Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Harrowed March | Chaos Undivided {First Order + Request}

Talos Tassar



Allied Tag(s): Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani
Adversary Tag(s): Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , Yuna Westwind , Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil

"If they have any wits, they will have detected us by now, Admiral. We either have to count on greed or on us being faster. The time frame for us to be able to catch them might be limited, so I would probably go full speed ahead and get to the Reaper. Losing it is optional, losing the enemy is disastrous."

Talos was fully aware of the missions parameters and it was to establish dominion here and show dominance. That won't happen if the enemy slipped through their fingers. They needed to engage them and defeat them to show that the First Order indeed had the capabilities and power to establish order here. So battle was the only viable option and victory the only desired outcome.

The Marshal Commander was very well aware of the fact that as long as they could prove victory here, nobody else would care. And nobody would care about the price. They needed to crush the Mawites Renegades and show some corpses which proved this undertaking. A few shipwrecks and indeed a prisoner would do well.

But they needed to get them.


Ekaddon the Arsonist


E T O G A U R _ B I T T E R F Y R E
D E A T H _ W A T C H _ O V E R L O R D



HOSTILE TAGS: Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Talos Tassar


He sat on his command throne like it was a leisure seat in some nightclub, legs crossed and with a bottle in his hand, occasionally drinking from it. There was basic activity around him on the bridge, bridge-slaves and members of his Death Watch alike were working around, either because they were on watch or because they were literally chained to their stations. The air was thick with smoke of various substances as well as the awkward scent of cinnamon and decay mixing in.

They were content after they had overran this system for their current employer, Ekaddon. Very content. Having destroyed several outposts of the emerging First Order fools and having captured several tons of precious Maranium. It was a victory to them and definitely a time to cherish. They had found an old pirate base months prior, deep in the asteroid field and captured, refurbished and garrisoned it. Now their group of ships hung loosely above it and waited for new orders while they had plundered some merchants and houses on the world for more special goods.

Etogaur was having a bottle of exquisite liquor himself, enjoying it on his favourite place with his favourite view. On the bridge of his captured cruiser, twisted and altered through decades of service within the Maw Brotherhood. It was less a matter of values to him, than of profit and fun. He and his men loved to fight, loved to kill and they loved to win. Nobody likes to lose. And with victory have to come certain amneties or what would victory be worth? So they plundered, looted and marauded what they could to get what they desired while feeding off their more than capable weapon and combat skills.

Since the Maw was destroyed and scattered, they stuck to their current employer, Ekaddon and would do so until he ran dry of stuff to do or led them into defeat. They were Mandalorian, they were Death Watch and only strength could be respected.

He was awoken from his thoughts by one of the stations awakening. The slave at it right away was nervous but dealt with it and called for his superior who viewed the information displayed before turning and swiftly walking to Etogaur.

"Overlord, we have contacts in the system. At first it was just a frigate-sized ship, now multiple more have appeared, including two very large warships. Probably the First Order which wants to get back their system."

Etogaur smiled, revealing sharpe teeth. "Get the men to their ships." He dropped the bottle which burst into thousands of shards and spilled the expensive liquor on the deck, a far more thrilling drug coming. "Let us taste their blood."

I nod in agreement. "Trials are necessary indeed. So far our med-gels have worked on a number of species. Although we are aware of the possibility that it might not work for all." There are far too many species in the Galaxy to test on them all. And not nearly enough of them ever travel to New Cov. The planet is an almost unknown jewel in a vast sector of nearly empty space.

"Both providing escorts and having a facility on New Cov have their pros and cons. If you wish for your scientists to conduct their own experiments, then raw biomolecules is ideal. And those will need escorts. However they are welcome to conduct such experiments here." There are no foreign governments investing in New Cov and having it's interests therein. But perhaps I can change that. Not only would it provide a fair degree of profits, but also security should pirates and raiders invade us again.

I sip my tea before continuing. "New Cov is a harsh world, however. The jungles are deadly and not to be taken lightly. Afterall, it is for good reason that all of our society live within the sanctity of the domes. However I am certain that your people would be up to the task. Would I be correct in that assumption, my Lord?" There are some societies that thrive on a challenge and I can only hope that I have presented a good one.

Tag: Trajann Vemec
sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ





Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani Talos Tassar Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Ekaddon the Arsonist
"Frigate turning to starboard!"

"Fire Ions!" Aloy ordered, immediately bathing the bridge in an oppressively blue glow as the heavy Ionic chase guns began to belch their disabling payload at The Reaper's backside. The plan was to disable their thrusters first, Though she was more than happy to continue the onslaught until perhaps the weapons or shields could be overloaded as well.

It reminded the old Nite Owl of her time among Mand'alor the Reclaimer's war table, causing her posture to straighten and arms to cross behind her back. She had done this so many times back home, staring at the cityscape of Sundari either in thought or observation of the defenses.

She missed it. Dearly so. But at least one thing never changed:

No plan survives first contact...

"Daimyo! Hail from The Dragon!" The communications officer would shout hurriedly.

"First Order fleet inbound! Lead by a Stardestroyer, multiple frigates!"

"What...?!" Her fist clenched as she turned around, marching to his station to see the display for herself.

Thankfully, the Selvig Jamming System installed aboard The Recluse had the ability to selectively jam and un-jam specific frequencies or methods of communication on a whim. Thus, The Golden Dragon's transmission and any accompanying data would still reach the smaller vessel so long as this single frequency remained.

"Launch Boarding-pods, one team targets the bridge! We're on a timer!"

She demanded, marching out of the bridge in a thunder of heavy leather and cybernetic steel.


"I'm taking the bridge myself"

Already, The Recluse would begin belching a small host of Reaver-Class boarding pods
, which began speeding towards The Reaper's rear and Command Bridge in separate groups. One of which, Aloy would be loaded in with Viper Team.

Meanwhile, The acting captain would send another comms burst to Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil in her stead. All spoken in
Mando'a of course.

<<Recluse to Golden Dragon, We read you. The Daimyo is rushing the assault as we speak. Can you buy us time, Ironlord? We may be able to assist with
Cruise-missile strikes if you can feed us target coordinates>>



"Sir! Engines at 30%!" yelled an incompetent nobody.

"Then turn on the shields, fool!"
Lethesema reprimanded him harshly.

"Impossible sir, my station is fried!"

The captain growled. This was all Admiral Makani's fault.

And then the lights went out.

"Sir, we've lost all power! They probably hit our reactor!" the same junior officer reported.

Great. The captain stormed over the man's station and shoved him out of the chair. A slap! resounded throughout the entire room as he fell to the floor. Lethesema looked at the scans...boarding pods.

Maybe the rest of the frigate would fall, but not him. The marines would escort him to an escape pod...then he would be safe. Yes. His plan was ingenious. Maybe he could even get away from the First Order and live a peaceful life on a farm world somewhere, and-

His thoughts were interrupted as the ship shook violently. Something else was broken. Just as his life was.


The Reaper had failed to check in, or even respond to the many hails the Furiosa sent out. That meant the frigate was either destroyed, disabled, or jammed. Probably disabled by now. Kaleigha imagined the ship drifting dead in space, while a boarding operation was being carried out inside. Most likely. The enemies were Mauraders after all. Maybe.

Kaleigha stared at the tactical map; at the slightly lighter blue ripple that expanded on the hologram, representing the battlecruiser's sensors. And then, something popped up. A corvette. And right next to it was the Reaper. With many boarding pods headed towards it. It was still out of visual range, but soon enough, the admiral would see the extent of her bait's destruction.

And then they were there. The corvette was behind the frigate, firing ion blasts at its engines,, which were flickering on and off. Looked like Captain Lethesema never got the chance to get a single shot on the Mauraders. What a fool to allow someone to sneak up behind him. Sure, it could always happen, but he hadn't even deployed a fighter screen to guard his rear. Unless it was scrap now.

Kaleigha turned around the face the bridge members.
"Here are my orders: all cannons, open fire on the corvette. The rest of the fleet will guard our rear. Talos Tassar, I want you and your men in your attack shuttles ready to launch. We must board the Reaper to fight off the Mauraders within. Any questions?"


Talos Tassar



Allied Tag(s): Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani
Adversary Tag(s): Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , Yuna Westwind , Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil

Talos looked at the Admiral with a perked brow and certain disbelief. What? Why? The order and the idea did not make any sense at all. If she sacrifices the Reaper, she should not be surprised to lose it or try some action to regain it when it is boarded. But instead of just thinking it, the Marshal Commander rather said it.

"We will not, Admiral. With all due respect - there is no reason to try and waste manpower to save the bait you set out there. The enemy has disabled the ship until we arrive, probably entirely, so instead we should rather try to focus on the ship which they could get away with. If they board the Reaper, they are boarding a dead weight which will not carry them anywhere. So if we get their ship, they are trapped and we can decide what to do with them as we please."

He had offered her his troops before, but that was courtesy and he would not hesitate to deny an order which at most was a suggestion. The Stormtrooper Corps was not the Imperial Fleet and he would not allow his troopers to be sent to a useless mission if he could prevent it from happening.
Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Location: Deep space, near the Lorardia System

Current Objective: Await reinforcement call from Recluse


Ships in Flotilla: The Golden Dragon

Combat Capable Crew: 12 Divisions of


Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Talos Tassar Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani

Leenic stood anxiously on the bridge, watching the holotable for any prompt of the Recluse attempting to reconnect channels with the Dragon after sending the last message. As soon as the ping to accept a transmission sounded, Leenic opened the channel and looked up to see another Mandalorian speaking to him.

"The Daimyo is doing WHAT?" He said, placing a hand over his visor and letting out a long sigh. "Fine, alright, we can work with this. Captain, prep your cruise missiles and tune them into the frequency linked to this message. That'll clock you in on our targeting systems and give you the opportunity to use us as a spotter for your missiles. The Dragon will buy you some time, but she isn't invincible so you will have to be quick in order for this to work."

Before shutting off the comm system, Leenic turned around to shout his next orders. "NAV! I need a point jump to the other side of these asteroids, put us between the Recluse and the First Order fleet!" He yelled, turning back to the holotable and picking up the PA system again. "Gunnery teams, focus fire on the First Order Battlecruiser, the frigates are negligible to the Dragon for the time being. Engineering, make sure our shields stay online."

Once the orders were given, Leenic tightly gripped one of the safety handles on the holotable and gave the Recluse's captain a quick salute. "See you on the other side, Cap'n." He said, cutting transmissions just as the Dragon hopped into hyperspace and nearly threw him off his feet as she quickly decelerated out of it, her broadside facing the First Order Batttlecruiser's bow.

"All guns!" Leenic yelled into the PA system once more, staring at the holographic projection of the enemy fleet. "Fire when ready!"

He braced himself once more as the Dragon's gunners let of a barrage of lasers and railgun shots, hoping that they could at least scratch the paint on the hostile warship.

"We will not, Admiral. With all due respect - there is no reason to try and waste manpower to save the bait you set out there. The enemy has disabled the ship until we arrive, probably entirely, so instead we should rather try to focus on the ship which they could get away with. If they board the Reaper, they are boarding a dead weight which will not carry them anywhere. So if we get their ship, they are trapped and we can decide what to do with them as we please."
"Hm. Very well, Talos Tassar. You will boa-" she was interrupted by the gasp of the sensors officer. Definitely not military protocol. Kaleigha was about to reprimand the woman when she reported, "Ma'am, enemy battlecruiser right before our bow! It's firing on us!"

Kriff. "Fire back, then! And maneuver our functional frigate straight down their bow towards the bridge. Have them hit that with all their ventral cannons! Keep the corvettes back guarding our rear for now. And launch all starfighters and bombers to target the battlecruiser!" she snapped. Then, she turned back to the stormtrooper at her side, pointing towards the holographic image of the newcomer on the holomap. "Do you think you could board that, then?"

Kaleigha half-turned towards the bridge to watch the battle unfold outside. The enemy ship was rather large, probably bigger than the Furiosa. She watched it unload shot after shot into Kaleigha's flagship. She certainly didn't appreciate that. Now, the enemy would feel similar pain as the Furiosa's cannons lit up in response, pounding away at the battleship's starboard weapon emplacements, hopefully wearing down the shields enough to destroy a few. And then, the 5 starfighter and bomber squadrons swept past the bow, racing towards the enemy. The starscape slowly changed as the Furiosa lined up for a broadside as well.

Yes, they would feel similar pain.

Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla


Trajann Vemec



He perked a brow at that.

"With trials I was more referring to how we are using it and how well it can be integrated into our procedures and field kits - less that we might face issues with treating some of our people, our soldiers."

"With that in mind, maybe the gel needs further trials on more species before it is ready. Because if we trial, we trial in real situations, not laboratory."

Trajann looked at her for a reaction and what she might make of it. It was a bit of a disappointment that the company lacked behind on that, the First Order was not humano-centrist and didn't care what kind of skin or blood color you had as long as you were hard working, skilled and lawful. It was a small company, but still, medicine was one of the most, if not the most, sought after science field in the Galaxy, needed by everyone.

"As for the possibility of us to develop a research station on your world, I would indeed not rate flora and fauna as an issue for conducting such business. We can overcome and outlast that."

Does he mean to test it in the field during battle? That is quite the unorthodox method. Although I suppose that it is not entirely unheard of. It is just not very common for us. I am more used to the laboritories when it comes to trials, for battles are not common around New Cov. At best we have attacks from the Screachers and various other creatures within the jungles.

"There are not a lot of species that visit New Cov. We are not a trade centrist planet, afterall. Nor are we a hub for tourism. The jungles are a big part of the reasons for it." Not only that, but our scientists do not go about to other planets and spaceports looking for test subjects for our products. That in and of itself would be a waste of resources. Not to mention it opens them up to being robbed of our precious biomolecules to be sold in the Underworld markets.

I am not at all surprised to hear that the Supreme Leader comments lightly on the dangers that the jungles provide. It is very common amongst outsiders. But they learn one way or another. Going into the jungles is not like some walk in the park.

"Are there any issues that you do see moving forward?" I finish my tea and set the saucer and cup down gently on his desk, doing so in such a way that not a sound from it can be heard. Afterall, a conversation need not to be interrupted by the clanking of dishes.

Tag: Trajann Vemec
sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ





POV: The Recluse
The acting captain gripped the holo-table's edge tightly as Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil expressed his shock at the unfolding battle. He knew that The Daimyo was always... bold, but never realized just how bold she had gotten since losing Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla .
It wasn't easy serving with the old Nite Owl, but in times like these he had to remind himself that they followed her for a reason. Nobody was here by blood ties nor oath, but because they believed in a cause.

Time would tell if it were still the right cause.

The Dragon will buy you some time, but she isn't invincible so you will have to be quick in order for this to work."

"This is the way." He reminded himself, saluting the Ironlord with a steel-clad fist over his heart.

Then he would regard the others from over his shoulder, commanding the bridge he had been entrusted with in an urgent but newly confident tone.

"Relay target information to the missile bays! And keep this channel open, No point in hiding the enemy's coordinates from them"

"Friendly exiting hyperspace!"

"Good." He sighed in relief as the hulking starship appeared on the map between The Recluse and The Furiosa.
Truly, the micro-jump drive was a wonderous machine, and served as the wings to an angel among the star strewn battlefields.

Soon, the recluse launched the first pair of Cruise Missiles towards The Furiosa, at whatever point The Golden Dragon willed them to do so. Now the rest was up to them and The Daimyo.

POV: Boarding Team

All the while, Aloy steeled herself as the boarding pods were shot through the stars like carnivorous sea beasts swarming larger prey. The flow of tactical information continued to update her as the situation changed outside, her extensive software designs and some cybernetics keeping her well informed of The Dragon's arrival and the launching of her own ship's weapons far beyond, at which point she altered the feed to display the most drastic of changes. Given that her equipment was neural linked, she only need only will it back into action if the need arises.

The pod shook violently almost soon as the feed was dismissed, having cut into The Reaper's armor in unison with several more pods, some of which had already deposited their payload of Mandalorian warriors into vital parts of the ship.

But the most vital of all, had been saved for The Recluse's best, and her alone.

"3...!" Redsun growled, The commander of Viper Team standing right beside her at the forefront of the squadron. Aloy and her men all deployed their Personal Combat Shields, bathing the pod in a ghostly blue light as they took aim.

All save for Aloy, who held her signature Hammer aloft.


The plasma cutters outside came to a stop, and the door suddenly began to hiss.


A cacophony of baster fire tore through the cool air of The Reaper's bridge as the doors opened, a few Mandalorians from a neighboring pod and a warrior or two from Viper Team's own ranks were the first to fall, either wounded by stray blasts that found gaps in the beskar or killing newer brethren whose defenses were made from common metals, though they quickly avenged their fallen two fold as storm troopers and imperial officers alike began to fall.

From amidst the chaos came the roar of a jetpack and the technological groan of a Kinetite generator as Aloy shot across the bridge, shattering a trooper's helmet in a spray of white plastoid as she came crashing down, the momentum enough to fuel her kinetite for another blow as she spun around throw the next man across the bridge in a sickening display of Technology and Mandalorian savagery united in one design.

All of this was fueled by one thought- one singular drive- that the aging Daimyo would fight tooth and nail for:

"I will not leave empty handed"



Everything was going to hell. Sheltered here behind a targeting console while the junior officers held their blasters at the ready, pointed towards the blast door. It couldn't end like this. Not to some random nobodies out in the middle of nowhere. He was better than this. He deserved more. Damn Admiral Makani. Damn it al-

The captain suddenly found that he couldn't hear his own thoughts as the blast door was forced open (whether completely disintegerated, or merely opened, he didn't know), and one of the officers nearest him fell down with a smoking hole in his chest. Lethesema curled up into a ball, willing it all to go away. This couldn't be happening. There were shouts of pain all over the bridge, and soon, most of his officers were gone. There were still the marines, though, probably making their way up right now.

But they'd better get here soon. Otherwise, it would be far too late.


"Ma'am, the corvette has begun launching cruise missiles at us! I believe our point defenses can handle them for now, but if they launch a massive barrage, we'll sustain major damage!"
reported the sensors officer.

Great. Everyone was pitching in to help take on the First Order fleet. What to do...

Her own corvettes were still on guard duty behind the battlecruiser, but Kaleigha knew it would be wise to keep them there, lest some more enemy reinforcements pop in behind them. Her superior tactics would have to win her the day, then.

"Scanners, please give me a detail on the enemy battleship. I want to see where it is weak."

"Yes ma' seems their armament is geared more towards long-range engagements. Also, their railguns are in fixed positions. I bet that if we send enough fighters and bombers out there, we can devastate them in time. But for now, I estimate that our shields will fall much faster than theirs, and they already are. What should we do, Admiral," he asked.

If a straight-out fight would result in Kaleigha losing... she would have to use some unorthodox tactics to give them an advantage. In this case, the advantage was getting away from those railguns. "Helm, take us directly underneath them. As close as you can get without scratching the paint. And maybe from there, Talos Tassar can launch his boarding operation," she ordered.

The helm hesitated for a millisecond, then complied, and began bringing the battlecruiser closer to the enemy's main lineship.

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil
Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Location: Lorardia System

Current Objective: Await reinforcement call from Recluse


Ships in Flotilla: The Golden Dragon

Combat Capable Crew: 12 Divisions of


Leenic watched the holotable as the first barrage was sent off, blasters and railgun rounds alike blasting the Battlecruiser's shields for a moment before a return barrage was sent right back at the dragon's hull. "All hands, fire inbound!" He called out over the PA system. "Brace for shock, starbord side!"

As the hostile blaster barrage slammed into the Dragon's thick shields, a light tremor rocked across the ship, causing the few officers around Leenic that hadn't braced themselves to stumble slightly in place. Leenic knew his ship's shields were thick, and although the First Order's ship was powerfull, she was nowhere near powerful enough to outgun the Dragon in a one on one duel, especially with the missile support the Recluse was managing to give off.

"Recluse, missile hit, repeat, missile hit. Fire for full effect." Leenic said through the comm channel to the Recluse, highlighting several points along the bridge and bow for the Recluse to drop her payload. "We've got em pinned, the battle will be ours shortly."

But, as Leenic finished his comm with the Recluse, he saw the First Order's ship suddenly accelerate, starting to slowly close the distance between her and the dragon. "Nav! How long until the point jump is spolled up? We need to get away from that Battlecruiser!"

"2 minutes, sir!" Called one of the navigation staff, his hands frantically typing away on the screen in front of him. "I can try and maneuver us out of her way, but in order to stay within safe operating capacity for the engines we won't get far before she's on top of us!"

"Fine then, we do this the hard way." Leenic growled, running his tongue over his teeth before picking up the PA system again. "Marines! Prepare yourselves to be boarded. Any updates of hostile locations onboard the ship will be sent directly to your platoon leaders for dispersion!"

Another volley of cannonfire sounded off once he finished his alert, causing Leenic himself to stumble a bit from the strength of the Recoil. If the first order wanted his ship, he sure as hell was going to make them pay for it.

Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Talos Tassar Kaleigha Makani Kaleigha Makani

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