Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Have a Heart [Korros]

Jala walked towards the ship as the ramp hissed open and the lights from within the ship shined out. "Yeah, she isn't any normal lookin' ship but she is a beaut." Jala commented as she stepped onto the ramp. "We're headed back to Exoccron, where the Moross Crusade call home. The refresher is the last door on the right of the rear corridor." Jala explained.

He pulled of his backpack, taking off the things he was wearing “Would you be willing to turn it on for me? Not even sure I know how to work one to be honest, its been a long time since I’ve been in a house. Our masters had a pool build for us to use with a fall of water, after my master died his wife had me bathe in the sink.

Without the clothes, he looked oddly vulnerable. He didn’t meet her eyes feeling a bit weird asking, he never had to before. It might not surprise her that he had been owned, it would certainly explain his wariness. There was certainly more to the story, but she’d get a sense that what little he’d told her had been as much as he felt like saying without it being too painful to talk about.

[member="Jala Rekab"]
Jala nodded to him. "Yeah, sure." Jala walked down the corridor which lead to the refresher. "What did you mean by 'master'?" Jala asked curiously. "Were you a slave once or something or..?" Jala felt a bit concerned for the little guy. Who knows what he's been through during his life. Someone of his stature could have been taken advantage of so many times.

He followed, setting his bag next to the door “Yes, but more like a skilled pet than a slave. My great grandparents had been taken from their home, back then it had been a fad, to have one of my kind as a pet. Eventually it wore off, but the family that owned us kept the tradition. My...parents didn’t mind it and neither did I, then, I was given to their son and his wife, but when he died and later they, I had no one to protect me from her cruelty. I left her, survived on my own and...thats that.

Surviving however didn’t necessarily equate to being happy. He knew there was more to life, but the sad fact was that the galaxy was a cruel place unless you were obviously humanoid. However, for the time being, while in her company he’d have it easier. A stable place to sleep and food, those were luxuries he’d not had in a good long while.

[member="Jala Rekab"]
The silver-black door hissed open, revealing the pristine refresher. The tub lied in the corner, silver in color and rather decent sized. "I see. That's kinda sad. To be taken from your home against your will to be turned into someone's pet." Jala stepped over to the tub and turned the dial which released the warm water from the faucet. "There are some truly cruel beings in this galaxy." Jala shook her head slowly. "And most of them will never change." The water died down as Jala turned the dial once more. "Bath's ready!" she exclaimed.

He had thought it would be just a shower, he knew better for next time as he could use the sides of the tub to turn the water on. “Thank you.

He hopped up onto the side and then gently slid in, momentarily treading water on all fours before standing up. It didn’t take him too long to get cleaned up, maybe fifteen minutes, eventually he walked out the room done. It might not have appeared like he’d needed a bath, but his fur was now a white as snow color instead of an off white color. What was even better was that because it was clean it was drying fluffy, wisps of fur waving drunkenly as he moved, soon he’d be just as fluffy as a white dandelion fluff ball.

He carried his backpack and hopped up into the seat next to her rummaging around in it once settled and pulled out another worn vest. This one was grey lined with green along the hem. He then put it on and took out a small comb to groom his fur before it dried in clumps.

[member="Jala Rekab"]
"Sure thing." she replied to his words of gratitude. She took a seat on the lid of the toilet as he cleaned himself. Once he was out, she giggled a little at his fluffiness and stood from her seat.

"I'll be in the cockpit if you need me." she mentioned. Jala turned out of the doorway into the corridor leading to the main corridor. The halls of the light freighter were a smooth silver with dark blue accents. Jala stepped into the cockpit where her astromech and pilot droid at the helm.

"Hey fellas. We're headed home." Jala said to her droid crewmates. She plopped into a passenger chair and waited for the ship to takeoff.


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