The Eye of the Storm
TAG: Alicio Organa
Jonyna had not been back to Fondor in quite a while. While the planet had been made the GA captial, the jedi seldom traveled there. Much of it's function was senatorial, mostly out of fear of Imperial reprisal. The Alliance had fended off one invasion of Coruscant, and yet had yet to kick the Imperials out of the Core, away from striking range of the city-world.
Still, Jonyna had a very important person to meet. Some would argue the most important.
Amani Serys 's husband.
Who...also happened to be the Chancellor of the Alliance. But that was less important, in Jonyna's mind at least.
...maybe she was just trying to defuse the situation in her head. Jonyna hated politics. She had always told her crew 'Find someone smarter than me to do that', back in her days as a Rebel. She was a hero, not a handshaker.
Still, meeting the Chancellor would be a breeze, right? She'd met him once before, back during a lazy day on Hosnian Prime. Back then, she was a simple knight, and he was a simple senator.
Things had changed since then.
As she landed the Tenacity outside of the Senate Building, she looked up at the looming, mushroom shaped structure. Her jungle roots couldn't help but make it feel like she was meeting some sort of grand sage.
Then again, Alicio was no Master Yoda.
That would have her skill crawling.
...Perspective Jonyna, always remember perspective.
It could be worse, right?