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Hayato ''Yasuo'' Moto

Atlas Kane



Name: Hayato Moto, also known as Yasuo
Faction: N/A
Rank: Jedi Master
[Knighted 13/02/2014]
[Master 30/04/2014]
Species: Human
Age: 56
Sex: Male
Height: 1,72 m/5'8'' feet
Weight: 70 kg/154 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Tan
Force Sensitive: Yes
Voice: Liam O'brien's Yasuo​


+ Defensive Combat Style, thanks to his training in Form III: Soresu
+ Offensive Combat Style, thanks to his training in Form IV: Ataru
+ Mixed Combat Style, thanks to his training in Form VI: Niman
+ Skilled Unarmed Combatant
+ Quick and Agile

- The Past: Opponents who manage to do something relating to his past might make him go into a Berserk state in which he doesn't think straight anymore
- Merciful: Hayato will never kill his opponents and he will sometimes even try to defend them if they are going to be killed by his allies
- Pretty Oblivious to the real world sometimes, I mean, he forgot to breathe a couple times. Do I need to say more?
- Selfless: He will try to protect others during missions, even at the cost of his own life
- Species: Hayato is a squishy little human thingy.

Hayato was born in the village his father, a former Jedi, had founded on an isolated planet called Rysil II. There he was trained by his father in the ways of the force.

Hayato had not learned much about the force when he turned 12, but he had invested many hours of training into learning the ways of the sword. Over the years he had built a strong connection to his father and they were like best friends, so when his father died due to an illness he was devastated. The tomb of his father was located that was located 6 km outside the village, and on the day he was buried, Hayato stayed at his father’s tomb for the rest of the day and through the night.

During the night however he was woken up by an explosion he heard that came from the direction of his village. He ran to investigate but was shocked at what he found; his village had been destroyed by slavers who were just leaving the planet with most of the village’s inhabitants. When he walked through the aftermath of the attack, he found only dead bodies and burnt houses. He would have been alone for the rest of his life, if it wasn’t for a distress call someone in the village had sent out when the slavers attacked. After a couple of hours a Jedi arrived and found Hayato just sitting in the middle of the village. The Jedi was surprised to learn that Hayato had already been trained the basics of the force. That’s why the Jedi decided to take him to the temple, but before he did that Hayato went back to the tomb of his father, swearing he would get revenge for his village and changing his name to ''Yasuo'', which can be translated to ''the peaceful One''. Yasuo then took the battle attire, which had been passed down in his family for the last couple of centuries, a flute his father used to play on and his father’s lightsaber. Those items would remind him of who he now is and help him get through the time at the Jedi temple.

When he arrived at the temple he had to catch up on studying the force, it would be a hard time for him. He would usually wake up at 6, prepare himself for training, train for 6 hours and then go to the library, where he spend the rest of his day. Yasuo kept up this routine for the next 9 years.

But in the end all of it had been worth the effort and he was finally made a padawan. His very first time encountering a master ended up in him being trained in Soresu and having put aside his troubles with his past. He had realized how self-destructive his hate and rage would be if he didn't put them aside and with a little help from Master Grayson he did exactly that. He put aside his hate, but not completely. He was still under the influence of his past and he would not set aside that. He had merely put aside his hate and anger.

Yasuo met with a friend, Taiden Keth, for a friendly duel and there he picked up the basics of Ataru.

Afterwards he was present during a barfight on some planet. He was there because he had noticed a Force Sensitive, but when he arrived he had only found thugs ready to shoot everyone in the cantina. He moved in to destroy their weapons without harming them and so he did. Afterwards he asked some questions as to who the other people in the cantina were, but didn't get any answers since eveyone was too occupied with claiming a slavegirl.

On Coruscant he was ordered to come to Master Grayson's quarters, where he and three other Padawans received orders to go check out some shady activity that might be going on in the lower levels of Coruscant. There he met Dar'rak, Sochi Ru and Saran Drast. They went to the hangar to fetch a couple of speeders which he and Dar'rak piloted until they arrived at their destination.

Then he was on Tatooine, where he Meta and Regor Laxvan followed a couple of Bounty Hunters to find out more about a slaver camp near the city they were in. They ended up defeating the Bounty Hunters in a small fight and then continuing to the slave camp via Regor Laxvan's Gunship. There they used everything they had to free the slaves and not get anyone killed.

After that was done he became part of a group of people investigating two murders on a ship traveling to Coruscant. It was him, another Jedi Padawan, a droid, a Chiss, a Republic agent and an Imperial Knight in disguise who were investigating said murders. They didn't get very far.

Yasuo was part of a team of Jedi who were dispatched to Zahat'n'ira to investigate a dark presence that had recently arisen on that planet. The team encountered Sith and other Dark Siders on the planet in a small village. Most of them were still together as a team but Yasuo had gone off and ended up facing a Master called Darth Arcis and a Sorceress called Lilith in the village's town hall.

On Vendaxa, Yasuo met a woman named Fabula Cavataio, who saved him from a couple of Acklays and moved on to teach him the basics of Jar'kai and expanded on his Ataru skills.

On Tython, somewhere in the Silent Desert, Yasuo learns a lot about the history, philosophy, stances and techniques of Niman. He does that by studying a couple of datapads with copies of books on Niman, the fifth Form of Lightsaber combat.

Yasuo was present during the Invasion on Ossus that was lead by the Jedi. He was part of a team that had been sent to attack the great Library. When the gunship he was in had arrived at their destination, he jumped out of the gunship, following a Master called Darc Xavior Talus who had killed all the enemy troops in the area. He moved closer to the Library, though he collapsed near the entrance when a powerful spell called Force Insanity was released by the Sith Master called Kaine inside the Library. The insanity affected him and he started to hallucinate about his father talking to him. His imaginary father then became a blockade which prevented the Force Insanity from making Yasuo loose his mind. This was only a short victory though, since as soon as he was finished a man called Yusan who had been affected by the Force Insanity moved in to attack Yasuo, thinking he was a Sith. They had a short duel which was interrupted by two Eternal Slaves who attacked them. Yasuo was able to defeat one of them after it had almost ripped apart his leg. Then he got ''medical treatment'' from Daella Apparine, the Jedi who was leading the Forces on Ossus, and moved into the battlefield around the Library. There he met a Dark Sider and converted her to the Light side during a short show-duel between them.

Back on Coruscant he met two other Padawans, called Xander Carrick and Kelios Shara-da who he recruits into the Army of Light. Shortly afterwards he was promoted to Knight for his actions on Ossus.

The young Jedi Knight then met a Thief on Coruscant. He attempted to stop him by chasing after the Thief, but in the end the Thief got away.

After Yasuo left the Republic and the Jedi Order to join the Fel Imperium, he trained Xander Carrick in the third Form of Lightsaber combat, Soresu. He did so after meeting Xander and offering to teach him, since Xander was looking for a person who was able to teach him Soresu. He also trained the daughter of Ronin Fel, called Neveah Fel, in the third Form of Lightsaber Combat.

To help the Fel Imperium he was dispatched during the Invasion of Kad V. He boarded a Sith Star Destroyer with Ronin Fel, but parted and went his own way. He arrived at a room with a Sith Master in it. Said Sith Master managed to break Yasuo and bring him under his control, though Yasuo was fighting back and when he got sent to the bridge and ordered to attack Ronin Fel, he broke out of the mind control and lead Ronin and his Knights to the Sith Master, where he got knocked out. The Sith Master was then killed by Ronin.

Yasuo also helped during the Invasion of Dubrillion. There his shuttle got destroyed and he was forced to jump out of it. He did so and luckily survived by using a strong Force Push to lower his momentum, though it still hurt a lot when he hit the ground. He might have broken a couple bones that day.

When the Army of Light moved out to attack the Sith on Munto Cudro, Yasuo went with them. He was determined to help and so he did. After jumping out of a shuttle he attacked a Sith apprentice alongside Xander Carrick, but was told to stop because the Apprentice, Xander, was able to take the Sith on his own.

On a calm day Yasuo walked into a bar. There he encountered a raging Astrian, an evil Neveah and an almost dead Zabrak. He wanted to help the Zabrak though Astrian turned his attention elsewhere and Yauso had to as well. Astrian had walked over to someone at the bar and was asking questions. Then that someone died and Yasuo and Astrian chased after a Bounty Hunter who appeared to have killed the man. They jumped out of the window and chased after him, though Yasuo was unable to keep up and so Astrian had to face off against the Bounty Hunter on his own.

Back on Bastion, Yasuo and Astrian Callus train together and he learns the basics of Telepathy and Preatoria vonil, one of the two Lightsaber Forms used by the Imperial Knights.

(WIP from here on) After he finally made peace with himself and left his past behind, Hayato, as he now calls himself because he had put aside his title and embraced his normal name, leaves the Fel Imperium and becomes part of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

On Bespin, Hayato meets a Bounty Hunter named Idiian sayali. He recruits her into the CIS, but then their conversation gets interrupted by D'Orrin, who only calls himself Ghost.

On Mandalore, Isley Verd visits his Aunt. Hayato and Galaar, one of the Dread Guard clones, accompany him and they all get shiny new swords that were made by Isley's aunt.

Hayato finally meets his HoloNet friends, Krest. They had been talking about a duel for a while now and now they were finally meeting in person and having a duel. The two are pretty equal opponents and no one knows who will win and who will loose. The only thing that is certain is that Hayato and Krest would be a force to be reckoned with if they worked together.​


- Traditional battle-attire
- A flute
- Aseryo, the Windblade
Basically this visual effect​

- A lightsaber with a golden blade
- Aesthetically customized Templar Armor (Appearance)​


Skill Ranking: Not Learned/Novice/Adept/Knight/High-Knight/Master
  • JbI1LIu.png
    [Master] Soresu
  • JbI1LIu.png
  • ProgressbarhighKnight_zps1b8d62de.png
    [High-Knight] Niman
  • Progressbar10_zps95e03481.png
    [Novice] Shii-Cho
  • Progressbar10_zps95e03481.png
    [Novice] Jar'kai dual blade fencing
  • Progressbar10_zps95e03481.png
    Praetoria Vonil
  • Progressbar10_zps95e03481.png
    Novice] Makashi
  • Progressbar10_zps95e03481.png
    Novice] Shien/Djem'So
  • Progressbar10_zps95e03481.png
    Novice] Juyo
  • Progressbar0_zpsd248aa90.png
    '-> [Not Learned] Vapaad


  • JbI1LIu.png
    [Master] Force speed
  • ProgressbarhighKnight_zps1b8d62de.png
  • 5JYayCa.png
    [Knight] Art of the Small
  • Progressbar_zps8e8275ed.png
    [Adept] Telepathy
  • Progressbar10_zps95e03481.png
    [Novice] Force Persuasion


  • Progressbar10_zps95e03481.png
    [Novice] Teräs Käsi


Training Threads:
Training Others:

In General: 44 | Completed: 16 | Not Completed: 27

Atlas Kane

Updated, but not yet up to date, I guess?

It'sa me, some guy
Who's gon do some stuff Samurai Style!

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