The Attention Seeker
Kitty was hearing what Ferus was saying but not really understanding it. It seemed to contradict what she had seen personally. "And what about those that have done nothing to the sith that were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. You guys sure don't seem to have anything against killing them. Last I checked you don't even think twice about it. Defending yourself is one thing but you don't seem to care about anyone outside of the sith. Why do they have any less right to live than we do? What about their family and friends that are going to miss them all because what, they just happen to be in the path of your lightsaber oh well? Most of us don't even have family or people that care about us other than each other and even that is shallow very shallow. One could say we have less right to live then they do."
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[member="Darth Ferus"]