it could be called was at the moment, if these two involved themselves any further, it was going to be a very, very bad day for all involved. The Gen'dai's blaster rotated toward the new arrivals, and the Twi'lek Jedi became slightly more anxious, "Kezeroth, please, don't." The Padawan stood beside the massive figure, his body towering over hers. She looked back toward the other Twi'lek, who was seemingly reaching for what could only be a lightsaber. What in hell is going on? "Do not draw that weapon."

Things were now so complicated she had no idea whose side anyone was on. She simply wanted to spare the day of bloodshed, and for some reason the powers that be would seemingly refuse her this one, small favor.

Whose side is this other Force-sensitive on? This soldier is going to antagonize Kezeroth into another rage, and I still have no idea what Gavin plans on doing if chaos breaks out. Her mind was jumping back and forth between the others, one after another, trying to decide what to do about each one.

[member="AshleePerson"] | [member="Taneas"]
"I only plan to draw if things go south sweetheart." A smile curled on her lips, and she chuckled. "Though I wouldn't mind a little blood being spilled."

Yet inside her mind, she was wishing for anything but. The alcohal coursing through her system made her thinking a hair sluggish than normal, which is all it took to lose a battle, or your life. She didn't have a side, never have. Shes always been a loner, and she didn't plan to change that due to some uppidy Jedi thinking they were better than everyone else.

Taneas Haring

Taneas walked back over to stand in-between the Jedi and monster. "seriously the last thing I want is things to go bad." he walked over the the brute and handed him a card "have a think about the republic. the last thing I want is there to be a firefight with innocent lives at stake" Taneas didn't show fear he had seen everything a man should not. "if you do consider the republic here is where to go. there is also a way to contact me there and I can vouch for you if you do chose too." his voice was calm, he didn't want to antagonize the monster after all.

he spun around and walked over to the Jedi "I will take the girl and take her to a hotel or something. I do apologize for intruding in your business" he nodded his head out of habit, as all Jedi ranked higher than any soldier. Taneas once again walked over to the blue twi'lek girl and picked her up, before walking down the road past the Jedi "you do like to stir up trouble don't you" he said to the twi'lek girl in his arms "I'll take you to a hotel and check you in you're way to drunk to walk alone in this sespit of a city"

[member="AshleePerson"] Ξ [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Ξ [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
She snarled, her hand flashing out and grabbing his wrist before he had a chance to pick her up. "Try and pick ne up human. I am no child. I am 19 years of age and have been through things I wouldn't wish on my enemy. I deserve respect, and I'll get it."

She released his hand, clearly angry. She considered drawing the saber, but suddenly bent over, her dinner and all the alcohol in her system spewing iut from her lips in a grotesque fountain of bile.

"I feel slightly better..." She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, the taste of bile strong on her tongue.

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin grinned like a wolf at the kid who seemed to be drunk enough to threaten a Gen'dai and the two people brave enough to fuck with him. His grin grew even wider at the blue Twi'lek's words.

"Such bravado you've got there. You can't even keep your alcohol down."

Belying his mock-contemptuous manner, the Thirteenth spat blood up from his injured chest. His grin returned, and he tossed his head back, laughing madly.

"But I can't seem to keep my blood down. You'll have to excuse me, little girl."

[member="AshleePerson"] [member="Taneas "] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
"I can keep alcohol down... I've drank more than this before and shot an apple of the head of a wookie at 100 meters..." She shook her head, her lekkus shifting with her head. Something was wrong. Very wrong here.

"The drinks are stronger here or something..." The fog was returning to her brain. "I gotta get to the hotel before I expel my internal organs through my mouth."

She started to walk again, but ended up stumbling and falling to one knee. This action caused her cloak to flutter open, briefly revealing the lightsaber she kept at her side. The handle was longer than a normee saber, indicating it was a double bladed saber.

Yet the force flowing through her was raw and untrained, obvious to anybody with an affinity to the force. She has taught herself what she knows, but has no formal training.
Accepting the Card Kezeroth grunted and dropped it in his belt pouch. In time he would consider..maybe. As for the Jedi [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] and the monster [member="Gavin XIII"] He would see them again. His interest dimmed on this planet and his company grew stale... the Gen'dai blamed the New arrivals, but in truth things were meant to end this way. Turning his back Kezeroth walked away toward the starport... IT was time for him to leave.

" We will meet again..." he added as he walked away in the other direction.

A plume of smoke floated in the air dead center of what appeared to be a upper torso dressed in rather flamboyant and over the top clothing. A dark java brown dress coat, pin stripped colored shirt and a dark burgundy red scarf was barely seen as well as a pair of black dress shoes making the sight seem like the smoke cloud had its own body. After a few minutes passed, a pair of tortoise-rimmed glasses was visible through the smoke screen holding a pair of vibrant blue eyes. The partially hidden spectator watched [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"], [member="Gavin XIII"] and [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] from a few yards away in a dark corner hidden within the shadows of the grimy scene before drifting over towards [member="Kenna Raine"] for a moment.
[member="Kruprixious Rikard"] | [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"] | [member="AshleePerson"] | [member="Gavin XIII"]

Sera turned as the Gen'dai began to depart. With a sigh of somewhat relief, she turned to [member="Gavin XIII"], "Well, it looks like that's taken care of then. I must depart as well. Though, if you'd like to join me Gavin, my ship can fit another."

She turned, bowing her head to the other drunk Jedi, followed by a shrug of her shoulders, and a bit of confusion. "Good-bye."

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin grinned, lazily saluted the drunk Twi'lek and her unwanted chaperone, nodded to Kezeroth, and followed Sera as she walked away. As he turned away, his grin slipped into a smirk at his new friend.

"You're cute... For a Jedi."

He stuck a finger in his ear, flicking away crusted blood and small bits of rubble. At least the bleeding had stopped.

"Heh, this day. First, you come over and stop me from killing a serial killer. Then, a giant guy who was a main character in a lot of weird Sithy childhood fantasies of mine shows up, and now I'm hitching a ride with you."

Some blood ran out of his nose, and he grinned again.

"This is the most fun I've had since my brain started working."

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
[member="Gavin XIII"]

Entering to the starport and lowering the hatchway to her ship she paused a moment and turned back to Gavin with a raised eyebrow, sly smirk, and sarcastic voice. "Cute for a Jedi? Does that mean Jedi are notoriously ugly? Or Twi'lek Jedi are untasteful? I don't know much of how that could be construed as a compliment." She laughed. Prodding him was a bit of entertainment for her. "And you need to have your ear, no, your entire body examined. Bleeding out of every hole like that can't be healthy. Anyways, where are you headed? Perhaps I will accompany you before returning to Ossus."

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