Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Harry Potter and the Ocean Planet

"That, unfortunately, is a reality of Force-usage. You were able to go on your bounty-hunting business, without the witchcraft I'm teaching now, for years, and you never seemed to overextend your Force-power on duty. It takes time to replenish one's Force-power after you exhaust it"

She remembers why clans like Mantis, Spar, Vendet and, to a lesser extent, Munin, Vhe'viin, Cholo, have such heavy anti-FU biases: as he implied, a Force-user that exhausted its power too fast would be at a disadvantage in combat vs. another one that didn't. Especially a Witch like Cathul; as a Sorceress (at least if the descriptions for Witches in the Star Tours Guide to Force Specialties were correct) she was relying a lot more heavily on the Force than she would her weapons. Cathul wasn't the best shot, nor was she the best with a lightsaber. She had a beskar'gam that is now a painful reminder of her past life as a therapist, when she used to be a half-decent therapist (but by no means extraordinary, and that was sufficient to practice on Mandalore), because she named it after that profession. She spent all of 15 years practicing therapy only to have her ability to do it removed by just one patient, the sort of patient no one wants unless they have master-level power themselves. Meanwhile, yet more duracrete was poured alongside rebar for structural strength in the inner wall of the main reactor room.

"However, the last one - I'm not sure how much use to you is the ability to inflict PTSD or some other horror in an enemy's mind but it is what Force-horror is about. You seem to be a little low on power, take your time to rest"

[member="Kiber Thaxton"]


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
"Force horror? Now that sounds like something I would definitely want to have to hand when I'm going up against slavers across the galaxy. If you don't mind Cathul, would you be able to teach me?" he remembered hearing stories from his sisters about their use of Force Horror when they were interrogating slavers on the whereabouts of their "property" and other slavers across the galaxy who they did business with.

Kiber began to think that this skill would definitely be the most useful in his arsenal. But, he knew that he would have to control his use of this skill, less he stray from the gray area between the Light and Dark and turn into something he despised. He made himself a silent promise that he would do his very best to only touch the Dark Side when there was no other option left.

[member="Cathul Thuku"]
"Force-horror is the second tier out of three; Force-fear doesn't last as long but does the same thing with less power. Force-horror may render a target catatonic, whereas Force-fear will, yes, create horrors, in a target but with no chance of rendering it catatonic. However, some targets will resist a Force-fear spell but not a Force-horror one. Not many can resist a Force-horror spell, and even less still can resist a Force-insanity spell"

Cathul used Force-horror almost to the point of spamming back on Axxila, prompting stern reprimands from the medical staff assigned to the war games. If she was to fight again, she would try casting Force-horror from long range, out of range from Electric Judgment, pyrokinesis or cryokinesis. Other than that she was a consummate spellcaster that was more of an offensive kind of witch for battle spellcasting. She *could* cast spells and whatnot, but she had no idea of how to use Force Barrier. Probably something that would be useful to learn at some point if someone could teach me, she thought. She had to remember that her spellcasting range for Electric Judgment, pyrokinesis and cryokinesis is about the same as a blaster pistol, whereas she can fire Force-horror at similar ranges to a shoulder-fired slugthrower firing 7.62x54s. Meanwhile, another section of the power plant machinery was being assembled nearby their position.

"For that one though, it may be best to go to the county jail and experiment on a convict"

[member="Kiber Thaxton"]


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
Kiber nodded in agreement. "So what sort of convict would I be testing this skill on? Hopefully not someone who can kill me after I have made them scared out of their minds?" he had seen first hand how these powers could ravage someone's mind, accompanying Sinya on a mission; they had to rescue the daughter of a Twi'lek clan leader, and she tortured the girl's owner by making his very worst nightmares come to life.

"And if and when I learn all three tiers, do you think the pull of the Dark Side might become much stronger than it already is Cathul? My family has always managed to keep the temptation in check, and I do not want to fall prey to its calls..." he shivered as he thought of himself turning away from his family and friends to follow the dark path of the Sith and the Empire.

[member="Cathul Thuku"]
"Unfortunately, to be able not to fall to the dark side while one masters all three tiers in that branch, requires a good knowledge of neuropsychology. I know from experience that most Force-users lack such knowledge. I used to be a therapist before that Sith Lord just removed most of my ability to perform medical functions, with a generous application of beatings and of dark-sided Force-powers, but I would never have become a therapist without that sort of knowledge. By the way, I am at the gates of the third tier"

And Cathul still have residual memories of her time as a baar'ur and as a baat'kaysh before that. Her memory proved to be much stronger than her Force-healing skills or therapeutical skills. Usually one reached knight-level in Force-fear they can unlock the second level, and once one reached master-level in Force-horror could they think of the third tier: apprentice-level Force-insanity is the same as master-level Force-horror, while apprentice-level Force-horror is the same as Knight-level Force-fear. Man was she effective back on Axxila using Force-horror. With run-of-the-mill, apprentice-level Force-fear, AOE is all but ruled out; AOE becomes possible with Force-horror. (Usually AOE is taken to mean more than one target being hit in one shot) While the beams for the power plant's control room were being welded into place, the duet left for a prison still under construction, designed for about 500 convicts at once, on another island called Magus Island.

"One exploits their knowledge of neuropsychology to avoid using the dark side of the Force and then one can cast Force-fear, horror or insanity without needing the dark side. Just come over to that jail under construction under the same convict labor that will populate the jail once completed"

[member="Kiber Thaxton"]


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
The Mandalorian accompanied his Spellweaver to the prison and looked over the population, wanting to pick out an inmate that seemed to be sceptible to a Force-horror attack. He finally found one, so Kiber began to focus intensely and brgan to strike deep inside the man's brain.

He picked out most of the horrors that this inmate had been through and brought them to the surface. Suddenly, the inmate backed away and then screamed as they invaded his mind. It continued for several minutes, until the horrors vanished from his brain and he slowly recovered.

"How do you think that went Cathul?" Kiber asked, as the inmate was immediately attended to by medical staff and other inmates who were concerned about what had just happened to him.

[member="Cathul Thuku"]
"Now that's one Force-fear you can use: you'll get to Force-horror level soon enough"

Cathul saw that he used the last of his power to actually make the Force-fear work. For the time being Cathul would simply use the Force on the target of Force-fear her apprentice used for training purposes so as to remove the effects of Force-fear on the target's brain. So maybe, just this once, she may still but that was out of guilt over letting even though it's as clear as day in her mind how Kiber was going to use and how often he was going to use Force-fear and, from there Force-horror. But what she thought was Force-fear and Force-horror actually amount to either more advanced versions of mind tricks or to a Force-stun the way she actually used it. While Kiber knows what actual Force-fear and Force-horror is, and how to cast them, Cathul did it wrong, or called it wrong, more or less the entire time. While the prison is still being built by the other inmates, Cathul had to put an end to the training session

"Just rest for the time being. Using these powers in this condition and in so short a succession was taxing on you: you will learn other spells at a later date, plus you need some time to properly assimilate spells you just learned today. You can go on another mission as you will and make use of these new spells. Cathul out"

[member="Kiber Thaxton"]


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire
"Thank you kindly Cathul, that is much appreciated," Kiber replied, as he climbed back onto the broomstick and left the prison, heading for his accommodation on one of the other islands. Walking through the door, the Mandalorian removed his helmet and his cloak, slumping down into one of the lounge chairs - it had certainly been a very interesting day and he had learnt a few spells that would definitely come in handy.

Congratulations big brother... I see you are finally getting a grasp on the Dark Side... I'll be seeing you in a while, so I can see your powers and help you put them into practice...

Kiber jolted awake from the voice in his head; no, it couldn't be, could it? He hadn't heard from Sinya in a while; she was a Shadow Gray Jedi, so she often went for long periods of time without contacting her siblings and parents.

[member="Cathul Thuku"]

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